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LEWWWP English Level Assessment for Enhanced Language Learning Journey

Enhance your English skills with our comprehensive LEWWWP English Level Assessment, tailored to your needs and goals. Discover where you stand and how to progress effectively. Gain insightful guidance and resources for optimal learning strategies.

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LEWWWP English Level Assessment for Enhanced Language Learning Journey

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  1. http://lewwwp.com Learn English With a WorldWidePerspective

  2. LEWWWP English Level Assessment What’s your LEWWWP English Level?

  3. Try other online assessments first? • Other English assessments available online that you might wish to try: • thisonline assessment • these online leveled assessments (LinquaSpectrum) • this grammar assessment • sentence correction practice • and/or the listening and grammar assessment at this link • and/or the listening comprehension test at this link • and/or try the quizzes for different grammar points at this site. • and/or the English Club's written comprehension test • and/or the English Club's business English assessment • and/or any of many other available assessments of your choice. THEN…

  4. Things to consider… • Assessments are guides to help your learning! • Goal-Setting group[lots of interesting discussions here] • Think about these: • Your purposefor learning English (exam? travel? job? visa? pleasure? other?) • Your focus in/for learning English (grammar? writing? reading? listening? speaking? pronunciation? idioms? British English? Canadian English? Australian English? American English? all of these? another focus?) • Your motivation(self-discipline? support network? how strongly you truly wish to learn) • Your available time & time management skills • Your accessto classes, internet, opportunities to practice, materials • psychological, physical, mental, and other health and limitations/challenges/abilities • whereyou study (quiet? noisy? well-lighted? on your own computer? on a mobile phone?) • whenyou study (late at night when you're tired? on the subway? when you're hungry?)

  5. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment!

  6. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment • The LEWWWP English Level Assessment • has several parts. • You will be asked to • Read (and follow instructions) • Write • Listen • Speak(record your response)

  7. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment • You may stop at any point (but this will affect your score). • You may skip any parts you are having difficulty with • (but know that omitted answers will result in a lower score. ~ This is OK; it • means you have room to grow) • You may take this assessment as many times as you wish. • Please read the questions carefully. • For the most accurate results, it is recommended that you choose a day and time when you feel 'ready' and that you begin and finish in one sitting (without any lengthy interruptions). • Be as honest as you can be in your responses. • Ready?

  8. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment! • Approximate time to complete = • 45 to 90 minutes • (It will be different for each of you. It’s OK if it takes you longer.)

  9. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment! Ready?

  10. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment! Step 1, option 1:  Download the PDF file and score sheet attached to this post[Send the completed form as an attachment to Holly on Skype (Smilin7). or Step 1, option 2: Copy the list of questions from this PowerPoint and paste them into a message to me, with your answers typed in. [click on my profile page and then on "send a message."] or *option 3:Complete only the score sheet attachment. [You may send only this completed score sheet instead of the complete document if you prefer.]

  11. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment! Answer as many of the questions on the following slides as you can. Write in complete sentences when it makes sense to do so. Write to impress! [Use your best grammar, punctuation, vocabulary.]

  12. Try the LEWWWP English Level Assessment! [Optional:  You may also record any or all of your answers using: LEWWWP's Evoca audio recorder or LEWWWP's MailVu video recorder *in addition to typing your answers.

  13. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 1 Begin here: Today's date is __________________. B.  The time I began this test was _________. C.  My LEWWWP member name is ____________. D.  Is anyone helping you with this test [translating / explaining the instructions]? _____ (Yes / No / I don't think so). E.  I joined LEWWWP on ___________. (provide month, day, year).

  14. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 2 F.  I have ____ LEWWWP friends. (fill in the true/correct number) G.  Which of the following sentences is (or Which of the following sentences are) truest for you?  Write the number or numbers of your answer(s) here:_________________. I want to improve my speaking, listening, reading and writing of English. I want to improve my speaking skills in English more than my listening, reading, and writing skills. I want to improve my listening skills in English more than my speaking, reading, or writing skills. I want to improve my reading skills in English more than my listening, speaking, and writing skills. I want to improve my writing skills in English more than my listening, speaking, and reading skills. I mainly want to improve my pronunciation in English. I mainly want to improve my understanding of and how to use different grammar structures in English. My main interest in English is just to enjoy practicing! My main interest in English is to pass an exam. None of these are true for me. 

  15. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 3 H. The questions asked so far have been ___________ (easy / not very difficult / difficult) for me to answer.   The time is now _______. J.  I have edited my LEWWWP profile page. ______________ (Yes / No / I don't think so / I don't know / I don't know how to). K.  I have joined at least three groups.  ______ (True or False) L.   I have joined at least one live class with an active LEWWWP site teacher [on Skype, in a Google+ Hangout, on WizIQor other]. ________________________(Yes / No / I don't think so).

