METABOLIC ENGINEERING: Microorganisms as tools in chemistry
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METABOLIC ENGINEERING: Microorganisms as tools in chemistry. Taz Cheema January 27, 2011. WHAT IS METABOLIC ENGINEERING?.
METABOLIC ENGINEERING: Microorganisms as tools in chemistry
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METABOLIC ENGINEERING:Microorganisms as tools in chemistry
TazCheema January 27, 2011
WHAT IS METABOLIC ENGINEERING? Metabolic engineering is the improvement of cellular activities by manipulation of enzymatic, transport, and regulatory functions of the cell with the use of recombinant DNA technology. Dr. James E. Bailey 1944-2001 Bailey, J., Toward a science of metabolic engineering, Science, 252, 1668, 1991
ENGINEERING BIOSYNTHETIC ENZYMES Gene cluster Sorangiumcellulosum Steptomycescoelicolor Engineer entire biosynthetic cluster into an organism more suitable to laboratory manipulation Done only if: 1) natural product expression low or 2) natural product difficult to culture and ferment Engineering biosynthetic enzymes in an organism more desirable than to manipulate each producer organism individually Science, 2000, 287, 640-642 Org.Biomol.Chem.. 2003, 1, 1-4
EPOTHILONE New chemotherapeutic agent Arrests cell cycle by binding to microtubules and inhibits depolymerisation Active in Taxol resistant tumours and multidrug resistant cancer types Currently analogues are in clinical trials
METABOLIC PATHWAY A Introduce new pathways using rDNA Modify existing pathways Enzymes expressed that define overall conversion process Enzyme 1 B Enzyme 2 Krebs cycle C Enzyme 3 D Enzyme 4 NEW Enzyme 5 E Enzyme 6 1.Stephanopoulos, G (1999) Metabolic Engineering 1:1-11 2.Genetic and metabolic engineering. EJB(1998), Vol.1 No.3
SORBITOL PRODUCTION LDH Lactobacillus plantarum (lactic acid bacterium) Hols, P., Applied and Environmental microbiology 2007, 73, 6.. 1864–1872 Stephanopoulos,G.; Chemical Engineering Science 2002, 57, 2596-2602
SORBITOL PRODUCTION LDH Sorbitol production in Lactobacillus plantarum (lactic acid bacterium) Enzymes expressed that define overall conversion process along with totality of cellular functions Hols, P., Applied and Environmental microbiology 2007, 73, 6.. 1864–1872 Stephanopoulos,G.; Chemical Engineering Science 2002, 57, 2596-2602
GENES AND THEIR ENZYMES Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 DNA ENZYME 1 ENZYME 1 ENZYME 2 ENZYME 4 ENZYME 3 ENZYME 6 Y X ENZYME 5 Wild Type Stephanopoulos,G.; Chemical Engineering Science 2002, 57, 2596-2602
GENES AND THEIR ENZYMES Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 DNA ENZYME 1 ENZYME 1 ENZYME 2 ENZYME 4 ENZYME 3 ENZYME 6 Y X ENZYME 5 Chemical Engineering Science 2002, 57, 2596-2602
GENES AND THEIR ENZYMES Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 Gene 7 DNA ENZYME 1 ENZYME 1 ENZYME 2 ENZYME 4 ENZYME 7 ENZYME 3 ENZYME 6 Y X ENZYME 5 Stephanopoulos,G.; Chemical Engineering Science 2002, 57, 2596-2602
BIO SYNTHESIS OF BUTANETRIOL D-xylose D-1,2,4-butanetriol L-arabinose L-1,2,4-butanetriol Frost, J. et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12998
WHY BUTANETRIOL? H2SO4 , HNO3 D,L-1,2,4-butanetriol trinitrate D,L-1,2,4-butanetriol Less shock sensitive More thermally stable Less volatile than nitro-glycerine Limited availability of 1,2,4-butanetriol D,L-1,2,3-Trinitroxy propane Frost, J. et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12998
CURRENT SYNTHESIS OF BUTANETRIOL H+, MeOH Malic acid Dimethylmalate Metal cat. (Ru) H2O 5000 psi H2 160 oC NaBH4 MeOH/ THF 8 % + NaB(OCH3)4 D,L-1,2,4-butanetriol 2.5 % 74 % 1 ton 6 tons 2 % 11 % 2.5 % Frost, J. et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12998
BIO SYNTHESIS OF BUTANETRIOL Pseudomonas fragi ATCC 4973 a D-Xylose (100g/L) D-Xylonic acid (77g/L) a. D-xylonatedehydrogenase (P. fragi) 70% c Pseudomonas putida 3,4-dihydroxybutanal 3-deoxy-D-glycero-pentulosonic acid c. benzoylformatedecarboxylase(P. putida) Frost, J. et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12998
BIO SYNTHESIS OF BUTANETRIOL Pseudomonas fragi Pseudomonas putida D-xylose D-1,2,4-butanetriol L-arabinose E. coli DH5α/pWN6.186A L-1,2,4-butanetriol Frost, J. et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12998
BIO SYNTHESIS OF BUTANETRIOL E. coli DH5α/pWN6.186A a D-Xylonic acid D-Xylose 100 g/L b c d D-1,2,4-butanetriol 3,4-dihydroxybutanal D-3-deoxy-glycero-pentulosonic acid 12 g/L ( 25%) a. D-xylonatedehydrogenase (P. fragi); b. D-xylonatedehydratase (E. coli); c. benzoylformatedecarboxylase(P. putida); d. alcohol dehydrogenase (E. coli) Frost, J. et al; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12998
RECOMBINANT DNA Plasmid DNA DNA to be inserted Sticky Ends Sticky Ends DNA ligase Isolate plasmid DNA Select DNA Cut with restriction enzymes Piece together fragments Recombinant DNA 1. Pray, L.(2008) Recomninant DNA technology and transgenic animals. Nature Education 1 (1) 2.
