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Strategy for Human Resource Management Lecture 32

Strategy for Human Resource Management Lecture 32. HRM 765. Topic . Revision Lecture 15-30. HRM Process. Lecture 16 . Socialization, training and development Stages of orientation and socialization. The Purpose of New-Employee Orientation The CEO’s Role in Orientation

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Strategy for Human Resource Management Lecture 32

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  1. Strategy for Human Resource ManagementLecture 32 HRM 765

  2. Topic Revision Lecture 15-30

  3. HRM Process

  4. Lecture 16 • Socialization, training and development • Stages of orientation and socialization. • The Purpose of New-Employee Orientation • The CEO’s Role in Orientation • The HR manager’s Role in Orientation • Employee Training • Indicators of need for more training • Determining Training Needs • On-the-job training methods • Off-the-job training methods Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  5. Lecture 17 • Employee Development • What is change and the Change Process • OD techniques include: • survey feedback • process consultation • team building • intergroup development • The Learning Organization • Evaluating Training Programs • Cross-Cultural Training • International Training and Development Issues Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  6. Lecture 18 • Career Stages • Exploration---establishment--mid career—late career--decline Holland Vocational Preferences • Three major components • People have varying occupational preferences • If you think your work is important, you will be a more productive employee • You will have more in common with people who have similar interest patterns • Holland Vocational Preferences (Six) • Career Choices and Preferences • MBTI personality type. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  7. Lecture 19 • Performance Management System • The performance management systems need to include: • decisions about who should evaluate performance • what format should be used • how the results should be utilized • The Appraisal Process • Difficulties in Performance Management Systems Three approaches: • Absolute standards • Relative standards • Objectives Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  8. Lecture 20 • Factors that can Distort Appraisals • Leniency error • Halo error • Similarity error • Low appraiser motivation • Central tendency • Inflationary pressures • Inappropriate substitutes for performance • Attribution Theory • Impression management Fundamentals of Human Resource Man agement 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  9. Lecture 21 • Creating More Effective Performance Management Systems • Use Behavior-Based Measures • Combine Absolute and Relative Standards • Provide Ongoing Feedback • Use Multiple Raters • Rate Selectively • Train Appraisers International Performance Appraisal Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  10. Lecture 22 • Pay • Types of Reward Plans Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Rewards • Financial versus Nonfinancial Rewards • Compensation Administration • The process of managing a compensation program so that the organization can attract, motivate and retain competent employees who perceive that the program is fair. • Job evaluation • Job Evaluation Methods • Ordering method • Classification • Point method • Compensation surveys • Wage Curve/Wage structure Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  11. Lecture 22 • Group Incentives • Individual Incentives • Paying for Performance • piece-rate plans • Gain-sharing • wage incentive plans • profit sharing • lump sum bonuses • Deferred bonuses • Stock options • Hiring bonuses • Perks • Golden parachutes • International Compensation Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  12. Lecture 23 • Employee benefits (Other than pay/wages) • Social security • Old Age Benefit • Domestic Partner Benefits • Health Insurance • Preferred Provider Organizations (Fixed Medical Rate) • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act • Benefits Overview Benefits that are common at large communications companies. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  13. Lecture 24 Vacation and Holiday Leave Profit Sharing plans Disability Insurance Programs contributory non-contributory • Social and recreational events, • employee assistance programs, • housing, • tuition reimbursement, • uniforms, • company-paid transportation, Modular plans: • pre-designed package. Core-Plus Options Plans • option to select other benefits. • Benefits in different countries Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  14. Lecture 25 OSHA Inspection and the inspector Costs of Accidents Preventative Measures • Education • Skill training • Engineering • Protection devices • Regulation enforcement Sick buildings are office environments that contain harmful airborne chemicals, or indoor pollution. The Smoke-Free Environment Repetitive Stress Injuries (Typing) • Injuries resulting from continuous, repetitive movements, such as typing. • Also referred to as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). • The most frequent injury is carpal tunnel syndrome, which occurs in the wrist. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  15. Lecture 26 • What is stress? • What are stressors? • Positive and negative stress. • Symptoms of stress.(Physiological symptoms, Psychological symptoms, Behavioral symptoms. • How to Reduce stress? • Type A and Type B Behaviors. • Burnout (Chronic Stress. ) • Employee assistance programs. • Wellness programs. (Programs to keep employees healthy; include smoking cessation, physical fitness, weight control, etc. ) • International Safety and Health (First Aid Box, Vaccination etc.) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  16. Lecture 27 • Union • Impact of unionization • Labor contracts typically stipulate: (wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment, limit, management’s discretion • Why Employees Join Unions (Higher wages and benefits, Greater job security, Influence over work rules, Compulsory membership) • Union shops • Agency shops • Collective Bargaining • Objective and Scope of Collective Bargaining (wages, hours , terms and conditions of employment , grievance procedure ) • The Collective Bargaining Process • Preparation • Negotiations • Agreement • Union ratification • Contract administration Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e, DeCenzo and Robbins

  17. Lecture 28 • Grievance : A complaint-resolving process contained in union contracts. • Grievance procedure :A complaint-resolving process contained in union contracts. • Monitoring • Grievance procedures • Grievance (rights) arbitration • Conciliation and mediation • Strikes versus lockouts • Economic strikes - labor and management cannot reach agreement before the current contract expires. • Wildcat strikes - unauthorized and illegal strikes that occur because of worker dissatisfaction during an existing contract.

  18. Lecture 29 • Lockouts - when organizations deny unionized workers access to their jobs during an impasse. Union membership: Where have the members gone? Labor-Management Cooperation • Some unions recognize that they can gain more by cooperating with management rather than fighting. Sunshine laws in some states mandate that labor-management negotiations be open to the public. Unionized Percentage

  19. Lecture 30 • Understanding Labor Relations In Pakistan • Labour Rights in the Constitution • Contract of Employment • Termination of Contract • Paid Leave • Other Leave Entitlements • Maternity Leave and Maternity Protection • Equality • Pay Issues • Freedom of association • Before entering a contract the parties must know • INGREDIENTS OF A CONTRACT • Termination of Contract

  20. Lecture 15-30

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