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10+ School Ground Activities ShellyTerrell.com/webinars
Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners. - John Holt
Outdoor board game challenges!
Jump rope! Photo by amslerPIX, flic.kr/p/kHEtrJ
A my name is ALICE, my brother/ sister's name is AL, we live in ALABAMA and we bring back APPLES. B my name is B___, my brother/ sister's name is B___, we live in B___ and we bring back B___.
Hide N Seek Tag
Play sports! • Host a field day or an Olympics games day! • Teach them a sport from various countries. • Have them teach the class a sport they enjoy! • Have them invent a sport then play it!
Fun with chalk Vocabulary challenges Draw relays Hopscotch Positive messages Win, Lose, or Draw Add to my scene
Suggested QR Code Apps/ Tools ? I-nigma QuickMark SparQcode.com Visualead.com Unitaglive.com QR CodeWiz QRidee
Scavenger Hunts Schooltechnology.org, Photo by Lexie Flickinger, Flickr
Examples: Mission: Snap a photo of graffi- you consider art. Explain why? Points: 10 pts. photo & wri>en reasons, 20pts. with mul-media app (Thinglink, Buncee, Audioboo), 30pts. app + posted on your blog Mission: Snap photos of 5 substances in your surroundings. Post their chemical formulas. Mission: Snap a photo that represents a frac-on. Create a word problem. Schooltechnology.org, Photo by Lexie Flickinger, Flickr
Create a Scavenger Hunt 20 20 10 90
• An object from home • In their textbooks • Around the school • That represents a math, science, or grammar concept
Nature Scrapbooks Budding Photographer by Dinuraj K, Flickr
BookCreator iOS/Android App • Easiest way to create multimedia books & publish to iBook or Google Play store • Include audio, music, videos, images Redjumper.net/bookcreator
Collages, Text, Magazines, Calendars & More! You Doodle Pic-‐Collage IOS/ Android Frame Ar-st Image Chef
Create Interactive Image Posters Buncee Thinglink.com
Have a First Aid Kit! Image by Noelle Noble, Flic.kr/p/bnGchz
Bit.ly/eltlinks Bit.ly/eltlinks Bit.ly Bit.ly/ShellTerrell /ShellTerrell T: @ShellTerrell T: @ShellTerrell ShellyTerrell.com/webinars ShellyTerrell.com/webinars Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell Google.com/+ShellySanchezTerrell Google.com/+ShellySanchezTerrell