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Environmental Radioactivity Measurement Facility. Department of Oceanography Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida USA. Objectives. Study the distribution of U/Th decay-series nuclides to address problems in the earth/marine sciences.
Environmental Radioactivity Measurement Facility Department of Oceanography Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida USA
Objectives • Study the distribution of U/Th decay-series nuclides to address problems in the earth/marine sciences. • Improve chemical and instrumental techniques for measurement of all radionuclides in the environment.
222Rn 210Pb 222Rn 222Rn 234Th 226Ra 234U 238U 230Th var. ~10 dpm/100L: 237 <1 271 Seawater ~50 238U ~ 3.2 g/L 226Ra Sediments 230Th (234Th, 231Pa, 210Pb, etc.) U-Series Disequilibrium in the Ocean R/V Eichrom
Funding • Federal: NSF, ONR, NOAA, EPA • State: FDEP, FIPR, FDOH • Private: PG Research Foundation, ACS, Earthwatch
Current Projects • Tracing of groundwater discharge into the coastal zone via Rn-222, radium isotopes • Automated Rn-222 in water and improved Ra-224 via Mn-fiber/Rn counting • Radioanalytical analysis of large volume environmental samples via Diphonix • Th-234 in marine sediments via extraction chromatography - LSC
Graduate Students - M.S. Jamie Christoff Michael Lambert
Graduate Students - Ph.D. Henrieta Dulaiova Svetlana Nour
Other Personnel Guebuem Kim, Ph.D Postdoc Reide Corbett, Ph.D Asst. Prof. Mike Schultz, ABD
Undergraduates Igor Nathan
“Bill…you need to use Diphonix resin to remove sample matrix and make your life easier” Scientific Advisor I wonder when FSU is going to play a real football team…
It…Could…Work…!!! Remove the Sample Matrix…?
Environmental Radioactivity Measurement Facility FSU The End