RECOMBINANT DNA Metabolite from fermentation Copies of protein isolated Transform DNA into cell of interest Cells grow and divide producing copies Isolate protein/metabolite of interest Isolate copies of rDNA Copies of gene isolated and transferred to other organism 1. Pray, L.(2008) Recomninant DNA technology and transgenic animals. Nature Education 1 (1) 2.
CELLULAR METABOLISM IS COMPLEX Cofactors, Vitamins and other substances Complex Carbohydrates Metabolic network describes which products are made from which substrates Highly interconnected pathways Alterations in one path have direct/indirect affects on other pathways Pathways analysed through Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) Nucleotide Complex Lipids Carbohydrates Other amino acids Lipids Amino acids Energy Lee et al.; Tissue Engineering 1999, 5, 347
TAXOL Potent anticancer agent Isolated in 1966 from bark of Pacific yew tree Binds to microtubules and inhibits depolymerisation into tubulin 10 kg of dried bark = 1 g of Taxol Major supply crisis Challenging chemical synthesis 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB) (Leaves of European yew) 1g / 1kg Pacific yew tree MacMillan,D.;Synlett 2007, 10, 1477 Nature 1979, 277, 665
TAXOL VIA SYNTHETIC CHEMISTRY 51 chemical steps 37 chemical steps Nicolaou (1994) Wender (1997) Isopyromucic acid Verbenone 47chemical steps 41 chemical steps Holton (1994) Kuwajima (1998) Propionaldehyde Patchoulene oxide 47 chemical steps 38 chemical steps Danishefsky (1995) Mukaiuama (1999) Serine Wieland Miescherketone 6 independent total synthesis of Taxol achieved Wender’s synthesis shortest and most efficient; overall yield 0.4% MacMillan,D.; Synlett 2007, 10, 1477
TAXOL VIA SYNTHETIC CHEMISTRY 1.HCl, NaI 2. MsCl 3. LiBr 67% 1. 72% (11:1) 2. TrocCl 1.OsO4 2.Triphosgene 3. KCN 92% 1.TASF 2. PhLi 1.∆ 2. Ac2O 89% 10-deacetylbaccatin III (46%) + Tetrahedron 1992, 48, 6985 Baccatin III (33%) Taxol - 37 total steps(0.4%) Wender,P.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 2755
TAXOL VIA SYNTHETIC CHEMISTRY 20 synthetic steps 14 synthetic steps Baccatin III Aldehyde (A-B ring) 3 steps 500 g Verbenone starting material used Overall yield of 0.4% (2 g) “Stop and go” synthesis not practical for industrial scale Taxol - 37 total steps Wender,P.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 2755
TAXOL VIA SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY Species: Taxus media Plant cells perceive environmental changes, generate biological response Accumulation of taxol is thought to be a biological response 1996 Yukimune produced Baccatin III content with 100 µM Methyl Jasmonate addition to Taxus media cell culture Methyl Jasmonate induces biological response in plants Taxol = 110.3mg/L/2 weeks, Baccatin III = 25.2 mg/L/2 weeks Issues: >100 µM M. Jasmonate decrease product production by 15 fold Yukimune,Y., Nat. Biotech. 1996, 14, 1129
TAXOL VIA SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY Endophytic Fungi: Fusariummairei Taxuschinesis and fungis in 20 L co-bioreactor. Taxol production = 25.63 mg/L/15 days with fungis vs. 0.68 mg/L/15days no fungi Issues: 1. No co-biorecactor for industrial use available. 2. Biomass of fungi decreasses with inoculation time Cheng, L.;Appl. MicrobioBiotechnol (2009) 83, 233
TAXOL VIA SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY November 2010 Ajikumar & Stephanopoulos optimized overproduction of taxadiene Taxadiene, first committed Taxol intermediate Used a multivariate-modular approach Used modified CYP450 Produced 1g/L = 15, 000 fold increase in an engineered E. Coli strain CYP450 Taxadiene Taxadien-5α-ol Escherichia coli Ajikumar,P. et al. Science 330, 70 (2010)
TAXOL VIA SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY Taxadiene 5αhydroxylase 1 CoA-acylation 2. Sidechain CYP450 Taxadien-5α-ol Baccatin III Taxol Removed bottlenecks Created two operons 1: (dxs-idi-ispDF), 2. (G-T) 300 mg/litertaxadiene Engineered CYP450 of E.coli Ajikumar,P. et al. Science 330, 70 (2010)
