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Roman Civilization

Roman Civilization. In addition to Greece, a significant classical civilization was ancient Rome. Impact of Geography on Rome : Identify 1 geographic feature & propose how it might impact the culture of Rome. The Geography of Rome.

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Roman Civilization

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  1. Roman Civilization

  2. In addition to Greece, a significant classical civilization was ancient Rome

  3. Impact of Geography on Rome:Identify 1 geographic feature & propose how it might impact the culture of Rome

  4. The Geography of Rome Rome was located on the Italian peninsula along the Mediterranean Sea The Romans were influenced by the Greeks & neighboring Etruscans

  5. The Culture of Ancient Rome Roman religion was polytheistic & based on the Greek gods (usually only the names changed)

  6. The Culture of Ancient Rome Roman architecture borrowed heavily from Greek styles Like Greek agoras, Roman cities had a forum for markets & public gatherings https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/706546b6-fba2-40c3-aee3-0bbde5f4ad4c?hasLocalHost=false


  8. 1. What occupations do you think this picture shows? 2. Which occupations are blue collar and which are white collar? 3. Do any occupations not fit in either the blue-collar or white-collar categories? If so, which ones, and why don’t they fit into either category? What are the benefits of white-collar jobs? Is the amount of power different for white-collar workers and blue-collar workers? Explain.

  9. 1. What three social classes are shown in this image? Does the soldier belong to a particular social class? Explain. 3. How much power do you think each of the social classes had in ancient Roman society? 2. Which social class resembles modern white-collar workers? Which social class resembles modern blue-collar workers? Which social class does not resemble either one? Explain your answers.

  10. The Culture of Ancient Rome Society was divided among 3 major groups: At the top were the nobles, called patricians, who controlled most of the land & held key military & gov’t positions(made up 5% of Roman citizens)

  11. The Life of the Patricians

  12. The Culture of Ancient Rome Society was divided among 3 major groups: Most people were commoners, called plebeians, who were farmers, shopkeepers, or peasants; Plebeians paid the majority of taxes (made up 95% of Roman citizens)

  13. The Life of the Plebeians

  14. The Culture of Ancient Rome Society was divided among 3 major groups: At the bottom of society were slaves & other non-Roman citizens Slaves were treated brutally. Most did not live long and they were considered property under Roman rule.

  15. 3 minutes in Rome! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmCtx11izBQ

  16. Patrician vs Plebian rap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZh8xQsLYiY

  17. The Government of Ancient Rome Rome was originally ruled by kings, but in 509 B.C. the Romans created a republic A republic is a form of government in which citizens have the power to elect representatives who make laws for them.

  18. The most important feature of the republic was the Senate, whose 300 members were elected by citizens to make laws & taxes

  19. The Government of Ancient Rome In 451 B.C., government officials wrote down Rome’s laws onto the Twelve Tables which were hung in the forum for all citizens to see The Twelve Tables were based on the idea that all citizens had a right to the protection of the law

  20. The Twelve Tables https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/3aecf97d-2760-4548-85fa-21d498942e18

  21. The Roman Military Rome was protected by an advanced army that was divided into groups of 5,000 soldiers called legions Each legion was divided into smaller groups of 80 men called a century

  22. Corvus

  23. Problems for the Roman Republic • Rome’s expansion brought wealth, but also created problems: • The addition of new lands & sources of slave labor increased the gap between the rich & poor • Generals who controlled the armies became more powerful than the politicians in the Senate • Struggles for power led to a series of civil wars in Rome

  24. End of the Republic & Rise of the Empire • Caesar’s death changed Rome: • People no longer trusted the Senate to rule Rome & the Roman Republic came to an end & the empire began

  25. The Rise of the Roman Empire Octavian emerged as the unchallenged leader of Rome, was given the title Augustus (“Exalted One”), & became Rome’s first emperor Under Augustus, Rome was ruled as an empire; the Senate still met but the emperor had all the real power

  26. Aquaducts • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8W96WaobOs

  27. Roman architects used new styles like domes & concrete to beautify cities

  28. Emperors built arenas & used chariot races, gladiator events, & theater to entertain the poor The Roman Coliseum

  29. Conclusions • Rome expanded from a city, to a republic, to an empire • The era of the Roman Republic introduced representative democracy • The era of the Roman Empire sparked the Pax Romana & the “golden age” of Roman innovation & culture

  30. Mr. Nicky • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5V-IK1cEtE

  31. Please write a response to the following prompt: • What were 3 major reasons why the great empire of Rome fell. Please be sure to explain each reason.

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