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Regional Development : Programs and Policies for Clusters. Gerência de Desenvolvimento Industrial. Maio/2012. Content. Gerência de Desenvolvimento Industrial Work Methodology of Sistema FIEMG in clusters Clusters recognized by NGAPL Clusters supported by FIEMG.
Regional Development: Programsand Policies for Clusters Gerência de Desenvolvimento Industrial Maio/2012
Content • Gerência de Desenvolvimento Industrial • Work Methodology of Sistema FIEMG in clusters • Clusters recognized by NGAPL • Clusters supported by FIEMG
Gerência de Desenvolvimento Industrial Its performance is based on the promotion of collective solutions for the industry of the state of Minas Gerais through the development of projects, aiming to increase the productivity of the enterprises and their competitiveness in a sustainable way.
Introduction • Promotion policies of clusters andmetodologieshavebeendiscussed in the world for years. • There is not a definition, between the institutions involved in the development of clusters, of the best methodology, perfectly capable of promoting the competitiveness and sustainability of the companies. • Sistema FIEMG belief: competitivenessisnotjustkeeporenlargemarkets, butadaptthecompaniesactivitiestotheconceptofsustainabledevelopment.
Improve competitiviness Improve theregiontoencourageandstimulateinnovationand business development Makeeachcompanyinnovete, improve continuouslytoachievetheirclientsneeds
Strategic Focus • FIEMG hastwostrategicfocus: • Structuringstrategy: initiatives focused on increasing productivity, strengthening the value chain and governance. • Market positioningstrategy: initiatives to include and increase the companies participation in target markets. • Both strategies must beconnectedtoidentified gaps, strategicvisionandprioritiesdefinedbythestakeholders.
Structring strategy Goal: Improve thevaluechainofthe clusters byincrisingtheproductivity. Concept: Dynamic Capabilities The companies must bereadytoselltoanymarket ,any time. They must bepreparedtochanges in the business environment in the global economy too. Areastobedeveloped: Productivity, technology, business, management, human resources, logistics, environment-al management and strengthening the governance.
Market positioningstrategy Goal: allowthecompanieschoosetheir position in targetmarkets The choiceofthemarketshouldnotbebasedonlyby a marketanalisis, because it ignores the business climate, and the company's own ability to act. Also, should not be obligatory a positioning of the companies, but must be worked a business strategy to make them compete in the target market identified. Areastobedeveloped: Market Prospecting, companies’ diagnosisand benchmarking.
FIEMG’s Methodology • Elements: • Longtermeffort; • Strong local teams must beformedto start and monitor thewholeprocessofchange • Clusters sucessdependsoftheinovationandcommitmentofthestakeholders; • FIEMG believesthatany cluster must: • Haveprojectsfocused in the short, mediumandlongterm; • Build up a EGL and a Management Committee; • Haveparticipativeenterprises, withsinergybetweenthem, the EGL andthe MC.
StateGovernment MunicipalGovernment Federal Government UniversitiesandTrainingCenters PromotingEntities SupportiveEntities ClassEntities Enterprise Management Committee Executive Secretary Thematic Groups FinancialEconomic MarketRepresentation Technologyandprocesses TrainingandHR SocialDevelpment WA FIEMG’s Model of Performance
Importance of the Management Committee • The Management Committee should gather representatives from local companies, syndicates (labor and employer), diversified associations, Governmental Entities, Universities, Research Centers and development banks. • Functions: • Represent clusters on the Governmental level; • Mobilize local players; • Promote the coordination of the joint actions between the Institutions; • Be the reference center for strategic decisions and course arrangements.
Conclusions • Every investment in clusters have opportunities and risks that are to be considered; • Opportunities: • The operation goes beyond the individual vision and allows the establishment of a link between the territory and the economic activities; • Increase of scale gain in policies for micro and small enterprises by the overflow of learning and competencies. • Risks: • Behavioral changes for a collective action are relatively slower compared with the local necessities; • Local players disappointment with the cooperation programs.
Conclusions • FIEMG believes that Collective Project Goals should be agreed since the beginning, with the intention to level the difference of expectations from each player. • By a critical reflection from FIEMG’s projects in clusters, some essential elements should be considered for the effectiveness of your programs: • Joint coordination for the use of resources between the entities; • EGL (Syndicates, Associations, others) strengthening; • Measure of Results and Evaluation Impact during the Program; • Establishment of strategies to conclude the Program.
APLs de Minas Gerais 14 3 27 2 17 25 20 18 24 1 5 29 23 4 8 9 19 10 13 32 21 16 26 31 36 6 30 15 35 22 12 34 7 37 28 11 33
Município-pólo do APL Demais municípios do APL Microrregião Sede da microrregião Fruticultura na Região de Jaíba • Banana • Limão • Manga Matias Cardoso Jaíba Januária Nova Porteirinha Janaúba Montes Claros
Município-pólo do APL Demais municípios do APL Microrregião Sede da microrregião Fundição na Região Centro-Oeste • Peças fundidas de ferro, aço e materiais não ferrosos Itaúna Divinópolis Cláudio
Município-pólo do APL Demais municípios do APL Microrregião Sede da microrregião Eletroeletrônico na Região de Santa Rita do Sapucaí • Componentes Eletrônicos S. R. do Sapucaí Pouso Alegre Itajubá
Município-pólo do APL Demais municípios do APL Microrregião Sede da microrregião Calçados e Bolsas RMBH • Artigos para viagem, bolsas e semelhantes • Calçados de couro BH Contagem
Município-pólo do APL Demais municípios do APL Microrregião Sede da microrregião Calçados na Região de Nova Serrana Leandro Ferreira Pitangui Conceição do Pará Bom Despacho Pará de Minas Nova Serrana Araú- jos São Gonçalo do Pará Igaratinga Perdigão Divinópolis
Município-pólo do APL Demais municípios do APL Microrregião Sede da microrregião Biotecnologia na RMBH (Saúde humana) Vespasiano Lagoa Santa São Jose da Lapa Santa Luzia Esmeraldas BH Contagem Sabará Ribeirão das Neves Betim
Município-pólo do APL Demais municípios do APL Microrregião Sede da microrregião Móveis em Ubá • Móveis em madeira São Geraldo V. R. Branco Ubá Guidoval Tocantins Rodeiro Rio Pomba Piraúba
Thankyou ! FIEMG – Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais Avenida do Contorno, 4456, Funcionários 30110-916 - Belo Horizonte MG Telefone (31) 3263-4761 Fax (31) 3263-4796