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A. ii) Income and expenditure to be accounted for in the WNC’s Annual Report

WNC Review-Commissioners’ Recommendations Progress Chart 07/08. WNC/07/5/12. 1. Chair & Director to discuss and carefully consider expenditure attached to new work programme. 3. Chair to present WNC Work Programme to Ministers and seek agreement. A. i) WNC (Chair/Director) to

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A. ii) Income and expenditure to be accounted for in the WNC’s Annual Report

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  1. WNC Review-Commissioners’ Recommendations Progress Chart 07/08 WNC/07/5/12 1. Chair & Director to discuss and carefully consider expenditure attached to new work programme. 3. Chair to present WNC Work Programme to Ministers and seek agreement. A. i) WNC (Chair/Director) to undertake a proactive review of the expenditure and allocation of the budget once work programmes have been agreed with Ministers and Commissioners. 2 4 1 3 4. New Work Programme agreed with Commissioners and Ministers and in place for new operational year. 2. Chair & Director to discuss expenditure attached to new work programme. 1. Work begins on drafting new Annual Report, with requests to colleagues for info on main activity throughout last year and full financial statement. 3. Revised draft produced filling gaps and revising content. Director & Deputy Director comment. 5. Final draft completed and passed to Commissioners for final comments. . A. ii) Income and expenditure to be accounted for in the WNC’s Annual Report 3 2 3 4 5 6 1 6. Complete draft published on website and copied to Minister, GEO and placed in Parliament and other establishments as required. 4. Third draft produced and after brief check of text and Financial Statement, passed to Chair for input and comment. 2. First full draft of new Annual Report completed for Director’s comments on text and Financial Statement. 4 3. Third draft of MoU produced and commented on by Director, Chair and GEO. 1. First/outline draft of MoU with GEO produced, following discussions with GEO officials. B. i) As a priority, the WNC (Director) should produce a draft memorandum of understanding in consultation with the WNC Chair and Commissioners and to be signed off by the Director General for the Equalities Directorate and Ministers. 1 3 2 4 2. Second draft of MoU to be produced and provided for February Board meeting. 4. Final draft of MoU produced and forwarded to DG for Equalities and Ministers for agreement and sign-off. 1. First draft of a stencil containing set of protocols and a cycle of evaluation produced with support from GEO for comment/input by Director. i) WNC to ensure clear protocols and agreements are set up with Delivery Partners at the outset. WNC Chair to be kept informed where new delivery partnerships arise and keep these under review. Stencil updated as above, as part of MoU 1 2 2. Second draft of stencil produced and added to draft MoU to be provided for February Board meeting. 6 1. First draft of a stencil containing set of remits and protocols and a cycle of evaluation produced with support from GEO for comment/input by Director. Stencil updated as above, as part of MoU ii) WNC to establish clear remits and protocols when working with interest groups and Commissioners to be advised. 1 2 2. Second draft of stencil produced and added to draft MoU to be provided for February Board meeting. 1. Hold meeting with EHRC officials to gain agreement to establishing an MOU. C. i) That by October 2009 the WNC would have established a working relationship with the CEHR and have presented a paper to the WNC Commissioners and Ministers as to how the WNC was operating. 3. Produce second more substantial draft of MoU. Pass to Chair for input/comment 5. Deadline for MoU to be agreed and in place. 1 4 3 5 2 4. Final draft produced and forwarded to EHRC contacts for final comments before completion. 2. Produce outline first draft of MoU and forward to EHRC contacts for early feedback. 9 1. Paper to be drafted on operating as a Board of non-executive Directors. D. i) The WNC Board by operating as non executive directors can enhance the efficiency of the organisation and provide much appreciated support to staff. 1 2 2. Paper circulated with other papers for Board meeting. 1. Board to discuss at meeting, whether any changes are necessary to current arrangements. D. ii) The WNC board to review the way it receives reports and information from the WNC secretariat to monitor performance and ensure it meets their needs. 1 2 11 2. Any changes to process of reporting to the Board, put in place. 13 X3 X3

