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Ranjeet S Sokhi, Nutthida Kitwiroon and Lia Fragkou Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

Modelling of Urban Air Quality Use of MM5/CMAQ and New Initiatives. Ranjeet S Sokhi, Nutthida Kitwiroon and Lia Fragkou Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG) University of Hertfordshire. A tmospheric S cience R esearch G roup ( ASRG ). Collaboration. Roberto San Jose –UPM, Spain

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Ranjeet S Sokhi, Nutthida Kitwiroon and Lia Fragkou Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

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  1. Modelling of Urban Air Quality Use of MM5/CMAQ and New Initiatives Ranjeet S Sokhi, Nutthida Kitwiroon and Lia Fragkou Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG) University of Hertfordshire Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  2. Collaboration • Roberto San Jose –UPM, Spain • UK Met Office – Doug Middleton and Pete Clark • COST 715 • SATURN (EUROTRAC 2 Subproject) • FUMAPEX (EU FP5) Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  3. Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  4. Types of air quality models • Box models – PEARL, BOXURB • Gaussian plume models – GAMMA, ADMS, CALINE4, ISC, AERMOD ….. • Numerical Eulerian grid models – MM5/CMAQ (USEPA Models 3) • Lagrangian models – eg NAME (Met Office) Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  5. Meteorological pre-processor, GAMMA-MET Solar radiation Albedo, Bowen ratio Anthropogenic heat Wind speed Surface roughness Cloud cover Temperature Heat into Ground Energy budget Friction Velocity (u*) Sensible Heat (H) Monin-Obukhov length (L) Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  6. Country Met Model AQ Model Type UK UM NAME, ADMS, …. Lagrangian Gaussian Denmark HIRLAM DERMA Lagrangian Germany LM, COSMO MUKLIMO TM Eulerian Lagrangian Spain RAMS HYPACT Hybrid Finland HIRLAM Various models Gaussian Eulerian Italy RAMS FARM Eulerian Norway MM5 EPISIODE/ AirQUIS Eulerian, Gaussian Examples of Met & AQ Models Many more: AERMOD, UAM, MEMO, LPD, ….. Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  7. Eulerian Second- and higher- order chemical kinetic equations Many vertical layers Numerical diffusion Large computing requirements large grid spacing-inaccurate representation of point sources Pollutant distribution on multi-spatial/temporal scales….. Comparison of Approaches • Lagrangian • Limited to a few reacting chemical species • Single- or two-layer models • No numerical differentiation required for mean concns • Particle approach not tied to windfield grid • Better representation of point sources • Source attribution…. Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  8. MM5 • Numerical meteorological model • Developed by the Pennsylvania State University and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) • Mesoscale and regional scale • Non-hydrostatic (version 3) • Terrain-following model • Outputs: 3D forecast fields: U, V, T, etc. 2D forecast fields: PBL HGT, SHFLUX, LHFLUX, u*, etc. 2D constant fields: LAND USE, TERRAIN, etc. Range of visualisation tools Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  9. Mesoscale Model – MM5 Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  10. MM5 Meteorological Modelling System MEPPS Emission Modelling System LUPROC Land use Processor MCIP Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Processor ECIP Emission-Chemistry Interface Processor Fundamentals of Dynamics for CMAQ Program Control Processing ICON & BCON Initial Boundary Conditions Processor • CMAQ Chemical Transport Model (CTM) • Governing Equations • Plume-in Grid Treatment • Gas Phase Chemistry • Transport Algorithms • Aerosol Chemistry & Dynamism • Cloud Chemistry & Dynamism Process Analysis Aggregation JPROC Photolysis Processor Integration of Science Code in Models-3 MM5/CMAQ Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  11. Planetary Boundary Layer Height (m) 11-02-2003 Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  12. MM5 Output-Sensible Heat Fluxes 11-02-2003 06.00 Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  13. MM5 Output-Sensible Heat Fluxes 11-02-2003 12.00 Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  14. 27 MM5 Output-Wind Fields (m/s) 11-02-2003 12.00 Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  15. Temperature Profile over London, 13/02/2003 6am 3pm Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  16. CMAQ – London NO2 1x1 km Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  17. CMAQ – London NO2 1x1 km Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  18. CMAQ – London O3 1x1 km Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  19. CMAQ Vs. Measured Data (Hourly O3 Concentration at Bloomsbury) 13-17 JULY 2002

  20. Weekday Diurnal Variation in Traffic (Source TfL Sept 2002) Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  21. Diurnal Traffic Variation at Cromwell RoadData compiled by Adrian Buckland for Aeolius Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  22. Resolution: Models, e.g.:  15 km ECMWF/HIRLAM,GME ~1-5 kmLM, HIRLAM, > 0.5 kmMM5, RAMS, LM ~ 1-10 mCFD, box models FUMAPEX Scheme (EU FP5) Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

  23. Proposed Future Work • To evaluate the treatment of UBL processes in mesoscale models (UM New Dynamics, MM5) • To study situations important for urban air pollution – episodes (e.g. London as a case study) • To compare model profiles with observations where available e.g. lidar • Using Met Office profiles from civil aircraft sensors AMDARS: temp, wind speed, direction • Investigate secondary pollutant episodes (eg 1996, 2000) using joint Lagrangian/Eulerian evaluations…transport, emissions dynamics and chemistry schemes Atmospheric Science Research Group (ASRG)

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