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Vocab Lesson 21. Aggregate (AG ruh git ). Sum total, whole amount. Partial amount. Root, Prefix, Suffix. Synonym/Antonym. Ag - do, act, drive (root). Derivatives. Aggregative, aggregately, Aggregation, aggregated, aggregating.
Vocab Lesson 21 Aggregate (AG ruhgit) Sum total, whole amount Partial amount Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Ag- do, act, drive (root) Derivatives Aggregative, aggregately, Aggregation, aggregated, aggregating Although difficult to mine, the aggregate of mineral resources in Alaska are immense.
Vocab Lesson 21 Archipelago (are kuh PEL uh go) A group of islands Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Arch-ruler or chief (root) Derivatives archipelagic The sailors were excited when they reached the archipelago.
Vocab Lesson 21 Boon (BOON) Favorable; a blessing, a benefit Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Bon-good, well (root) Derivatives curse Boons, boonless Hiring that young man was a boon for our company.
Vocab Lesson 21 Buffoon (buh FOON) A clown, a silly or stupid person Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Derivatives Buffoonery, buffoonish Only a buffoon would stand on the table during Christmas dinner.
Vocab Lesson 21 Chicanery (sheh KAY nuhree) Unethical methods, trickery Honesty, truthfulness Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym -ycharacterized by (suffix) Derivatives Chicaner, chicane, Chicaned, chicaning, chicaneries The lawyer used chicanery to get the witness off guard in his testimony.
Vocab Lesson 21 Contaminant (kun TAM uh nunt) Something that causes impurity; something that defiles or pollutes Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Con-together (prefix) ant-one who (suffix) Derivatives Pollutant disinfectant Contaminate, contaminated Contaminating contaminator, contamination The polluted water contained many dangerous contaminants.
Vocab Lesson 21 Corrugated (KOR uh gay ted) Bent into folds Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Cor-heart (root) Derivatives smooth Corrugate, corrugating A corrugated box absorbs shock and helps to protect its contents.
Vocab Lesson 21 Deleterious (del eh TEER ee us) Harmful; dangerous; injurious Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym ous-having; full of; characterized by (suffix) Derivatives baneful, detrimental, noxious, pernicious harmless; benign deletery, deleteriously, deleteriousness Some chemicals have deleterious effects on those who must handle them.
Vocab Lesson 21 Disputatious (dispyoo TAY shus) Inclined to fight, to argue, or to debate Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Dis-opposite, not, away from (prefix) Derivatives conciliatory Dispute, disputability, Disputation, disputatiously, Disputatiousness, disputative, Disputatively, disputativeness People avoided serious discussions with him because of his disputatious manner.
Vocab Lesson 21 Emend (eh MEND) To correct (usually by a critic) Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym E-out, away (prefix) Derivatives Emendable, emendate, emendation, emendator, emendatory, emends, emending emended The newspaper had to emend the incorrect statement printed in the paper.
Vocab Lesson 21 Fetter (FET ur) To restrict by shackling or chaining Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Er-one who (suffix) Derivatives To liberate Fettered, fettering The convict was fettered to prevent his escape.
Vocab Lesson 21 Giddy (GID ee) dizzy Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Y-characterized by (suffix) Derivatives levelheaded Giddify, giddily, giddiness I became giddy after drinking the champagne at the reception.
Vocab Lesson 21 Heterogeneity (het uh ro je NEE eh tee) State of being dissimilar, composition from unlike elements Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Hetero-different, other (root) Gen-race, family, kind (root) Derivatives Disparateness, Dissimilarity homogeneity Heterogeneous, heterogenesis, heterogeneously, heterogeneousness Coming from many countries and cultures, students in my class are an example of heterogeneity.
Vocab Lesson 21 Indomitable (in Dom eh tuhbul) Incapable of being conquered Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Domin-master (root) In-not, go into (prefix) Derivatives weak Indomitability, indomitableness, indomitably He was from a tribe that was thought to be indomitable but finally was forced to live on the reservation.
Vocab Lesson 21 Irresolute (eh REZ uh loot) Indecisive, unsure of how to proceed Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Ir-not (prefix) Sol-alone (root) Derivatives Sure; decisive; certain Irresolutely, irresoluteness, irresolution The confused child stood irresolute, waiting for some instruction.
Vocab Lesson 21 Metaphorically (met uh FOR ik lee) Compared nonliterally Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Meta-change, after, Beyond, between (root) Morph-form (root) Derivatives literally Metaphor, metaphorical, metaphoricalness, metaphorist, metaphorize Metaphorically speaking, he is drowning in oil.
Vocab Lesson 21 Panacea (pan uh SEE uh) Cure-all, remedy for all ills Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Pan-all (root) Derivatives Panacean, panace Love, not money, is the panacea for your problems.
Vocab Lesson 21 Peruse (puh ROOZ) To read or to examine To skim Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Per-through, throughout (root) Derivatives Perusal, perusable, Perused, perusing My lawyer says he has not had time to peruse the contract.
Vocab Lesson 21 Prodigy (PROD eh jee) One with exceptional talents or powers; an extraordinary accomplishment Ordinary occurance Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Y-characterized by (suffix) Derivatives prodigies Mozart was considered a child prodigy since he had great musical talents at a very early age.
Vocab Lesson 21 Rebuff (reh BUFF) To snub or to refuse bluntly To accept Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Re-again (prefix) Derivatives Rebuffed, rebuffing, rebuffs The woman was not afraid to rebuff the man’s inappropriate advances toward her.
Vocab Lesson 21 Resilient (reh ZIL yunt) Ability to return to a former state static Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Ent-doing; having; Showing (prefix) Derivatives Resiliency resiliently There is a need for more resilient bumpers on cars that can withstand minor accidents.
Vocab Lesson 21 Scapegoat (SKAPE gote) One who takes the blame for others Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Compound word Derivatives Since no one wanted to point a finger at the real culprit, the innocent man was made a scapegoat for the crime.
Vocab Lesson 21 Spurious (SPYOOR ee us) False or deceitful honest Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym Ous- having; full of Characterized by (suffix) Derivatives Spuriously, spuriousness Cashing forged checks is a spurious activity.
Vocab Lesson 21 Tractable (TRAK tuhbul) Capable of being easily led, taught, or controlled; obedient Amenable, docile Willful; unruly Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym tract- pull or drag (root) Able-capable of (suffix) Derivatives Tractability, tractableness, tractably It is odd that the students in first period are so unruly, while those in second period are very tractable.
Vocab Lesson 21 Vivacious (vi VAY shus) Full of life; very animated sluggish Root, Prefix, Suffix Synonym/Antonym viv- life, lively (root) Ous-having full of (suffix) Derivatives Vivaciously, vivaciousness, vivacity Game shows are looking for vivacious contestants who are fun to watch and who will liven up the show.