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Meram İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü. REPORT ON THE HEARING IMPAIRED IN TURKEY. Introduction. Due to difficulties in reaching information specific to the hearing impaired , we gathered information on the disabled in general terms.
Introduction Due to difficulties in reaching information specific to the hearing impaired, we gathered information on the disabled in general terms. Another point we have determined during our literature search is that statistical data is smoewhat different. However, we have used the most reliable sources while preparing this report.
ABOUT TURKEY: * POPULATION (31.12.2007): 72 586 256 * DISABLED POPULATION: 8.5 MILLION * % 50 OF THE DISABLED YOUNGER THAN 34 AGES (Source: www.milliyet.com.tr and ozar.net/go/yazilar/turk_2007_nufus-38k)
Graphic 2: Literate/illiterate Percent of Disabled Population
HEARING DISABILITYIN TURKEY While preparing this report we realized that;. “One of the biggest difficulties is that the definition of hearing disability differs across the institutions and lacks a set standard.”
Although some statistics shows different numbers; *According to the UN Report there are 2.5 million Hearing Disabled in Turkey (www.yasadikca.com) *According to 2007 Disability Survey realised by Turkish National Statistical Institute and Administration for Disabled People, There are 377 193 Hearing Disabled in Turkey. (www.ozelegitimciler.org).
*According to 2002 Turkish National Statistic Data more than %12 of whole population is Disabled in Turkey. More than 1/3 disability is Hearing of Disabled Population. (www.tuik.gov.tr ) * According to some documents (www.turkdeaf.org) there are more than 3 million hearing Disabled (deaf) people live in Turkey. We think that more or less 2 million Hearing Disabled live in Turkey
LEGAL RIGHTS OF THE HEARING IMPAIRED INDIVIDUAL IN TURKEY Due to a lack of standard definition for the hearing disability, the legal rights of the hearing impaired are not fully functional. However, they have their educational and vocational rights in the laws. The lack of standards for hearing disability types leads to legal malpractices for the disabled.
Graphic 6: Social Security Administration for Hearing Disabled
Graphic 7 : Hearing Disability Benefiting From Official Care
* According to 2002 General Population Statistics; There were (approximately) 72.000hearing disabled inprimary school age. * Today, there areonly 49primary schools for Hearing Disabledin whole country
According to 2002 General Population Statistics; *There were (approximately) 87.000hearing disabled in high school age. * Today,there are15vocational high schools for Hearing Disabled
Educational Fields in Vocational High Schools Beside the academical career lessons, some vocational lessons are given in these schools. The most common ones are as follows; • Handicrafts, • Clothing, • Metal works, • Wood works, • Machine designing, • Computers, • Electricity, etc
According to 2002 General Population Statistics; * There were (approximately) 96.000hearing disabled in university ages. (Source: www.ozida.gov.tr) *(approximately %1 of them can go to Two-Year-Vocational Schools and universities)
1 664 364 students studied in 76 universities in Turkey in 2000-2001 academic year. SOURCE: (www.yok.gov.tr) Thus;Max. 960 Hearing Disabled can go to university in the same academic year. ( We have no certain scientific data)
Graphic 8: Educational situation of Hearing Disabled in 2006-2007 Educational Term
Graphic 9: The Rate of Hearing Disabled in the different level of education
Vocational and Skill Courses Taken by the Deaf in Turkey A SPECIAL RESEARCH IN 2002 AND RESULTS ABOUT “INSTITUTIONS PROVIDING EDUCATION SERVICES TO THE HEARING (IMPAIRED) DISABLED INDIVIDUALS IN TURKEY” We may find out institutions educating the impaired in Turkey from results of researches carried out in general for the impaired individual in Turkey. (www.ozida.gov.tr) *It is asked to 249.133 Hearing Disabled, only 404 of them said “ we have taken vocational skill courses” *Thus we can say only, 1 % of hearing Disabled used to avail these courses.
Job and profession counselling services are provided in centres under Employment Association Directorates in 42 cities across the country. Given these facts, the disabled seem to receive counselling. But unfortunately, this is just theoretical, not practiced. In this or that way many of them can not receive it.
Working Age Population(approx.): % 26.4 of whole population is: 15- 64 Ages ( Source:www.buluyon.com.tr) (it means: 18.900.000 people) %40 of Hearing Disabled in working age ( Source: www.ozida.gov.tr) (It means : 250.000 people) * %1 OF WORKING AGE POPULATION IS HEARING DISABLED
WORKING LIFE OF THE HEARING IMPAIRED INDIVIDUAL Following Table shows impaired individuals’ reasons for unemployment in Turkey. 18.2 % of the Hearing Impaired are evaluated as unable to work. It might not be wrong to conclude that the impaired is limited to reach to working life, based on these values, for only 16.8 % of the Seeing Impaired could work, though only 15.4 % of them were evaluated as “unable to work”. In other words, impaired having a “able to work” report do not reach the working life. To summarize, impaired individuals are isolated in home and limited to reach the public sphere and exist over there.
STUDIES ON TURKISH SIGN LANGUAGE Despite the fact that the disabled students were integrated in the regular education system since the 1950s and special schools for the disabled have been established, a method based on lip reading forcing to speak and a communication method supported with body language were emphasised.
Later, (1950) Turkish Sign Language was created in order to support the educational lives of the hearing impaired. Nevertheless, the observation that the hearing impaired communicate among themselves using sign language required more attention to the sign language in 2005.
The sign language used in Turkey does not have a national characteristic yet and therefore the signs and their meanings can be different in different parts of the country.
The procedures and principles for the creation and application of the Turkish Sign Language were published in the Official Gazette in 2006 and put into effect under full authority of Turkish Language Association and Ministry of National Language (Official Gazette Issue: 26139). Studies are still in progress on this matter.
STEPS FOR A BETTER SUCCESS IN CAREER We believe that this Leonardo da Vinci Project will be beneficial for these people and help them gain more information about their future jobs.