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Direct potable Reuse: A Path forward

Direct potable Reuse: A Path forward. The Kappe Lecture Stevens Institute of Technology September 25, 2013 George Tchobanoglous Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Davis. Overview of Presentation. Overview Types of Projects

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Direct potable Reuse: A Path forward

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  1. Direct potable Reuse:A Path forward The Kappe Lecture Stevens Institute of Technology September 25, 2013 George Tchobanoglous Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Davis

  2. Overview of Presentation • Overview • Types of Projects • Driving Forces for Direct Potable Reuse • Trends on Treatment Technology • Overall System Management • Regulatory Requirements • Need for Common Accepted Vocabulary • Closing thoughts

  3. Overview

  4. How to Think About Wastewaterin the 21st Century Wastewater is a renewable recoverable source of energy, nutrients, and potable water

  5. Types of Reuse Worldwide • Agricultural irrigation (seasonal demand) • Landscape irrigation (seasonal demand) • Industrial (constant demand, site specific) • Non-potable urban uses (limited volumes) • Recreation/environmental uses (site specific) • Indirect potable use through groundwater recharge (requires suitable aquifer) • Indirect potable use through surface water augmentation (availability of reservoir sites) • Direct potable use (best option, but public perception issues must be dealt with)

  6. Reuse Market Size and Growth from 2008 Source: GWI Global Water Market 2008

  7. Overview of Strategies for Potable Reuse


  9. Kraemer/Miller Spreading Basins, OCWDand Legacy Regulations

  10. Barrier Injection Wells

  11. Infiltration Basin, Florida, USA

  12. Groundwater Injection Wells

  13. Indirect Potable Reuse ThroughSurface Water Augmentation: San Diego, CA Courtesy City of San Diego

  14. San Vincente Reservoir, San Diego County


  16. Driving Forces for DPR and IPR • The value of water will increase significantly in the future (and dramatically in some locations) • Sustainability - population growth along coasts • Global warming - severe water shortages • Opposition to inter basin water transfers • Limited alternative sources of water • Stringent environmental regulations • Environmental protection of aquatic species • Infrastructure requirements limit reuse opportunities • De facto indirect potable reuse is largely unregulated • Less expensive than other water supply options

  17. Impact ofClimate Change on Areas Already Stressed -Increased orDecreasedFlowrates

  18. Urbanization Along Coastal Areas • By 2030, 60 percent of world’s population will live near a coastal region • Withdrawing water from inland areas, transporting it to urban population centers, treating it, using it once, and discharging it to the coastal waters is unsustainable.

  19. Impactof Urbanization on Agriculture Reuse

  20. Impact of Coastal Population Demographicson Reuse, Hyperion WWTP, Los Angeles, CA

  21. Factors Limiting Nonpotable and Indirect Potable Reuse Agricultural Irrigation • Large distance between reclaimed water and agricultural demand (e.g., energy for pumping) • Need to provide winter storage (expensive) Landscape Irrigation • Dispersed nature of landscape irrigation • Cost of parallel distribution system Indirect Potable Reuse • Most communities lack suitable hydrology for groundwater recharge • Availability of nearby suitable surface storage

  22. Infrastructure Requirements Limit Reuse(Purple pipe may be a bad investment) Courtesy City of San Diego

  23. De Facto Indirect Potable Reuseis a Well Established Practice (Regulated: secondary effluent (?): Unregulated:ag runoff, urban stormwater, highway runoff)

  24. De Facto Indirect Potable Reuse Courtesy City of San Diego


  26. OCWD Technology for Indirect and Direct Potable Reuse Adapted from OCWD

  27. Technologies at OCWD: Microfiltration, Cartridge Filters, Reverse Osmosis, and Advanced Oxidation (UV)

  28. Reverse Osmosis ~ 20,000 m3/Bank

  29. Decarbonator (CO2 Stripping) Orange County Water District, OCWD Lime Saturator (pH adjustment

  30. Technologies for the Removal ofTrace Constituents and Unknowns Adapted from Sundaram et al., 2009

  31. Comparison of Technologies for the Removal of Trace Constituents & Unknowns Adapted from Sundaram et al., 2009

  32. Treatment Process Flow DiagramPure Cycle Corporation (c.a. late 1970s)

  33. Treatment Process Flow DiagramPure Cycle Corporation (c.a. late 1970s)

  34. Potential Future DPR Flow Diagrams

  35. Existing and New Treatment Technologies • Technologies for the removal of BOD, TSS, nutrients, and pathogens • Technologies for the removal of TDS, trace constituents, and unknowns • Implement new treatment plant designs to produce water for potable reuse • Brine managementfor inland locations • TREATMENT IS NOT THE ISSUE

  36. Overall System Management

  37. Proposed DPR Strategy

  38. Proven and Conceptual Engineered Buffer Systems

  39. To Protect Public Health An engineered buffer can be used in place of an environmental buffer with greater control over water quality

  40. Importance of Engineered Buffer: Impact of Low Molecular Weight Organic Compound)

  41. Management Operational, and Technological Barriers

  42. Impact of DPR on Future WWTP Design • Targeted Source Control Program • Modification of Raw Wastewater Characteristics • Elimination of Untreated Return Flows • Flow Equalization • Operational Mode for Biological Treatment (must design for different or multiple end points) • Improved Design and Monitoring • Ongoing Pilot Testing

  43. In-Line and Off-Line EqualizationFor Enhanced Treatment Performance

  44. Return FlowsTreatment, Flow Equalization, or Offsite Processing


  46. Opportunities for the Future:The Southern California Example

  47. ElectricPower Consumption for Urban Water Systems in Northern and Southern CA

  48. Wastewater Management Infrastructure - Potential Locations for Water Plants OCWD type plant

  49. Benefits of Southern California Example • Reliable alternative source of supply, more secure from natural disasters • Lower cost and reduced energy usage • More water available for agricultural use, especially during drought periods • Environmental benefits for bay delta habitat restoration

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