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Forestry of the future

La foresterie de demain. Forestry of the future. El Sector Forestal del Mañana. Par/by/ por ALAIN BELANGER . President/CEO/ Presidente of Goupe Regenord. CANADIAN LEADER IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FORESTRY WORK . CANADIAN BOOTH 6-8A. AWARDS:

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Forestry of the future

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  1. La foresterie de demain Forestry of the future El Sector Forestal del Mañana Par/by/por ALAIN BELANGER President/CEO/Presidente of GoupeRegenord CANADIAN LEADER IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FORESTRY WORK CANADIAN BOOTH 6-8A

  2. AWARDS: • 2006 - Award for recent innovation in forestry technology • 2004 - Finalist for the Ernst & Young « Entrepreneur of the Year » in Atlantic Canada • 2003 - National Recognition for “RuralDevelopment” by “Lauriers de la PME” • 2003 - NationalRecognition for“Excellence in workplaceliteracy” by the Conference Board of Canada • 2001 - National award in “Knowledge-based Economy” • 1999 - CÉNB “Business of the Year”

  3. I willpresent 2 companies Forest services Forest product

  4. First of all We are lucky, weworkwith one of the best material in the World Wood

  5. You will say • Green • Renewable • Recyclable • Reusable • Reduce CO2 • I will say the biggest advantage is notthis

  6. Nano Fiber Cell wall Fiber • Very strong, but we often spend energy to break those strength • Paper • Particle board

  7. Mechanical Properties of wood • Tension Very strong • Compression strong

  8. Mechanical Properties of wood Breaking strength (MOR): weak

  9. From that Point we have Developed & Patented a new product Patented Corruven Inc.(Corrugatedveneer panels) Ultra light 75% air

  10. We use the corrugation to remove the weakness

  11. Old way to develop a product (Push) Forest

  12. Our way to develop a product (Pull)


  14. The first wood panel matching all customer needs • MOR (Modulus of Rupture) • MOE (Modulus of Elasticity • Weight • Green-conception • Thickness & Dimension • Face A et B • Acoustic • Insulation • And more... Flexibility Answer the needs, versus manufacturing raw material

  15. Business Model We have decided to share our patent & our expertise Our expertise & knowledge will be put in contribution to innovate & develop solutions for specific needs to be promote via franchises (partners)

  16. Business Concept • Product components made close of its (Raw Material) source. • Then, the Product components are shipped to Franchises. • 75% transportation cost savings • Each Franchise fabricates their specific panels • 75% air. • Each Franchise,personalize their panel (dimension, faces, thickness & edges). • Just in time fabrication reduce inventory and increasing cash flow.

  17. Product advantages • Extremely light weight • Only 25% of raw material • Reduce overall material transportation costs & inventory (75%) • Tremendous advantage on CO2 emissions (GHG reductions) • Reduce glue usage • Formaldehyde free

  18. Applications • Furniture • Wall • Roof • Floor • Ceiling tiles • Shelve • RV & trailer • Airplane • Boat • And more... Answer the needs, versus manufacturing raw material

  19. Corruven  serves as a unifying of these great Visionaries & Investors Are you one of them? Contact: Alain Belanger CANADIAN BOOTH 6-8A

  20. To have success in our sector (Wood sector) We have to demonstrate to the World that we maximize the utilisation of the wood With our patent, we save 75% & We use the fiber to maximize their natural strength

  21. We also have to demonstrate to the world that we are in control. We manage by priorities & objectives; not by constraints That is what GroupeRegenord have developed in the last 25 years SMSS (Sylviculture Management Software System) We manage the forest with priorities; not with constraints

  22. Our vision of the forest industry is summarized by this table “Be proactive and thrive; be reactive to the market and pay the price”

  23. Ex: Block Auditor • GPS data isrecorded in basic Esrishapefile format. • - Data uploaded to office PC or Laptop. • Data isthentransfered to Groupe RegeNord Innovanet System. The Block Auditor is a GIS Toolthatis part of a global SMSS (Sylviculture Management Software System)

  24. Block Auditor - The software process GPS shapefile data to makeMaps, divide the lot (task), calculate the rate (cost) and Payroll data

  25. Block Auditor Lot or task • Printable Lot Map • Mapattributes: • Block Number • Client • Program • Lots number • Density • Area • Rate • Total $ • Polygonshape of the Lot • MapScale • Company • North Arrow

  26. DIMS (Data Inventory Management System • D.I.M.S. is a sylviculture survey data manager for: storage, reporting, analyzing & mapping. • Web application, access from anywhere, rights defined per user. No server required, just a web browser. (IE

  27. Ex:

  28. Export, print reports • Linked with Survey & Account Database

  29. Advantages • No chance of mistake between the forest data & the administration, every numbers are track and validate (audit) • Also you are able to print report to know exactly where you have to improve your work. • Ex. • Work in progress • Cost / lot or cost/ task • Cost / employee • Cost per block • Quality of block or employee • Profit per unit or block • Etc. We also put alarm if you do not do the profit that we want

  30. In short, our vision for future forest management is: • Focused on maximizing return on a forest stand basis; • Priority based – rather than limited by constraints – to maximize: • Timber value and forest productivity • Fish & Wildlife habitat • Ecotourism / aesthetics • Promote carbon; obtain / sell carbon credits; • Biodiversity • To gradually transfer decision making process from probabilities to factual and accurate field data; • Better control mechanisms to report to investors / shareholders; • Supported by a field audit system and continual improvement process

  31. Our goal in Chile: • Bringour technologies to developwith Chilien forestsector, first of all, youcompany to manage youroperation in a better contrôle end bettercost. • Wecan structure yourcontractor or youroperation (save money & lower the risk) • Structure the woodlanddepartment • Surveys • Site Preparation • Plantation • Pre-commercial, semi-commercial & commercial thinning

  32. Consider us the best investment towards your Timberlands management Thank You for your time! Contact Us: +1 (506) 284-3100 +1 (877) 284-3101 260, Notre-Dame Street Kedgwick, NB CANADA E8B 1H9 info@grouperegenord.com CANADIAN BOOTH 6-8A

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