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The NEA KEYS 2.0: A Strategy for Union-Led Transformation

The NEA KEYS 2.0: A Strategy for Union-Led Transformation. KEYS Workshop Washington, DC August 14-15, 2013 Jacques Nacson, Ph.D. jnacson@nea.org. Our Objectives. Examine how KEYS promotes improvement in teaching and learning conditions and student outcomes in schools and districts

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The NEA KEYS 2.0: A Strategy for Union-Led Transformation

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  1. The NEA KEYS 2.0: A Strategy for Union-Led Transformation KEYS Workshop Washington, DC August 14-15, 2013 Jacques Nacson, Ph.D. jnacson@nea.org

  2. Our Objectives • Examine how KEYS promotes improvement in teaching and learning conditions and student outcomes in schools and districts • Consider the power of KEYS to advance NEA organizational goals • Identify NEA resources that support KEYS and the strategies to initiate KEYS and begin the continuous school improvement process

  3. Beliefs and Assertions Underpinning the Development of KEYS • Conditions of teaching and learning define school quality and influence student achievement • Assessment of conditions is an essential first step for improvement and turnaround planning • The system may be failing; not the people • Capacity building is critical for successful school improvement and KEYS helps to build capacity • Internal capacity and system accountability are pre-requisites for meeting test-based accountability requirements

  4. KEYS Theoretical Roots • Organizational quality (organizational conditions) :W. Edward Deming Effective Schools Research • Curriculum & instruction: Newman and Wehlage (University of Wisconsin) APA’s Learner’s Centered Principles Charlotte Danielson’s framework for teaching NBPTS standards • Professional development, learning communities and trust relationships:MilbreyMclaughlin, Judith Warren Little, Ann Lieberman, Michael Fullan, Anthony Bryk and the Learning Forward professional development standards

  5. KEYS 2.0 As a School Assessment Tool • KEYS staff survey • KEYS family survey • KEYS community survey • KEYS student survey • KEYS school facilitator implementation survey

  6. KEYS Website Access to Surveys • http://www.keysonline.org/about.html

  7. What the KEYS Staff Survey Measures(250 Questions – 42 Indicators) • Shared understanding and commitment to high goals (5 indicators) • Open communication and collaborative problem-solving (9 indicators) • Continuous assessment for teaching & learning (5 indicators) • Personal and professional learning (11 indicators) • Resources to support teaching & learning (5 indicators) • Curriculum and instruction (7 indicators)

  8. The Empirical Validation: (Research-Based) • A Three Phase Process: --The Advisory Groups --The Development of the Instrument --The Analyses of the Data

  9. NEA KEYS 2.0 Survey Development The Advisory Groups • NEA KEYS Advisory Group: Michael Fullan, Willis Hawley, Ann Lieberman, Joe Murphy, Jomills Braddock, Susan Moore Johnson • KEYS 2.0 Research Advisory Group:Jomills Braddock, Mark Smylie, Floraline Stevens, Helen Marks, Sylvia Rosenfield

  10. NEA KEYS 2.0 Survey Development of Instrument • Identified critical concepts and generated the blueprint or specifications for the survey • Developed sets of questions and assembled into questionnaire format • Focus groups feedback and revisions ready for pilot testing

  11. NEA KEYS 2.0 Survey Development Pilot Testing New Instrument • School is primary unit of analysis • National random sample of schools: NCES • All NEA Regions represented • 38 schools in sample (68%) 28 NEA, 10 AFT • 13 elementary (5 urban, 5 suburban, 3 rural) • 13 middle (4 urban, 3 suburban, 6 rural) • 12 high (4 urban, 5 suburban, 3 rural)

  12. NEA KEYS 2.0 Survey Development Pilot Testing New Instrument • Total number of respondents = 1491 (52%) • Number of teachers responding = 1061 (71%) • Education Support Professionals (378) and administrators (52) responding = 430 (29%)

  13. NEA KEYS 2.0 Survey DevelopmentData Analyses • Factor analyses to identify factors (indicators) based on clustering of items • Regression analyses to examine the relationships of the factors (indicators) to objective and subjective measures of student achievement • To date more than 2,500 schools and 340 districts have participated in KEYS and our data base is larger than any school assessment and improvement system in the market

  14. Shared responsibility for student learning • Shared understanding of and commitment to high goals for student learning • Frequency of communication between school and parent • Parent-school trust • Sense of welcome, comfort at school • Frequency and type of parent involvement in school • Parent support for student learning at home • School outreach to parents What the KEYS Family Survey Measures(8 Themes 52 Questions)

