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<a href="http://www.helpforteenagers.com/">Behavior Learning Component</a> We will help your son realize his self-worth, his significance, his dignity and his responsibility to himself. Your son will begin to see the stress and pain he has caused others by his poor choices.
Help for Teenagers - Creating Strength through the Power ofPeers Behavior LearningComponent Wewillhelp yoursonrealize hisself-worth, hissignificance,hisdignityand hisresponsibilitytohimself. Your son will begintoseethestressandpain he hascausedothersbyhispoorchoices. PositivePeerCulture Focusesonan internalchange within yourson that willbe long lasting. Teachestheindividual howtocreate more healthyandeffective social and familyrelationships. Teachesthe individual the value ofcontributing something positive tohiscommunity. White River Academy White River Academy-ATherapeutic Boarding Schoolfor Trouble Teens • Behavior Learning Component • Positive Peer Culture • Academics &Achievements • ProfessionalCounseling White River Academy Theprofessionals at WhiteRiverAcademy arehere to helpyou and reuniteyourfamily. Call our 24/7Hotline Speakwith anEnrollment Counselor Call our 24/7Hotline WHITE RIVER ACADEMY 275W100S• Delta,UT84624 http://www.helpforteenagers.com/ (866)461-3599 (866)461-3599