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THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. First Estate : The church, own 65% land & tax exempt (.5% of pop) Second Estate: Nobles who hold govt & military postions. Own 25% of land. Tax exempt . (1.5% of pop). Third Estate : 98% of pop, pay all taxes, own no land Includes peasants &

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  2. First Estate: The church, own 65% land & tax exempt (.5% of pop) Second Estate: Nobles who hold govt & military postions. Own 25% of land. Tax exempt. (1.5% of pop)

  3. Third Estate: 98% of pop, pay all taxes, own no land Includes peasants & Bourgeoisie–who were middle class (drs Merchants, lawyers, writers upset w/ nobles)

  4. Many problems: Bad harvests, rising food prices, lack of food & clothes, little manufacturing, govt spending money on wars, luxuries.

  5. Louis XVI meets w/ Estates General (a gathering of representatives from all three estates) to raise taxes.

  6. Each estate gets ONE vote so 3rd asks for a vote from each person. • 3rd wants to get rid of tax exempt. • King says no & locks palaces so 3rd cant meet.

  7. 3rd Estate meets 6/17/1789 & calls itself National Assembly • Swear TENNIS COURT OATH to write new Fr constitution

  8. July 14th, 1789 mob storms Bastille, (prison in Paris) after Louis XVI uses troops against National Assembly.

  9. National Assembly met on Aug. 4th, 1789 & abolish rights of landlords, Church tithes & tax exemptions (after rebellions broke out)

  10. Aug 26, 1789, adopt Declaration of the Rights of Man which gavebasic liberties for MEN such as: equal rights, freedom of press, speech & no tax exempt. (enlightenment ideas)

  11. Louis XVI says no. • Armed women march & force family to Paris to accept Declaration of Man & National Assembly

  12. New constitution written 1791 • Creates Legislative Assembly & limited king • Men who paid certain amt in taxes could vote (2/3 of pop).

  13. Lower classes say no b/c they can’t vote • King flees & is caught. • Aus & Prussia want Louis back in power, so Leg Assembly declare war (big losses).

  14. 1792 radical groups called COMMUNES organize to protest new Constitution • Paris Commune gets king & forces Legislative Assembly to call for National Convention (a meeting) where all can vote (universal suffrage)

  15. Communes called themselves the SANS-COULOTTES (had no fine clothes, wore pants & were mostly poor working class)

  16. At National Convention, New Minister of Justice, Georges Danton is created to go after royal supporters. • 1000s murdered.

  17. DO NOT WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • Sept 1792: National Convention is ruling body. • Mostly lawyers & property owners who distrust king. • Spilt into 2 groups over what to do w/ king. • Both part of JACOBINS- a network of political groups. GIRONDINS- keep king alive. MOUNTAIN- Kill king

  18. King guillotined 1793 • Other nations go to war against France (Aus, Pru, SP, Br, Port, Rus).

  19. DON’T WRITE! • Also killed Louis’ wife, Marie Antoinette. • Famous for her excess & for saying “let them eat cake”

  20. Nat Convention gives the COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY broad powers to do anything & protect France from enemies of the Revolution • Prosecuted enemies of rev & 40,000 die, 16,000 by guillotine alone)

  21. MAXIMILLAIN ROBESPIERRE ran the CPS w/ Danton (1793-94)

  22. Time period was called the Reign of Terror when many were killed.

  23. France built a huge army, pushing back its enemies. • National Convention guillotined Robespierre in 1794. • Middle class took over & reduce power of CPS. They set up new Constitution w/ a new leg assembly of 2 houses.

  24. 5 directors act as executive committee called DIRECTORY. VeryCorrupt

  25. NAPOLEONDynamite


  27. Napoleon led COUP DE TAT (or sudden overthrow) in 1799 of Directory

  28. Set up new govt called CONSULATE & Napoleon is consul & controls army, foreign affairs & legislature. • Crowns self Emperor in 1804, but called France a republic

  29. Made agreement w/ Catholic church where he recognized it as church of France & in return pope did not ask for stolen lands back.

  30. The Napoleonic Code created 7 codes of law. • CIVIL CODE most important. – equality of citizens, religious toleration, abolish serfdom, choose profession. (ideas of liberty)

  31. Despotism: 1. hurt women’s rights & divorce. 2. Censored newspapers, govt opened mail 3. Secret police 4. New nobles mostly military & middle class.

  32. DO NOT WRITE!!!! • When Nap became Consul, he signed peace, • War begins again in 1803 • Btw 1805-1807, Nap beats Aus, Prus, & Rus armies.

  33. Built GRAND EMPIRE btw 1807-1812 which included Fr & Italy, Holland, Swiss Republic, SP, Rhine Confederation & Warsaw

  34. DON”T WRITE!!!! • Nap tries to invade GB, but navy defeats Nap at Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. • Tries to block trade of Brit to Euro through CONTINENTAL SYSTEM (can’t buy/sell Br goods) • other states still did.

  35. Invades Russia in 1812 (won’t follow Cont Sys.) • Grand Army of 600,000 march in. • Rus army retreats 100s of miles, burning own villages as, so French can’t get supplies.

  36. Find Moscow in flames in Winter. Nap retreats & only 40,000 men live.


  38. Stop throwing snowballs at my men!

  39. DO NOT WRITE!!! • Nations rise against a weakened France. • Paris taken in Mar 1814 • Napoleon exiled to Elba & monarchy restored • Louis XVIII weak. • Nap escapes & troops join his side despite being sent to capture him

  40. With troops on his side claims self emperor & goes to Paris Mar 20, 1815. • Nations rise again to get rid of Nap.

  41. At Battle of Waterloo, June 18, 1815 Nap defeated by Duke Wellington & exiled to St Helena (dies there)

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