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Annandale Reformed Church 150th Anniversary

Explore the rich history of Annandale Reformed Church from its founding in 1866, including significant milestones, renovations, and community involvement.

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Annandale Reformed Church 150th Anniversary

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  1. Annandale Reformed Church 150th Anniversary 1866 - 2016

  2. In the beginning... 1850. A hamlet began to be established. In 1851, this hamlet was named Clinton Station. June 1sth, 1866 application for a charter for the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Clinton Station was applied for and on June 28th, Reverend Robert Van Amburgh presided at a meeting at the town hall for nominating officers for the new church, which consisted of 4 officers and their wives. Rev. Charles Wack was secured to preach on the Sabbath and was pastor for only a short time. He died in the winter of 1866.

  3. In January 1867, a common seal was adopted and on April 20th of that year, 17 new members joined the congregation. The land had been purchased from Theodore H. Risler and, on August 6, 1868 at 11:00 a.m. the cornerstone of the building was laid. Construction was completed within five months, January, 1869, and the first consistory meeting was held in the new church building. This is the only permanent home our congregation has ever known. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was celebrated for the first time on January 20, 1869. In April, 1870, a pew rental system was instituted to help cover operating expenses. By 1880, the church membership totaled 111. In 1887, the church's name was changed to its current one and the church built a parsonage on land donated by Jacob Cregar, located on West Street. A new bell was placed in the belfry in 1896, which still calls people to worship today.

  4. A Women’s Missionary Society was formed in 1902 with 39 members. The Junior Christian Endeavor Society was formed that year also. In the years 1904 to 1908 the Ladies Auxiliary was formed. Also, the congregation voted to remove the hazardous spire from the church. The high steeple was also removed around this time “since high winds tended to rack the building excessively”. In 1906, the Board of Domestic Missions indicated that the money borrowed should be repaid. During the following years, the Women’s Auxiliary organized various fundraisers and alleviated the financial strain. One of them is believed to be the sale of squares at ten cents each to be added to the quilt that we will be displaying in our “history cabinet.” Between 1912 and 1916, the beautiful stained glass memorial windows were installed, replacing the plain glass ones.

  5. The first choir was formed in the 1920's. It had two sections, Jr. and Sr. choirs, lasting through the 1970’s. In 1922, the men’s chorus of 15 voices was formed. On October 21, 1923 a 55th anniversary celebration was held. The original three-manual M. P. Moller Pipe Organ, manufactured in Hagerstown, Maryland, in 1925, was rebuilt in 1966 and upgraded in 1992. To supplement our sound, we purchased a Yamaha S90XS music synthesizer in 2011. An exquisite Yamaha baby grand piano was donated. During Rev. Chester A. Moore’s ministry, beginning in 1927, Mrs. Moore re-activated the Jr. Choir, naming them the “Rainbow Choir” and Mr. Gordon McConnell directed the Sr. Choir.

  6. Our original polyglot illustrated Pulpit Bible was used until 1949. It was replaced by an acid-free paper King James Version, donated to the church by Mr. & Mrs. George Lawrence in memory of their son, James Wesley Lawrence. A second-hand Revised Standard Version was added in the mid-1970’s. At present we use a (new) NRSV – New Revised Standard Version. In May of 1933 the cash balance on hand was 7 cents. In 1937 Boy Scout Troop 1, Annandale was formed, later renamed Troop 88 until 1960, and in October 1972 Boy Scout Troop 288 was Chartered. In the 1940s the chancel was enlarged, new carpeting was laid, and the old flooring was repaired in the sanctuary. A new Bible was placed on the pulpit and the basement received new wiring . On September 21, 1958, Rev. Robert Rungee was installed. During Rev. Rumee’s pastorate the kitchen and Fellowship Hall were renovated. On July 12, 1964, Rev. Ronald W. LaRose as ordained and installed During Rev. LaRose’s ministry, the balcony was converted into 3 classrooms, the church was painted inside and out, new lighting and carpeting were installed in the sanctuary, the organ was rebuilt, the chancel platform was enlarged and refurbished with a new pulpit, Bible stand, communion table and screening. On Sept 28, 1966 the church celebrated its 100th anniversary. The organ was also rebuilt at this time. Rev. LaRose left the church in 1966 and in 1967 Rev. Thomas A Marsden was called as pastor. During his ministry, a Youth Group was formed.

  7. The building was given ‘historical landmark’ status by the New Jersey Heritage Commission in the 1980‘s—permanently placed on the state register of Historic Places. It has been the subject of photo shoots by noted photographers Frank Greenagel and David DeFreese, among others During the ministry of Ian Todd in the 1980s a Puppet Ministry was formed for the Jr. High age group as well as a clown ministry. Also during Rev. Todd’s time, Annandale Reformed Church formed a Yoke with the High Bridge Dutch Reformed Church since neither church was large enough to support a full time pastor. The parsonage on West Street was sold during this time. In 1992, the Yoke between the two churches was dissolved and Dr. John J. Arnone was installed as pastor of Annandale Reformed Church. During Dr. Arnone’s ministry, the Sunday School embraced the Children and Worship program for children ages 3-8 and a youth intern program was designed for ages 12-13. The building was painted inside and aluminum siding was installed outside, a new roof replacing the original slate one was replaced, new carpet was laid, and Fellowship Hall received a complete renovation. A new parsonage was purchased but later sold after Dr. Arnone’s marriage (130 member)

  8. In 1991 the church celebrated its 125th anniversary by participating in the Township’s 150th anniversary parade (June 2nd). The church also had a Founder’s Day Sunday on June 23rd by inviting past pastors and members and holding an old-fashioned picnic luncheon afterwards. In 1992 an extensive upgrade was done to the organ with a three manual console with midi-capabilities being added. Fellowship Hall downstairs was refurbished in 1995.and in 2000 the church purchased a baby grand piano with money that donated for that purpose. On January 1, 2010 the church entered into a contract with the Rev. Kenneth Lobb.A ramp to make our church fully accessible was added in 2005. In 2008, we painted the sanctuary with funds that were raised through pledges and donations from the congregation over a period of two years. In 2010, the church added an outdoor Memorial Garden to enhance the church grounds and to witness God's gifts in nature. We added air conditioning to the main sanctuary in 2011. In 2012, we installed internet wireless capacity. In 2013, we used money from a generous bequest to purchase a new, more vibrant, outside sign. Other recent gifts and bequests have allowed us to repair a leaky bell tower; remove our underground oil tank in favor of a new double-walled Roth above-ground tank; install a new wood-grained floor in Fellowship Hall; and convert our hot water tank with an on-demand, propane-fired heater. Our motto is “New Life in Christ.” The familiar yellow figure that accompanies the words was designed in 1994 by current elder, Cheryl Mulligan.

  9. Our mission statement was drawn up by current elder Lynn Hughes. “We are a family in Christ, called together by the Holy Spirit to serve God in our community. We are placed here to worship, to nurture and serve, and to make the joyous life in Jesus Christ more accessible to our neighbors.” Our church has enjoyed a long heritage and many years of God's blessings. We continue to minister to our community today and into the future.

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