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<br>Chronic ulcer is a wounding condition in the intestine and at times in the inner mouth. This ailment is a chronic one which keeps recurring to vulnerable patients. Modern English medicine gives a temporary relief but never a permanent heal. Our siddha medicine has found that the causative agent for this medical condition is related to abnormal food intakes and mental stress. Our natural healing medicines and courses provides a detailed treatment which gives a complete and permanent cure for such ulcers in the most affordable cost. https://herbalhealthcarechennai.com/services/chronic-ulcer/<br>
Ayurvedic Treatment For Chronic Diseases Best Siddha Hospital In India Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
Chronic Diseases Treatment In Siddha Chronic ulcer is a wounding condition in the intestine and at times inner mouth. in the Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
A Chronic ulcer is also known as ‘Peptic ulcer’. Peptic ulcer develops stomach, and small intestine. It is a severe condition and leads to complications like the block in the stomach, internal bleeding, etc. in the lining of the Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
Three types of ulcers. They are, 1)Gastric ulcer ( occur inside the stomach) 2)Esophageal ulcer (occur inside the esophagus) 3)Duodenal ulcer (occur in the first upper part of the small intestine which is called the duodenum) Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
Symptoms: Many symptoms are there. Burning sensation and pain in the abdomen Nausea Heartburn Blood vomit Difference in appetite Stool in dark Sleep disorder Intolerance of cholesterol filled foods Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
Siddha Treatment For Peptic Ulcer: A qualified Siddha practitioner can be able to cure peptic ulcer or chronic ulcer easily. Diet control is necessary. Lifestyle modification required. Exercise and yoga help with acidity problems. It keeps the digestive system, external system, and nervous system healthy. Different kinds of approaches are handled to get rid of this serious condition ‘peptic ulcer’. Chooranam, bhasma are effective in Ayurvedic treatment for chronic ulcer. therapies, and Shankha Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
Herbal Health Care Effective kamdudha Masikkai,Rose panchamrit treatment for chronic acidity or ulcer. These natural medicines wash out the bad bacterias without disturbing the intestine. Shashank Vati, Rasa Sindoor, Sutshekhar Ras are the medicines given for managing infection to the internal gut lining. The mental relaxation or stress management techniques are followed and taught by Dr. Arun in Herbal Health Care. medicines ras, like Avipattikar, Adhimaduram, and in Ayurvedic Amalaki, petals used Praval are Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
CONTACT US Velachery Hospital :No 2, 13thmain road, Vijaya Nagar, Address opp to Chennai silks, 2ndfloor, Velachery,Chennai – 600042 West Mambalam Hospital Address opp to Ayothyamandapam, West Mambalam , Chennai. :No 14, Bakthavachala Street, Phone No :+91 97890 37053,90256 22330, 96777 29292 Website: www.herbalhealthcarechennai.com
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