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From Canoes to the Space Station

Discover the evolution of transportation from canoes in 8500 BC to the Space Station in the 1970s, including inventions like the wheel, steam engine, automobiles, airplanes, and space rockets. Explore how these advancements revolutionized the ability of humans to travel across water, air, and space, shaping the course of history.

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From Canoes to the Space Station

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From Canoes to the Space Station

  2. 8500 B.C. Pine dug out canoe. Drents Museum. Increased the ability of people to move across bodies of water. Resource: http://www.civilization.ca/media/docs/fsbog01e.html

  3. 4000 B.C. to 3500 B.C., Mesopotamia Increased the amount of goods people could transport. Resource: http://inventors.about.com/od/wstartinventions/a/wheel.htm

  4. 3500 BCE , Egypt Used to control a boat needing to go downwind. Resource: http://woodentallships.com/maritime/2007/04/04/history-of-sailing/ http://www.artsales.com/ARTistory/Ancient_Ships/images/Hatshe23.gif

  5. 1776, United States Used for military applications and underwater exploration. Resource: http://www.maritime.org/fleetsub/chap1.htm

  6. 1783, France First human flight and military implications. Resource: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/mae/admin/divisions/ae/ae.asp

  7. 1769 Improved steam engine which led to steam powered trains and boats. Resource: http://www.trainweb.org/oldtimetrains/clc/cnr2141.jpg http://www.uh.edu/engines/fitchbt2.jpg

  8. 1769, France. Nicolas Cugnat First Automobile. Began the quest for personal transportation. Resource: http://discover.edventures.com/functions/termlib.php?action=&termid=2429&alpha=n&searchString=

  9. 1885, Gottlieb Daimler. Improved upon existing combustion type engines to create the fore-runner to modern engines. Resource: http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/sub_image.cfm?image_id=1261

  10. 1889 & 1891, France. The first car manufacturers in the world were: Panhard & Levassor (1889) & Peugeot (1891). Resource: http://www.grandprix.com/ft/ft11648.html http://www.brighton-early.com/peugeot.html

  11. 1903, United States. Flight opened up the realm of air transportation. Resource: http://www.evergreen.edu/library/govdocs/hotopics/wrightbros100/index.html

  12. 1926, United States. First liquid fueled rocket pre-runner to the solid fueled rocket later used in the space programs and it had military implications. Resource: http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/service/gallery/fact_sheets/general/frocket/frocket.htm

  13. 1977, United States. Trans Alaska Pipeline demonstrated the efficiency of pipeline technology. Resource: http://www.d.umn.edu/~cstroupe/archive/5230/glocal/prudhoe/www.d.umn.edu/~hoef0049/pbpipeline.html

  14. 1957, Russia. Launched Sputnik 1 the first artificial satellite which opened up mechanical space exploration. Resource: http://www.space50.net/sputnik.html

  15. 1961, Russia. Vostok 1 carried the first astronaut into space opening up space exploration to humans. Resource: http://web.ticino.com/calcolo/avvenimenti/vostok1.gif

  16. 1969, United States. Apollo mission landed man on the moon. Resource: http://apod.oa.uj.edu.pl/apod/ap980503.html

  17. 1970’s, United States. Skylab enabled to humans to remain in space. Resource: http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/~jeff/115a/history/skylab.html

  18. Pictures are not in order

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