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Chapter 10

Chapter 10. Section 1. 1) Who was Thomas Jefferson? When was he elected President?. Q1:. 3 rd President of the U.S. Elected in 1801. Q1: Answer. How was the presidential election of 1800 resolved?. KEY QUESTION:.

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Chapter 10

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  1. Chapter 10 Section 1

  2. 1) Who was Thomas Jefferson? When was he elected President? Q1:

  3. 3rd President of the U.S. Elected in 1801 Q1: Answer

  4. How was the presidential election of 1800 resolved? KEY QUESTION:

  5. The tie between Aaron Burr and Tommy J was resolved by the House of Representatives The House voted to elect Tommy J as Prez and Burr as Vice Prez Key Answer:

  6. What were the two political parties contesting the election of 1800? Q3:

  7. Federalists Democratic-Republicans Q3: Answer

  8. Who were the Federalists? Who were they led by? Q4:

  9. Political Party that supported a strong central gov’t Led by Adams & Hamilton Q4: Answer

  10. Who were the Democratic-Republicans? Who were they led by? Q5:

  11. Political party that feared a strong central gov’t Led by Tommy J Q5: Answer

  12. Turn back to pages 330-331. Describe the Alien and Sedition Acts Q6:

  13. They targeted new immigrants, many of whom were sympathetic to the Democratic-Republicans One Act increased the waiting period for US citizenship from 5 to 14 years. Other Acts gave Prez power to arrest suspicious aliens or deport them in wartime Another Act outlawed sedition against gov’t Q6: Answer

  14. What 2 things did the Democratic-Republicans think they were saving the nation from? What was their view of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Q7:

  15. 1) Monarchy 2) Oppression They argued that the Acts pass by the Federalists Congress in 1798 violated the Bill of Rights Q7: Answer

  16. What were radicals? Q8:

  17. Person who takes extreme political positions Q8: Answer

  18. Who did the Federalists think would ruin the nation? Why? Q9:

  19. Radicals They were fearful of a French Revolution happening in the US of A Q9: Answer

  20. Explain the unusual results of the election of 1800. Q10:

  21. Jefferson had 73 Electoral votes Adams had 65 Burr also had 73 votes SO THERE WAS A TIE!!! Q10: Answer

  22. According to the Constitution, if a Presidential election results in a tie, who decides the winner? Q11:

  23. House of Representatives Q11: Answer

  24. How many times did the House have to vote in order to elect the new president? Who was the new president? Who was elected vice-president? Q12:

  25. 36 Times ! ! ! President = Jefferson Vice-President = Burr Q12: Answer

  26. List at least 3 of Jefferson’s many talents? Q13:

  27. Violinist Amateur scientist Devoted reader His interest in Greek/Roman architecture is reflected in Wash DC Q13: Answer

  28. What do Jefferson’s inventions tell about him? Q14:

  29. His interests were very broad & included nearly all areas of life Q14: Answers

  30. How did Jefferson’s policies differ from those of federalists? Key Question

  31. Jefferson reduced the number of federal employees, the size of the military & t he amount of money owed by the gov’t Key Answer

  32. What problem did Jefferson face when he first took office? Q15:

  33. He faced political divisions & wounds from election & House votes Q15: Answer

  34. What was one way Jefferson sought to unify Americans? Q16:

  35. He promoted a common way of life by remaining a nation of small independent farmers Q16: Answers

  36. What else did Jefferson want to avoid? Q17:

  37. He wanted to avoid having too much gov’t Q17: Answers

  38. List at least 5 ways Jefferson reduced the power of the gov’t Q18:

  39. Reduced # of federal employees & size of military Sought to end Federalist programs Let the Alien & Sedition Acts end & released prisoners convicted by them 4) Made changes to Federalist financial policies 5) Used revenues from tariffs & land sales to reduce gov’t debt Q18: Answers

  40. Did Jefferson favor or oppose gov’t debt? Explain why you think so, using examples. Q19:

  41. He opposed gov’t debt . . . because he used $$$ from tariffs + land sales to reduce gov’t debt Q19: Answer

  42. What was the Judiciary Act of 1801? Q20:

  43. Law that let Prez John Adams fill federal judgeships with Federalists Q20: Answer

  44. Who was John Marshall? Q21:

  45. Chief justice of the Supreme Court appointed by John Adams Q21: Answer

  46. What does judicial review mean? Q22:

  47. Principle that states that the Supreme Court has the final say in intrepreting the Constitution Q22: Answer

  48. In Marbury v. Madison (1803), how did John Adams try to ensure that Federalists views would be strong in the gov’t after his defeat? Q23:

  49. He appointed as many Federalists judges as possible before Jefferson’s inauguration Q23: Answer

  50. What was the key issue in Marbury v. Madison? Q24:

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