  16. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 4 M.   If your answer to the prior question (L)is yes, what do you remember about the class?  Choose one: ______________a lot / a little / nothing / some. Please tell me more: ___________________________________________________________. N.  If your answer to L is no, please tell me why ____________________________________________________________ (I didn't want to / I'm not interested in listening or speaking English / I'm afraid! / I'm too shy to try yet / other: please explain). O.  LEWWWP now has ______ members. P.  There are ____ members in the Topic of the Day Group. Q.  I have written ___ blog posts on LEWWWP. (write in an accurate number) 

  17. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 5 R.  On our site Member map, check and find one country with more than one LEWWWP member represented. List the name of that country:______________________ S.  One of the topics in the FAQ / Help Group's discussions is titled: _____________________________. T.   Name three things you can find in the left column of LEWWWP's home page _________________________ _____________________________________________. U.  How many subtabs are under the tab labeled Popular? V.  Describe the badge that LEWWWP has assigned to your profile image: __________________________________. W.  All live classes on/from LEWWWP are free. _______ (True or False)

  18. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 6 X.   Name at least one group on LEWWWP that every LEWWWP member should consider joining: ________ ____________________________________________. Y.  Explain why someone should consider joining the group you named: ___________________________________. Z.  How many people have you invited to join LEWWWP? _________ (none / fewer than 5 people / between 5 and 15 people / more than 15 people) ~ ~ ~ ZA.  The questions asked in this middle section of the LEWWWP Level Assessment  have been ___________ (easy / not very difficult / difficult) for me to answer.   ZB.  The time is now _______.

  19. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 7 ZC Answer these questions after you listen to the video ONCE (link to the video follows these instructions). In the video, Holly talks about a ____________________. I was able to understand about ______ (25% or less / 25% to 50% / 50% to 75% / nearly all / all) of what Holly said on the video.  3. Three words that I think I heard were ________________________ _______________________________________________________. 4. One question Holly asked was ______________________________. 5. Please record yourself (using LEWWWP's Evoca recorder or LEWWWP's MailVu video recorder) and answer as many of the questions from the video as you are willing and able to answer.  *more notes on next slide

  20. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 8 NOTE #1: Your recordings will not be shared with anyone except Holly unless you give her permission to share them. NOTE#2: Begin your recording by saying,  "Hello Holly.  My name is ________. Today's date is __________. My LEWWWP member name is _________.   Here are my answers: _________________________." (You may speak for up to 5minutes) Listen to the video now.

  21. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 9 ZD.  Please visit this post. Please answer the following questions: Please write/type the name of the LEWWWP member who wrote this post ___________________________. Is this a LEWWWP blog post or a LEWWWP group discussion post? _____________________________. What is the name of the group this discussion post was added to? ________________________________

  22. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 10 4. Please write/type one sentence that explains what this post is about. _________________________________________ Listen to at least a couple of minutes of the TED talk video[Please write the time that you begin watching the video_______.  Please write the time you finished watching the video ______.] 6. Please write/type or record one or more sentences about the video, answering this question:  What is the TED talk video about? ____________________________________ _______________________________________________. ZE.  The questions asked in this section of the LEWWWP Level Assessment have been ___________ (easy / not very difficult / difficult) for me to answer.

  23. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 11 You are almost to the end of the LEWWWP English Level Assessment Final questions: How often do you sign in to LEWWWP? ______________ (almost every day / about three times a week / about once a week / less than three times a month / today is my first day on LEWWWP / other; please explain. _______________________________________________.) How many people have you referred to LEWWWP? _____ Have any of them been teachers of English? (Yes / No / I'm not sure) Did you use a dictionary to help you with any portion of this test? _________ (Yes / No / I don't think so).  [Note: It is OK if you do, but you should know that a "Yes" answer will result in an overall lower LEWWWP  Level Assessment Indicator Challenge score] 4. The time I completed this test (the time I stopped for today) was ________. 5. IF YOU STOPPED and then RESTARTED the test later the same day or the following day, or a few days later, please tell me and explain why: _____________________________________________________.

  24. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 12 This is the ______ (1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / higher #) time I have taken / tried to complete this assessment test.   I think this version of the test is the ______ (same / different / I'm not sure / not applicable because this is the first time I have taken the LEWWWP Level Assessment) as the version that I took before.

  25. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 13 ZF.  I think my English proficiency level in listening is _______________. ZG.  I think my English proficiency level in speaking is _______________. ZH.  I think my English proficiency level in reading is ________________. ZI.   I think my English proficiency level in writing is ________________. ZJ.   I think my English proficiency level in pronunciation is _____________. ZK.  I think my English proficiency level in understanding grammar concepts is _____________. ZL.   I think all of the questions on this test are/were the same as the last time I took the assessment. _______  (True or False or Not Applicable)  ZM.  I didn't complete question(s) __________________ because ________________________________________________________. ZN.  (optional) Please add any additional comments here (please use complete sentences) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  26. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 14 The end! Thank you! [Note! There are OPTIONAL challenge questions on the following slide.] Pleasesend a message to Holly with your answers.   Please WAIT up to three days to hear my answer.   If you have not heard from me with in three days, please contact me and ask me what your LEWWWP English Level determination is. 

  27. LEWWWP English Level Assessment, page 15 Challenge question #1: Name a LEWWWP group with over 81 members.  _________________________________________ Challenge question #2: What is LEWWWP’s slogan? “____ ___ ____ loop _____ __________!”

  28. Thank you! *I recommend that you repeat the assessment Monthly. Document the dates you take the assessment, document the responses you receive. After you complete your SECOND/subsequent assessment, ask yourself these questions: Did I complete it faster the second time? Do I feel more confident and competent after the second / third / fourth / fifth time? (When you answer “Yes” = That's called progress!)

  29. http://lewwwp.com Learn English With a WorldWidePerspective

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