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Open Science Grid - Sustaining US Computing Infrastructure

A consortium ensuring coherence in Grid infrastructure, especially for LHC science, aligning programs for added value and longevity. Partnerships for sustained production and coherent system approach. Development and operations environments, hardening middleware, OSG advancements.

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Open Science Grid - Sustaining US Computing Infrastructure

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  1. Open Science Grid MWSG-2 17 June 2004 Bob Cowles bob.cowles@slac.stanford.edu

  2. Open Science Grid • Open Science Grid is the consortium (not a project) in the US for ensuring all of our Grid efforts, including and in particular the LHC ones, come together towards a coherent and sustained Grid infrastructure that • Provides computing for LHC science – US contribution to LCG but is open to other experiments and other sciences • Will work with, collaborate and interoperate with the Grid infrastructure provided through EGEE • Open Science Grid “Technical Groups” scope explicitly includes cooperation with the EGEE/LCG peers groups. Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  3. Open Science Grid - a Consortium • Commitment of participants to align existing and future work. • US LHC computing and research programs contributing to Open Science Grid deliverables • Will look for incremental funding to get “added value” from coherence and enable system engineering • Ensure longevity of the middleware technologies to match the lifecycle of the experiment Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  4. Towards a coherent sustained production Grid infrastructure • A 5-10 year roadmap to match life-cycle of Particle Physics Experiments committed to Grids for Data Analysis. • Start from the needs of our experiments today • End-to-end approach delivering to requirements and schedule of participating application communities. • A framework for a coherent system approach through joint projects across the members. • Cooperation across DOE & NSF, Universities and Laboratories, Trillium Grid Projects - GriPhyN, iVDGL, PPDG, Middleware and Technology Groups, and Experiments Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  5. EGEE- OSG Partnership L. Bauerdick, L.Robertson Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  6. BaBar, Run II SAMGrid, US Testbeds, Grid3, …an evolution • Babar data distribution with GridFTP & SRB • CDF and D0 >1.5 Petabytes in mass storage at Fermilab. SAMGrid data grid developed for distributed data simulation data analysis over >25sites. • LIGO DataGrid for a coherent and uniform LIGO data analysis environment • Joint US-LHC, LIGO, SDSS and Computer Science Laboratory Grid3. • In use for US ATLAS DC2. US CMS gained 50% in overall throughput for 17Million event simulations. SDSS southern “coadd of objects” in progress. ANL GADU biology users. Computer science application demonstrators. D0 files transferred Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  7. Grid3 --> OSG • Grid3 now separate Development and Operations Environments. • iVDGL will sustain a Grid Laboratory and contribute • Deploy, integrate, use new services and technologies as they evolve - data management, ARDA, WRSF services • Tests of scalability and robustness of end to end system • Demonstrate as results of computer science research and development. • PPDG extension includes contributions to OSG and a core common project • Laboratory facilities will contribute currently “parochial” storage and computing to a “shared common infrastructure” • Work towards OSG-0 for January 2005. • Include Accounting System (requirements?) • Move to a Production Environment Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  8. The Model Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  9. Sustaining and Hardening the Middleware • Acquire - adopt, sponsor, extend - developments and research of member technology groups and external partners. • Projects to demonstrate capabilities and robustness of the middleware • Coherent process for versioning, releases, testing distribution - evolve VDT Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  10. OSG next - small - steps • OSG will provide for running particle physics experiments - BaBar, Run II, STAR - grids to come to a coherent infrastructure • Some Joint Projects identified at Trillium/S&C Management/Lab facilities Joint Steering Meeting in UofChicago in May • PPDG collaboration meeting at end of June next place for some face to face discussion. • Security & Storage Technical Groups established Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  11. Technical Groups • Coordinate and communicate • Propose & oversee joint projects and subprojects related to their given areas. • Liaise and collaborate with their peer organizations in the U.S.and world-wide • Participate in relevant standards organizations. • Representatives will participate in the OSG-wide integration, & operations activities. Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  12. Security Technical Group • Reports to the OSG Collaboration Board - to date a broad mail list • Evolution of PPDG SiteAA group • Bob Cowles (SLAC), Dane Skow (Fermilab), Mike Helm (ESNET), Doug Pearson (Indiana, iVDGL/iGOC), Von Welch (NCSA), Remy Evard (ANL), Tom Throwe (BNL), Doug Olson (LBNL) Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  13. Security Technical Group-Mission • The Security Technical group is responsible for coordinating the OSG activities that relate to security policy, practices and services. These include: • Negotiation of common security principles and expectations for security across the Consortium. • Development and oversight of common requirements and architecture for security management across the Consortium.◦ • Identification of necessary projects and work needed for a coherent, complete Security infrastructure on the common grid. • Interoperability of Security infrastructure across different administrative domains, initially OSG and EGEE through the LCG Joint Security Group. • Publish information about security Open Science Grid - MWSG2

  14. Issues on the Table to Date • “Top ten” list ++ • How to organize ourselves • acting as both “Joint Security Group” + “JRA3” • how to have an impact • first priorities • How to collaborate effectively with • Joint Security Group • JRA3 Open Science Grid - MWSG2

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