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Key Initiatives to Ensure College & Career Readiness for All Students. Agenda 2017.
Key Initiatives to Ensure College & Career Readiness for All Students
COLLEGE AND CAREER READY Students who are college and career ready have, upon graduation, the knowledge, habits and skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education or training that maximize their options and opportunities to successfully participate in productive and sustainable employment.
Key InitiativeCommon Core State StandardsincludingCollege & Career Readiness Skills
Common Core State Standards-What’s the big deal?*The CCSS initiative is a major change in education for teaching and learning!* The CCSS delineates the student learning outcomes for every grade level/grade band.* The CCSS institutes a common language.* Students will be tested and schools will be measured based on CCSS.* Federal funding is tied to CCSS implementation.* English, Language Arts and Mathematics CCSS are just the beginning. . .more subject area standards are being developed.
How is Whitefish Bay Prepared?*Focus plan indicates exemplary standards-based curriculum and assessment* Our Math & English Language Arts (ELA) curricular standards are being compared and modified to match CCSS* Comprehensive curricular review process in place* Newly revised curriculum template has been implemented that includes CCSS, College & Career Readiness Skills, and meeting students’ needs* Ongoing professional development
Key InitiativeNew State Assessments Proficiency measured by new assessments: • WKCE Smarter Balanced (2014-15) (state test 3rd – 8th & 11th grades) • WAA-SwDDynamic Learning Maps (significant special ed.) (2014-15) • ACCESS ASSETS (2015-16) (English language learners) • PALS Phonological Awareness Literacy (Screening for Kdgn) (2012-13)
Smarter Balanced Assessment(new WKCE) • Online, adaptive, new item types • Summative and formative • 3rd – 8th and 11th grades • More rigorous cut scores based on NAEP scoring • Advanced- Demonstrates a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of rigorous subject matter and provide sophisticated solutions to complex problems. • Proficient- Demonstrates a solid understanding of challenging subject matter and solve a wide variety of problems. • Basic- Demonstrates partial mastery of prerequisite knowledge and skills that are fundamental for proficient work. • Minimal- Students at this level demonstrate limited knowledge and skills in the subject matter and limited ability to apply knowledge and skills effectively.
How is Whitefish Bay Prepared?*Focus Plan- The academic achievement and 21st century learning goal* Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment is similar in format and content to the new test* Kindergarten teachers participated in PALStraining modules* High level curriculum, instruction and assessment already occurs in our classrooms
Key InitiativeResponse to Instruction/Intervention (RTI) • Early intervention can prevent failure and maximize the effectiveness of grade level curriculum and instruction. • It is not a program, but rather a framework for delivering high quality curriculum and instruction to all students and providing intervention support to students who need it. • Culturally responsive practices • Collaborative data-based decisions • High quality instruction/intervention • Balanced assessment system 11
How is Whitefish Bay Prepared?*Focus Plan- Comprehensive support systems to ensure success for every student* Interventions/support programs have been in place for many years* Curriculum review processes* Instructional Resource Coordinators & RTI district and school-based committees* Implementing MAP assessments to provide valuable data to drive instruction* Ongoing professional development, particularly on topics of differentiation and using data
Key InitiativeSchool Accountability Measures and Reporting • An accountability index, reported on School Report Cards, has replaced the AYP pass-fail system. • The index is a composite of sub-scales that measure performance across four priority areas : • Student Achievement • Student Growth • Closing Gaps • On-track to Graduation/Postsecondary Readiness • Student Engagement indicators • Test Participation Rate • Absenteeism Rate • Dropout Rate
Accountability Ratings • The index score will place schools into one of five rating levels: • Significantly Exceeds Expectations • Exceeds Expectations • Meets Expectations • Meets Few Expectations • Fails to Meet Expectations • The index score is on a 0–100 scale. Sub-scale scores as well as the index score will be reported to enhance transparency and differentiation. • The ratings serve as the new accountability determinations and determine level of support.
How is Whitefish Bay Prepared?*Focus Plan- We embrace high expectations * We already have high performing students/schools and all the initiatives already discussed will help us maintain that status within new accountability measures*Staff and families have been briefed on the format of the new School Report Card format*The categories outlined on the report card are already areas of focus and success for our district
Key InitiativeStudent Information System • Districts will begin transitioning to a statewide student information system (SIS) vendor in 2012-13, with a five-year implementation timeline. • WISEdash – a single reporting system that will include accountability reporting • WISEdash will also include reports on student growth percentiles, enrollment, postsecondary enrollment, and literacy. • WISEdash will be released initially in secure format only (i.e., for authorized district personnel to use via a login). • Eventually WISEdash will replace DPI’s current public data reporting systems.
How is Whitefish Bay Prepared?*Focus Plan- Data-driven decision making and robust technology infrastructure are included* We employ a data management coordinator who is involved at the state level, keeping abreast of the developments of the SIS
Key InitiativeEducator Effectiveness Framework • All educators will be included in the evaluation system, to be implemented by 2014-15. • Both principal and teacher evaluations will be comprised of: • 50% educator practice (observations by supervisor) • 50% student outcomes (assessment/goal data) • The system will include formative and summative elements, linked to the educator’s professional growth plan. • Individual educator ratings are confidential and will not be publicly reported.
Educator Effectiveness/Evaluation ModelStudent Data Portion 19
How is Whitefish Bay Prepared?*Focus Plan- Both goals and all strategies involved revolve around student success and educator effectiveness* Current teacher evaluation model is based on Charlotte Danielson’s framework, being adopted by the state* District assessments, and data training opportunities, are in place to help meet the 50% data portion of the model* Already have comprehensive, ongoing professional development and educator induction/mentoring programs in place
Implementation TimelineWisconsin’s College & Career Readiness Initiatives
Key Initiatives to Ensure College & Career Readiness for All Students