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Parasha Balak. Gerardo Echevarría Jr. Porción. Números 22:2 – 25:9 Miq 5:7 – 6:8 Mar 11:12 - 26. Baraita Rabi Pinejás Ben Yair. La Torá conduce a la vigilancia; la vigilancia conduce a la diligencia; la diligencia conduce a la limpieza espiritual;
ParashaBalak Gerardo Echevarría Jr.
Porción • Números 22:2 – 25:9 • Miq 5:7 – 6:8 • Mar 11:12 - 26
Baraita Rabi Pinejás Ben Yair • La Torá conduce a la vigilancia; • la vigilancia conduce a la diligencia; • la diligencia conduce a la limpieza espiritual; • la limpieza espiritual conduce a la abstinencia; • la abstinencia conduce a la pureza; • la pureza conduce a la devoción;
Baraita Rabi Pinejás Ben Yair • la devoción conduce a la humildad; • la humildad conduce al temor al pecado; • el temor al pecado conduce a la santidad; • la santidad conduce a la Ruaj Ha’Kodesh; • la Ruaj Ha’Kodesh conduce a la resurrección de los muertos. • AvodaZarah 20b (MesilatYesharim)
Limpios • Psal 24: 1 De YHVH es la tierra y su plenitud, El mundo y los que en él habitan. 2 Porque Él la fundó sobre los mares Y la afirmó sobre las corrientes.
Limpios • 3 ¿Quién subirá al Monte de YHVH? ¿Y quién podrá estar en pie en su lugar santo? 4 El limpio de manos y puro de corazón, El que no ha elevado su alma a cosas vanas, Ni ha jurado con engaño.
Limpios • 5 Éste llevará la bendición de YHVH, Y la justicia del Dios de su salvación. 6 Tal es la generación de quienes lo buscan, De los que buscan tu rostro, oh Dios de Jacob. Selah
Observancia • Sin observancia de los mitzvot, no hay pureza. Sin pureza, no hay profeciamadura. • Deu 13:4 En pos de YHVH vuestro Dios andaréis y a Él temeréis. Guardaréis sus mandamientos y escucharéis su voz. A Él serviréis y a Él seréis fieles.
Balak (Opositor) • La oposiciónesgarantizada. • Parte de un Sistema • Ego • Midrash – brujo
Balaam • Profecía del impuro / Desviado a la ganancia • Su da’ateslimitado • Representa a las naciones. • Midrash – Mesa (dos rios), Igual a Mosheh, satán
Israel • Deu 32:7 ¶ Remember the days of old, reflect on the years of previous generations. Ask your father, and he’ll tell you; your elders will inform you. • Deu 32:8 ¶ When the Most High gave nations as their inheritance,
Israel • when he separated the human race, he set boundaries for the people according to the number of the children of God. [So with LXX and DSS 4QDeut. MT reads Israel] • Deu 32:9 ¶ For the Lord’s portion is his people; Jacob is his allotted portion.
Irrevocable • Rom 11:1 Digo, pues: ¿Ha desechado Dios a su pueblo? ¡De ninguna manera!° Porque también yo soy israelita, de la descendencia° de Abraham, de la tribu de Benjamín.°
Pureza • Heb 9:13 Porque si la sangre de los machos cabríos° y de los toros, y la ceniza de la becerra° rociada a los inmundos, santifica para la purificación de la carne,
Pureza • Heb 9:14 ¡cuánto más la sangre del Mesías, quien mediante el Espíritu eterno se ofreció a sí mismo sin mancha a Dios, limpiará nuestras° conciencias de las obras muertas para servir al Dios vivo!
Pureza • Heb 10:14 Porque con una sola ofrenda hizo perfectos para siempre a los santificados. • Heb 10:16 Este es el pacto que haré con ellos: Después de aquellos días, dice el Señor: Pondré° mis leyes en sus corazones, Y en sus mentes las escribiré;°
Pacto • Jer 31:33 Pero éste es el pacto que haré con la casa de Israel después de aquellos días, dice YHVH: Daré mi Ley en su mente y la escribiré en su corazón, Y Yo seré a ellos por Dios, y ellos me serán por pueblo.
Pacto • Jer 31:34 Y no enseñará más cada cual a su prójimo, y cada cual a su hermano, diciendo: ¡Conoce a YHVH!, porque todos me conocerán, desde el más pequeño de ellos hasta el más grande, dice YHVH. Porque perdonaré su maldad, y no me acordaré más de sus pecados.
Pureza • Num 23:1 Y Balaam dijo a Balac: Constrúyeme aquí siete altares, y prepárame aquí siete toros y siete carneros. • Num 23:4 Y salió ’Elohim al encuentro de Balaam, y éste le dijo: Siete altares he preparado y en cada altar he sacrificado un toro y un carnero.
