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Open Science Grid @JointTechs

Open Science Grid @JointTechs. Ruth Pordes Fermilab, July 17th 2006. Outline. What is OSG Where Networking fits Middleware Security Networking & OSG. OSG - goals and scope. OSG is a Consortium joining efforts from disparate projects

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Open Science Grid @JointTechs

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  1. Open Science Grid @JointTechs Ruth Pordes Fermilab, July 17th 2006 Outline • What is OSG • Where Networking fits • Middleware • Security • Networking & OSG

  2. OSG - goals and scope • OSG is a Consortium joining efforts from disparate projects • OSG is national distributed facility for many sciences: providing access to heterogeneous computing, network and storage resources and common operational services, software stack, policies and procedures. • Stakeholders include US HEP and NP experiments and Fermilab users, LIGO, Astrophysics… and core Grid technology groups. • OSG Infrastructure is a core piece of the WLCG and delivers accountable resources and cycles for LHC experiment production and analysis. • OSG relies on many external projects for development and support . E.g. for Network infrastructures. • OSG federates with other grids - especially TeraGrid, Campus Grids and EGEE. • OSG must deliver to LHC and LIGO milestones and schedules -- ie 2007, 2008 throughput andcapacity needs.

  3. OSG Consortium • US LHC, LIGO, Tevatron Run II, STAR, SDSS, • DOE Labs - BNL, Fermilab, JLab, LBNL, SLAC • Multidisciplinary Campus Grids - GLOW, GROW, Crimson Grid • Bio-Informatics - GADU, FMRI • Condor, Globus, Storage Resource Manager

  4. OSG’s world is flat - a Grid of Grids - from Local to Global Global Science Community Systems e.g. CMS , D0 National CyberInfrastructures for Science Local Campus And Regional Grids e.g. OSG-TeraGrid e.g. FermiGrid, NWIC

  5. People Working Together! OSG’s world is flat - a Grid of Grids - from Local to Global Global Science Community Systems e.g. CMS , D0 National CyberInfrastructures for Science Local Campus And Regional Grids e.g. OSG-TeraGrid e.g. FermiGrid, NWIC

  6. Monitored “OSG jobs”-- July2005-2006 Off to a running start … but lot’s more to do. • Routinely exceeding 1Gbps at 3 sites: • Need to Scale by x4 by 2008 with many more sites • Routinely exceeding 1000 running jobs per client • Need to Scale by at least x10 by 2008 • Have reached 99% success rate for 10,000 jobs per day submission • Need to reach this routinely, even under heavy load 3000 OSG 0.4.0 deployment

  7. Operations Model In practice, support organizations often play multiple roles Lines represent communication paths and, in our model, agreements. We have not progressed very far with agreements yet. Gray shading indicates that OSG Operations composed of effort from all the support centers.

  8. Outline, OSG Network People • Where Networking fits • TG-Networks - Shawn McGee and Don Petravick. • TG-Storage currently covers data distribution and management issues also. • LHC Tier-1s network groups. • MonaLisa monitoring & accounting service.

  9. Network Connectivity - purvue of the Sites & VOs: Labs and Universities • Uses commodity networks - ESNet, Campus LANs • Some sites are well network provisioned -- connected to Starlight etc. • Some OSG sites are also on TeraGrid. • Connectivity of Resources range from full-duplex, outgoing only, to fully behind firewalls.

  10. Taiwan UK Italy Purdue Wisconsin UCSD Caltech Florida CMS Experiment - example of a global community grid OSG EGEE CERN USA@FNAL France Germany UNL MIT Data & jobs moving locally, regionally & globally within CMS grid. Transparently across grid boundaries from campus to the world.

  11. CMS Global Operations • Job submission: 16,000 jobs per day submitted across EGEE & OSG via INFN RB. • Data movement to 39 sites worldwide for CMS data transfer challenge. • Peak transfer rates of ~5Gbps are reached. • All 7 CMS OSG sites have reached 5TB/day goal. Caltech, Florida, UCSD exceed 10TB/day.