  15. What the KEYS Community Survey Measures(6 Themes 12 Questions) • Shared responsibility for student learning • Shared understanding and commitment to high goals for student learning • Guardian school-trust relationship • Sense of welcome and comfort at school • Frequency and type of guardian involvement in school • School outreach to guardians

  16. What the KEYS Student Survey Measures(20 Themes 150 Questions) • Clarity of shared goals and expectations • Teachers taking responsibility for student success • Student-centered curriculum • All students can learn • Welcoming school environment • Home support for learning • Safe environment • Learning how to learn • Engaging instructional activities • In-depth learning • Personal instruction and feedback • Academic achievement • Academic efficacy • Assessment matters • Cultural capital • Social supports • Student Engagement in School • Student voice • Student-teacher trust • Support services are adequate

  17. KEYS 2.0 As a Process for Continuing School Improvement • Differentiating among inputs, processes and outcomes in education • Commitment to 3DM (data driven decision making) • Application of the KEYS continuous school improvement cycle (action research, inquiry cycle, PDSA, etc…) • KEYS 2.0 online resources and strategies for analyzing KEYS data and planning for continuous improvement

  18. Differentiating Among Inputs, Outputs and Process Measures and Objectives in Education --What are some examples of inputs in education? What would be an input objective or goal? --What are some examples of outputs or outcomes in education? What would be an outcome objective or goal? --What are some examples of processes in education? What would be a process objective or goal?

  19. Connecting KEYS to Student Outcomes: The Continuing School Improvement Cycle: • Reliance on evidence as the basis for moving forward • A collaborative culture to support the continuous improvement process • The process is iterative with feedback loops at every level and at end of the cycle

  20. KEYS 2.0 and the Continuous School Improvement Process (Cycle) Identify gap in current student outcome goals Conduct KEYS 2.0 Surveys Celebrate successes & revisit challenges Product evaluation of (process goals & student outcome goals) Initial & in-depth KEYS and other Data Analysis Adjustments based on process evaluation of implementation data Action Planning: possible interventions, best option, specific steps Implementation with monitoring of treatment fidelity

  21. KEYS Online Resources and Strategies for Analyzing the KEYS Data • NEA KEYS data analyses and interpretation trainings of school and district facilitators • KEYS data reports integrating strategies and resources for continuous school improvement, including action planning and implementation • Commitments of the district to support and provide assistance and sustain the schools’ improvement efforts

  22. KEYS-Informed Continuous Improvement Report & Repeat Orientation Initial Scan of 42 Indicators Organizing Cluster Selection (gap analysis) Overview Deeper Analysis Learn More Action Plan Cluster 1 Inquiry Overview Deeper Analysis Learn More Action Plan Cluster 2 Overview Deeper Analysis Learn More Action Plan Cluster 3 Evaluate Monitor & Adjust SIP Implemen-tation Coherent SIP Impact

  23. Initial Scan of 42 Indicators Purpose: build awareness of school profile and check for understanding about interpreting KEYS data.

  24. Six Keys and 12 Clusters

  25. Cluster Selection (gap analysis)

  26. Inquiry (Overview)

  27. Inquiry (Deeper Analysis)

  28. Inquiry (Learn More)

  29. Inquiry (Action Planning)

  30. KEYS 2.0 and School Capacity Building • Why is capacity important? • How do we define capacity? • What is meant by organizational capacity? • How does KEYS serve to increase or build school (organizational) capacity?

  31. Defining School Quality, Capacity Building and Continuous Improvement School quality defined as the internal capacity of the school to assess accurately and objectively its strengths and weaknesses, to determine root causes and to take appropriate actions to implement improvements and evaluate the effects of such interventions as part of a continuous improvement cycle

  32. Expanding the Definition of School Capacity (Resource-Based) Definition + KEYS 2.0’ Definition Teacher quality School infrastructure Educational resources Technology Class size Pre-K and all day k Special programs Proven educational programs and practices Effective distributed leadership Mutual trust and respect Collegial, professional culture and community Collaborative problem solving Program coherence Shared responsibility and accountability Strong parental support Knowledge-based decisions Effective professional development

