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IMPORTANCE OF FORESTRY. Food Medicines Fuel Shelter Protection Shade Tools. Over 10,000 products made of and from wood One of the most important renewable resources on the planet. TREES PROVIDE:. ENVIRONMENTAL:. Cleaner, Cooler Air Absorb carbon dioxide, trap dust, ash, pollen & smoke
Food Medicines Fuel Shelter Protection Shade Tools Over 10,000 products made of and from wood One of the most important renewable resources on the planet TREES PROVIDE:
ENVIRONMENTAL: • Cleaner, Cooler Air • Absorb carbon dioxide, trap dust, ash, pollen & smoke • Provide shade which reduces temperatures • One acre of trees produces enough oxygen for 18 people every day
Prevent erosion • Act as natural water filters • Slow movement of storm water • Lowers total runoff volume • Reduces soil erosion • Reduces flooding • Reduces moisture loss from the soil • Controls runoff of rain water • Helps regulate streams, rivers & lake temperatures Provide wildlife habitat
ECONOMIC • Enhance economic stability by attracting businesses & tourists • Increases property values, as much as 15 % • Reduce summer cooling costs by as much as 30 % • Heating costs can be reduced by the use of trees as windbreaks.
HEALTH • Increases outdoor activities which can reduce health problems such as heart disease & diabetes • Reduce ADHD in children: better able to concentrate & follow directions after playing in natural settings • Reduce conditions that cause asthma
HISTORY • Provided building materials, clothing food and medicines to survive • 975 million acres of forest in 1600’s • 749 million acres of forest today (77% of the land that was forested in 1600) • 1st sawmill established in Jamestown, Virginia in 1625
Sawmill industry started in the south around 1803, developed into a major industry in 1895 with increase in population • Lumber production peaked in 1909 with 50,000 mills employing 500,000 workers
FOREST FACTS IN THE UNITED STATES • 33% of the U.S. is in forests • Contain over 800 species of trees of which 82 are non-native • Of 749 million acres, 504 million acres are suitable for timber management • 71% of timberland is privately owned
Public forest comprise 29% of timberland • 2.1 billion seedlings planted in 1989 • Top 5 states in planting in 1989 were Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi & South Carolina • Growth exceeds harvest nationally by more than 37% • Forest industry has annual sales of more than $195 billion • Industry employs about 1.3 million people
Paper industry employs about 620,000 people with annual sales topping $122 billion • In hundreds of rural communities, the forest products industry is the leading or only employer & major source of revenues which supports schools, roads & other local government services
Georgia as a forestry leader • Georgia contains the largest area of forest cover in the South with 67% of the State being in forests • Of 159 counties, 131 are greater than 50% forested • Private landowners control 92% of the forests
Loblolly-Shortleaf & Longleaf-Slash comprise more than 99% of the softwood types • Planted pine represent 60% of the softwood forest • Timber is the highest valued vegetative crop in Georgia • Georgia is the first state in the nation ot license foresters
FORESTRY TERMS ACRE-a unit of land measurement consisting of 43,560 square feet or 10 square chains AD VALOREM TAX-annual taxes assessed by local county government on the basis of land & timber value ANNUAL RING-a ring of wood put on each year by a growing tree; indicating the growth for the period of one year.
BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP’s)-practice or combination of practices to be the most effective, practicable means of preventing or reducing the amount of pollution BOARD FOOT-a unit of timber measure equal to a piece of board one foot square by one inch thick. Used as a measure when estimating the amount of lumber in trees
BOTTOM LANDS-land, usually flood plains, adjacent to a river or water CATFACE-a scar on a tree resulting from turpentine operations CHAIN-a unit of measure 66 feet or 4 rods long CHIP-N-SAW-trees larger than pulpwood but smaller than saw timber trees
CLEAR CUT-a harvesting method that removes all tress regardless of size from an area COMMERCIAL FOREST LAND-land capable of producing timber for industrial use COMPETITION-the struggle among trees for growth requirements such as sunlight, nutrients, water & space
CONIFER-a tree bearing seed cones, usually an evergreen; Gymnosperm CONSERVATION-the protection, improvement & wise use of natural resources to provide the greatest social & economic value for the present & future CONTROLLED BURNING-any burning intentionally started by the landowner to accomplish some particular purpose
CORD-a volume measure of stacked wood; 4’ x 4’ x 8’ or 128 cubic feet of wood bark & space CROWN-the expanse of branches, twigs & foliage of a tree; the tree top DECIDUOUS TREE-a tree that drops its leaves at some time during the year, usually in the fall
DIAMETER BREAST HEIGHT (DBH)-the diameter measure of a tree taken at 4 ½ feet above the ground EVEN-AGED FOREST-a forest containing trees with relatively small age differences FIREBREAK-a plowed barrier designed to stop an advancing fire
FOREST MANAGEMENT-giving the forest proper care so it stays healthy, vigorous & provides the products & values the landowner desires VIRGIN FOREST-forest mature or overly mature & uninfluenced by human activity FORESTER-a professionally trained individual who manages a forest
GYMNOSPERMS-botanical name for the group of plants that includes the so-called softwoods HARDWOODS-a term generally including all species of trees that loose their leaves in the winter HARVEST-removing trees from an area
HEARTWOOD-the wood in the interior of the tree where cells no longer participate in the life processes of the trees HIGH-GRADING-the practice of harvesting only the biggest & best trees from a stand INTOLERANCE-the incapacity of a tree to develop and grow in the shade of & in competition of other trees
LOG-to cut & remove tree logs from an area LOGGER-a person engaged in logging operations MARKING TIMBER-selecting and indicating by paint, trees to be cut or retained in a cutting operation
MERCHANTABLE-trees of stands of size & quality suitable for marketing & utilization NAVAL STORES-term applies to turpentine & rosin FORESTRY TREE NURSERY-an area where young trees are grown for forest planting
ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB)-a type of particle panel composed of strand-like flakes aligned to make the panel stronger PLYWOOD-boards made from 3 or more thin layers of wood glued together POLE-a tree with a DBH between 8-12”
PRESCRIBED BURNING-fire used for beneficial improvement of pine stands PRESERVATION-chemical treatment of wood to prevent the destruction due to organisms or insects PULPWOOD-wood cut primarily for manufacture into paper products
REFORESTATION-propagation of trees by natural or artificial means SAPLING-a young tree less than 4” DBH but more than 2” DBH SILVICULTURE-the art of producing & managing a forest
SITE-an area capable of producing timber SITE INDEX-specific measure of the quality of a site SOFTWOOD-one of the botanical groups of trees that have needle or scale-like leaves; conifers
SPECIES-subordinate to a genus; trees having common characteristics STUMPAGE-standing timber or the value of timber as it stands THINNING-removing inferior trees from a stand to provide for better development of crop trees
TIMBER-standing trees UNEVEN-AGED-stand of trees with considerable age differences in the trees