TAXOL: SYNTHETIC CHEM OR BIO? Wender,P.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 2755 Ajikumar,P. et al. Science 330, 70 (2010) 14 synthetic steps to AB ring 20 synthetic steps from AB ring to Baccatin III 37 total synthetic steps from Verbenone to Taxol Overall yield of 0.4% Time to synthesize: months? Years? Multivariate-modular pathway engineering Able to produce 300 mg/L of Taxadiene in 48 hours (30 Kg/ 100 K L) Taxadiene to Taxadiene-5α-ol via CYP450 Further enzymatic reactions required
PLANT METABOLIC ENGINEERING Plant secondary metabolites not essential for basic growth and development >200, 000 secondary metabolites produced For plants: pollination & seed dispersion, interactions with other plants, recognition of herbivores, and defence by attracting predators of herbivores For humans: interesting applications in pharmacology, chemical industry, crops. Structural complexity makes it very difficult to synthesize chemically in adequate yields Quinine Taxol Vincristine A.G.Fett-Neto (ed.), Plant Secondary Metabolism Engineering, Methods in Mol. Bio. 643
PLANT PATHWAY BOTTLENECKS Can manipulate the Developmental control Organ/tissue specific Abiotic/biotic stresses Circadian rhythms A.G.Fett-Neto (ed.), Plant Secondary Metabolism Engineering, Methods in Mol. Bio. 643
PLANT PATHWAY BOTTLENECKS Some pathways entirely or partially introduced and expressed in bacteria/ yeast Modifications done via recombinant DNA Transfer of pathways between plant species much more difficult but can be done Dhurrin in Arabidopsis plant PNAS, 2005, 102, 1779 1.A.G.Fett-Neto (ed.), Plant Secondary Metabolism Engineering, Methods in Mol. Bio. 643 2.Image:
PRO-VITAMIN A Most successful metabolic-engineering done in plants: Rice milled to remove outer layer which removes several nutrients such as provitamin A Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem Symptoms ranging from night blindness to total blindness, diarrhea, respiratory diseases, and measles Quarter of a million children go blind each year due to provitamin A deficiency Vitamin A Ye, X; Science, 2000, 287, 303-305 Science, 2000, 287, 303
PRO-VITAMIN A Express pathway, in rice endosperm, to vitamin A precursor β-carotene Entire β-carotene biosynthetic pathway introduced into rice endosperm in single transformation with three vectors 1.Ye, X; Science, 2000, 287, 303-305 2 .A.G.Fett-Neto (ed.), Plant Secondary Metabolism Engineering, Methods in Mol. Bio. 643
PLANT VOLATILES In response to herbivore attack plants emit divers volatile blends > 200 different compounds Directly intoxicate, repel or deter herbivorous insects, or attract natural predators of herbivors Potential in agriculture, preserve forest ecosystems, and crop protection Priming crops by planting few transgenic plants that constantly emit defence volatiles 1. Curr. Opin. Biotech, 2008,19, 181 2.
Attracting Bodyguard to Arabidopsis M.E of Arabidopsis thaliana plants to emit two new isoprenoids These attracted carnivorous predatory mites that aid the plants’ defence mechanism against herbivorous anthropods (3S)-(E)-nerolidol (E)- DMNT Spider mites Predatory Mites Iris F. Kappers, et al. Science 309, 2070 (2005)
Attracting Bodyguard to Arabidopsis Farnesyldiphosphate (FPP) (3S)-(E)-nerolidol (E)- DMNT Targeted FaNES1 in mitochondria using CoxIV Transgenic Arabidopsis plants with CoxIV-FaNES1 construct generated Iris F. Kappers, et al. Science 309, 2070 (2005)
Attracting Bodyguard to Arabidopsis wT Nerolidol/DMNT Clean air Clean air/ wt CoxIV-FaNES1 wT/wT, spider Iris F. Kappers, et al. Science 309, 2070 (2005)
SUMMARY Metabolic engineering Expression system Manipulation of enzymatic functions Creation of biosynthetic pathway Steptomyces D-1,2,4-butanetriol
SUMMARY Plasmid DNA DNA to be inserted Sticky Ends Sticky Ends DNA ligase Recombinant DNA
SUMMARY Oleic acid (Canola/Soybean oil) Vitamin E Insect resistant Plants Priming crops with transgenic plants Vitamin A Dhurrin (cyanogenicglucoside)
Acknowledgments Dr. Robert Ben Dr. Mathieu Leclere Dr. Roger Tam John Trant ChantelleCapicciotti Jackie Tokarew Anna Balcerzak MichelaFebbraro Ross Mancini Devin Tonelli Malay Doshi
Dr. Jay Keasling "With the tools of synthetic biology, we don't have to just accept what Nature has given us." Amorphadiene Artemisinin Keasling, J., et al.; Nature biotech. (2003) 21, 796