Pureza • Joh 5:2 Y en Jerusalem, junto a la puerta de las ovejas, hay un estanque llamado en hebreo Betzata,° que tiene cinco pórticos. • ***Esculapio
Targumim • And he sent unto Laban the Aramite, who was Bileam, (so called because he it was) who sought (Biluva) to swallow up (Amma) the people of the house of Israel: the son of Beor, who was insane[1] from the vastness of his knowledge; and would not spare Israel, the descendants of his sons and daughters: and the house of his habitation in Padan was at Pethor, a name signifying an interpreter of dreams. It was built in Aram upon the Phrat, in a land where the children of the people worshipped and adored him. • Pseudo-Jonathan (NTCS)
Targumim • But he sat upon his ass, and his two young men, Jannes and Jambres, were with him. • And Bileam said to the ass, Because thou hast been false to me; if there was now but a sword in in hand, I would kill thee. And the ass said to Bileam, Woe to thee, Bileam, thou wanting‑in‑mind when me, an unclean beast, who am to die in this world, and not to enter the world to come, thou art not able to curse; how much less (canst thou harm) the children of Abraham, Izhak, and Jakob, on account of whom the world hath been created, but whom thou art going to curse! • Pesudo-Jonathan (NTCS)
Targumim • . And Bileam, as he looked upon them, knew that strange worship was among them, and rejoiced in his heart; and he said to Balak, Build here seven altars, and prepare me here seven bullocks and seven rams. And Balak did as Bileam had said, and Balak and Bileam offered a bullock and a ram upon an altar. And Bileam said to Balak, Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will go, if preadventure the word of the Lord may come to meet me; and the word that shall be discovered to me, that I will declare to thee. And he went, bending as a serpent. • Pesudo-Jonathan (NTCS)
Midrashim • G‑d came to Balaam at night (22:20) • The divine spirit visited him only at night, as is the case with all the prophets of the nations (Laban, too, received his prophecy in a nocturnal dream, as it says (Genesis 31:24), “G‑d said to Laban the Aramite in a dream at night”)—like a man covertly visiting his concubine. • Rashi-Chabad
Midrashim • G‑d happened upon Balaam (23:4) • Regarding G‑d’s appearances to Moses the Torah uses the word vayikra (“and He called”), which is an expression of closeness and love; whilst to the prophets of the idolatrous nations the word used is vayikar (“and He happened upon”)—an expression that connotes temporality and promiscuity. • Midrash Rabbah; Rashi-Chabad
Midrashim • She crushed Balaam’s foot against the wall (22:27) • This was the very heap of stones which Laban and Jacob had erected as a testament that “I will not pass over this heap to you, and that you will not pass over this heap and this pillar to me, for harm” (Genesis 31:52). Balaam, who is Laban, was now violating this covenant by crossing the heap to come curse the descendents Jacob. Therefore the wall was punishing him, for it was the witness for the oath, and it is written (Deuteronomy 17:7): “The hand of the witnesses should be first in [punishing] him.” • Midrash Tanchuma - Chabad
Midrashim • G‑d opened the mouth of the donkey (22:28) • This was to impress upon Balaam that there is no place for pride over the fact that he has been given the gift of prophecy. If it suites G‑d’s purposes, even a donkey will see angels and make speeches. • Keli Yakar - Chabad
Midrashim • The hallmark of evil and unholiness is an attitude of "It just happened." Nothing is coincidental to the Jew; every event is purposeful and significant. • Chassidic saying - Chabad
Trampa • So he erected curtained tents from the snowy mountain (Hermon) as far as Beth ha-Yeshimoth, and placed harlots in them—old women on the outside, young women within. When an Israelite ate, drank and was merry, and went out for a stroll in the marketplace, the old woman would say to him, “Do you desire linen garments?”
Trampa • The old woman offered it at its current value, but the young one for less. This happened two or three times. After that she would say to him, “You are now like one of the family; sit down and choose for yourself.” Gourds of Ammonite wine lay near her, and at that time Ammonite and heathen wine had not yet been forbidden. Said she to him: “Would you like to drink a glass of wine?”
Trampa • Having drunk, his passion was inflamed and he exclaimed to her, “Yield to me!” Thereupon she brought forth an idol from her bosom and said to him, “Worship this.” • (Talmud, Sanhedrin 106a)
Israel • Yashar-El – Recto ante Di’s • Num 23:8 ¿Cómo podré maldecir a quien Dios no ha maldecido? ¿Cómo podré execrar a quien YHVH no ha execrado?21 No ha visto iniquidad en Jacob, Ni ha notado maldad en Israel, YHVH su Dios está con él, Resuena aclamación de júbilo como por un rey.
Huertos • Isa 66:17 Los que se consagran y purifican para entrar a los huertos, Tras uno que ocupa el centro,° los que comen carne de cerdo, reptiles y ratones, A una serán consumidos, dice YHVH, • Las experiencias…
Fornicación • Num 25:1 Moraba entonces Israel en Sitim, y el pueblo comenzó a fornicar y a apegarse° a las hijas de Moab, • Seducción de negocios (viejas con lino y jóvenes).
ParashaBalak Maestro Gerardo Echevarría Jr.