  2. EAL PROGRAMME CHART 1. Paper to be drafted on operating as an advisory NDPB. E. i) WNC commissioners recognise the need to be mindful at all times that it is an NDPB and as such WNC Commissioners must ensure that it operates accordingly. 2 1 2. Paper circulated with other papers for Board meeting. 1. Revised Governance Paper drafted, incorporating all individual WNC documents and circulated for Board meeting. E. ii) WNC Commissioners recognise the need to ensure that proper governance procedures are in place. 3 2 1 2. Revised version of Governance Paper drafted for discussion/clearance at February Board meeting. 4 3. Revised and final Plan agreed with Chair, Commissioners and GEO, for forwarding to Ministers for formal agreement and sign-off. 1. First draft of new Business Plan produced and discussed with Chair . E. iii) WNC has an established business planning process. Commissioners to be fully engaged with this as outlined at 8.2. and work with the sponsoring department and Ministers to approve these. 1 2 3 2. Second draft of new Business Plan produced and presented to February Board meeting. 2. Board to discuss any changes or further activity in relation to Board meetings. E. iv) The WNC board has established a quarterly meeting pattern this could be built on good practice and exchanges of information increased. 1 2 3 1. Director to seek clarity from GEO as to the thinking behind this recommendation. . 3. Changes to arrangements actioned and in place prior to February Board meeting. 2. GEO to confirm funding has been agreed with HMT to cover the cost of Commissioners’ renumeration. F. i) Commissioners should be paid a remuneration fee of £163 per day based on their daily time input. 6 1 2 3 1. First draft of clear criteria produced on arrangements for paying Commissioners their renumeration, in discussion with GEO colleagues. 3. Revised draft of clear criteria produced and circulated for February Board meeting. 1. GEO to confirm funding has been agreed with HMT to cover the cost of Commissioners’ renumeration. F. ii) The Chair’s remuneration should be increased to £13,000. 1 2 2. GEO to include revised figure in the advertisement for the new Chair as part of the recruitment exercise. 1. Director to obtain from GEO confirmation that funding has been agreed with HMT to cover the cost of Commissioners’ renumeration. F. iii) The sponsoring department adjust the core baseline budget to increase by £22,560 to cover the remuneration fees of the commissioners (or accordingly, if time input is assessed to be greater than 12 days per annum) and the increase in the chairs fee. 9 1 F. iv) The rate of remuneration and expected time input of commissioners to be clearly stated within their terms and conditions. SEE ACTIVITY UNDER F. i) 11 13 X3 X3

  3. EAL PROGRAMME CHART 1. First draft of new criteria to include a standard set of expenses and issues to negotiate and agree with OGDs, supported by GEO colleagues, for comment/input by Director. G. i) The WNC should consider that when it undertakes work from other Government Departments it should include an over head cost for an additional staff resource to manage projects e.g. the Iraqi internship programme. Criteria updated as above, as part of MoU 2 1 2. Second draft of criteria produced and added to draft MoU to be provided for February Board meeting. G. ii) Once Ministers have considered the review findings the recruitment process for a new director should commence taking account of the above. ACTION FOR GEO. 3 4 ACTION FOR GEO – WNC formally requested to Ministers that the post is offered for a longer period. G. iii) The Director’s posting should be for a period of two or three years. 1. Board discussion at December meeting on draft Outreach-Communications Strategy. 3. Final Outreach-Communications Strategy put to February Board meeting for sign-off. H. i) The WNC should return to its core remit of engaging with women’s organisations, particularly those without a national profile, and bringing their voice to government. They should look for low cost and effective means of doing so for feasibility. 2 1 3 2. In light of Board discussion, Director to ensure Strategy includes analysis of partner database, targeted sector events, regional events in devolved and English regions and a revamped interactive website 2. Director to carry out further examination of budget allocated to Outreach-Communications activity in light of Board discussion and identify room for manoeuvre. 4. Final Strategy put to February Board meeting for sign-off. 6 H. ii) Chair and Commissioners to look at re-allocation of the budget to maximise communications and stakeholder management. 3 2 4 1 1. Board discussion at December meeting on draft Outreach-Communications Strategy. 3. Chair and Director to discuss options for future Outreach activity and what improvements could be made. 1. Latest Newsletter to Partners and contacts distributed, including short feedback survey. 3. Director to check that feedback survey added to website seeking suggestions for improvements. 5. Initial revamp of website complete, with stage 2 planning, advanced. 6. Final Strategy put to February Board meeting for sign-off. H. iii) The Director of the WNC to play a key role in strengthening stakeholder communications and engagement. 1 2 3 6 4 5 2. Director to oversee analysis of partners database to identify under-representation where targeted activity needs to take place. 4. Director to ensure that Outreach Strategy includes a full range of events that are appropriate, including Parliamentary and regional. 9 11 13 X3 X3

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