  12. Deploys “DQ” data management on “Edge Service”. VO specific hardware at Edge of each site. OSG plans to deploy such Edge Services based on XEN VMs to enable better site control and auditing. ATLAS Global Data Distribution

  13. Middleware & Service Principles: Me -- My friends -- The grid Me: thin user layer Me & My friends are usually domain science specific. My friends: VO services VO infrastructure VO admins The Grid: anonymous sites & admins Common to all. • Middleware

  14. NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI): Condor, Globus, Myproxy OSG Middleware Layering … LHC Services & Framework Bio Services &Framework CDF, D0SamGrid & Framework LIGOData Grid Applications OSG Release Cache: VDT + Configuration, Validation, VO management Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) Common Services NMI + VOMS, CEMon (common EGEE components), MonaLisa, Clarens, AuthZ, Squid, Infrastructure

  15. OSG Middleware Deployment Domain science requirements. Condor, Globus, EGEE etc OSG stakeholders and middleware developer (joint) projects. Test on “VO specific grid” Integrate into VDT Release. Deploy on OSG integration grid Test Interoperability With EGEE and TeraGrid Provision in OSG release & deploy to OSG production.

  16. Integration Testbed - a Grid for System Testing & Component Validation • Software Providers deliver components and/or services to OSG Applications or Facility. Activities have responsible technical lead. • Provide Readiness Plan to Integration. Identify Support Center. • Submit request for inclusion in VDT - agree to support model, supply test programs etc. • Validate on VO-specific Grid then Integration Testbed. Integration Coordinator recommends when new component is ready for Provisioning to production. ITB

  17. Security - Integrated & End-To-End • OSG Security Program is Risk based; it covers OSG assets and Agreements with & between VOs, sites, and grids; we are looking at Residual Risks to identify priorities for work. • Incident Response Plan; AUPs, Risk Assessment, Security Plan. • Scope includes Operational Security, Auditing, Quality Assurance, Documented Policies, Collaboration with peers, Trust Controls. • We will provide common references for sites+VOs+Grids (Otherwise program does not scale) • Scope includes Software: baseline, auditing, patching. Good collaboration with IGTF, EGEE -- JSPG,MSWG -- TeraGrid, Security for Open Science CET etc.

  18. e.g. User and VO Management • VO Registers with with Operations Center • Provides URL for VOMS service to be propagated to the sites. • Several VOMS are shared with EGEE as part of WLCG. • User registers through VOMRS or VO administrator • User added to VOMS of one or more VOs. • VO responsible for users to sign AUP. • VO responsible for VOMS service support. • Site Registers with the Operations Center • Signs the Service Agreement. • Decides which VOs to support (striving for default admit) • Populates GUMS from VOMSes of all VOs. Chooses account UID policy for each VO & role. • VOs and Sites provide Support Center Contact and joint Operations. • For WLCG: US ATLAS and US CMS Tier-1s directly registered to WLCG. Other support centers propagated through OSG GOC to WLCG.

  19. e.g. Software Fast & Critical Updates -- already exercised for mysql vulnerabilities

  20. e.g. Risk Assessment Incident Response Plan

  21. OSG & Networking needs • OSG needs end-to-end performance and reliability of the networks it uses. • Thus OSG needs access to comprehensive and usable network monitoring, capacity and performance data. • OSG need both “real time” and historical information including: • Network Weather Maps • Troubleshooting Tools • Performance analysis and diagnosis. • Network characteristics are part of the Information Service that aggregates static and dynamic resource information and uses an LDAP-based collection service.

  22. OSG & Networking needs cont. • OSG does not include development activities nor specific effort for networking. Thus we rely on External Projects for this development and support --- Help! • OSG will provide common reference configurations for end points e.g. for storage services. • We need to document reference and performant Site and Campus Network configurations e.g. Firewalls affect throughput and capabilities of Sites. • Resource Management at multiple interfaces is becoming more important as the OSG expands. We need provide the middleware and applications availability and allocation of network bandwidth information for these services.

  23. The End

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