  33. KEYS 2.0 As a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability INPUTS OUTCOMES PROCESSES

  34. OUTCOMES Improved Student Learning/ Achievement Higher Graduation Rates (Lower Drop Out Rates) Improved Attendance (Students/Staff) Increased Satisfaction-students, staff, parents • Successful Citizenship • Post Sec. Enrollments • Satisfying Careers • Etc. KEYS 2.0 as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability INPUTS PROCESSES $Adequate/Equitable Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn National, State, District Policies External Supports Partnerships-Community Parent/Business

  35. OUTCOMES Improved Student Learning/ Achievement Higher Graduation Rates (Lower Drop Out Rates) Improved Attendance (Students/Staff) Increased Satisfaction-students, staff, parents • Successful Citizenship • Post Sec. Enrollments • Satisfying Careers • Etc. KEYS 2.0 as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability INPUTS PROCESSES $Adequate/Equitable Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn National, State, District Policies External Supports Partnerships-Community Parent/Business

  36. PROCESSES KEYS and Internal Capacity Building and Process Accountability KEY 1 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals

  37. KEY 1 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals: The Big Picture • Effective leadership • Clear focus, purpose, and directions related to academic emphasis and instructional issues • Shared commitments, collective responsibility and trust

  38. KEY 2 Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving KEYS and Internal Capacity Building and Process Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals

  39. KEY 2 Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving: The Big Picture • Culture and shared decision making structures • Professional learning community with major focus on academics • Collaborative and supportive environment • Strong sense of trust and collegiality • Cooperative labor-management relations • Supportive parent-community-school relations

  40. KEY 3 Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning KEYS and internal Capacity Building and Process Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving

  41. KEY 3 Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning: The Big Picture • Culture of data-based decision-making • Action research (school and classroom levels) • Process and product evaluation of instructional programs • Use of multiple data sources to make decisions that affect student learning • Use of feedback from stakeholders to shape and modify curricular offerings

  42. Personal & Professional Learning KEY 4 KEYS and Internal Capacity Building and Process Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning

  43. KEY 4 Personal and Professional Learning : The Big Picture • Quality teaching/ collective efficacy (content and pedagogy and general knowledge) • Teacher and staff selection and assignments • Professional development including professional community, mentoring, peer assistance • Teacher and staff evaluation • Compensation, rewards, recognitions

  44. Appropriate Use of Resources for Teaching and Learning KEY 5 KEYS and Internal Capacity Building and Process Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning Personal & Professional Learning KEY 4

  45. KEY 5 Resources for Teaching and Learning: The Big Picture • Appropriate use of resources with decisions based on quality not price • Availability of a broad range of resources: • -- Safe and healthy learning environment • --Curriculum materials (books, library resources and computer services) • --Social, emotional and psychological services • --Health and recreational services • --Art, music and physical education

  46. Curriculum and Instruction KEY 6 KEYS and Internal Capacity Building and Process Accountability PROCESSES KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning Appropriate Use of Resources for Teaching and Learning Personal & Professional Learning KEY 4 KEY 5

  47. KEY 6 Curriculum and Instruction: The Big Picture • Challenging content standards • Curriculum aligned to the challenging standards • Wide range of assessments appropriate to the curriculum • Flexible and varied pedagogy to address individual differences among students • Appropriate curricular programs responsive to the varying needs of students

  48. Redefining School accountability: A systems Approach KEYS 2.0 as a Measure of Internal and Accountability School Capacity INPUTS OUTCOMES PROCESSES $ Adequate/Equitable Improved Student Learning/ Achievement KEY 1 KEY 2 KEY 3 Shared Understanding and Commitment to High Goals Open Communication and Collaborative Problem Solving Continuous Assessment for Teaching and Learning Higher Graduation Rates(Lower Drop Out Rates) Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn Improved Attendance (Students/Staff) National, State, District Policies Appropriate Use of Resources for Teaching and Learning Increased Satisfaction (Student/Staff/Parent) Personal & Professional Learning Curriculum and Instruction External Supports Partnerships-Community Parent/Business • Successful Citizenship • Post Sec. Enrollments • Satisfying Careers • Etc. KEY 4 KEY 5 KEY 6

  49. In Summary • Building capacity is essential if a school is to take steps to improve and meet performance based accountability requirements • Capacity building must be defined as both resource-based measures and KEYS measures • School capacity is also a measure of internal school accountability • Schools that have strong internal accountability are more likely to be successful in meeting external requirements • KEYS is an effective tool to measure internal capacity and accountability and take steps to improve these constructs

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