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Work-Based Learning: Coordination and Requirements FAQ Discussion

Get insights on work-based learning prerequisites, enrollment procedures, student qualifications, and completion criteria from seasoned coordinators. Discuss with experts the essentials for preparing students for life transition, documentation of wages, and meeting credit requirements. Explore the nuances of recruitment strategies, yearly planning, and compliance guidelines for effective coordination. Clarify doubts on student eligibility, enrollment processes, and career development activities in collaboration with educators and administrators.

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Work-Based Learning: Coordination and Requirements FAQ Discussion

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  1. Work-Based Learning “Q & A” Roundtable: for “New & Used” Coordinators

  2. Prerequisites • State COS: It is recommended, but not required, that a student obtain concentrator status, (two courses within a CTE program) prior to enrollment in (WBL) cooperative education. (Do you have a copy of the WBL Manual for reference?) 1. Does any school/your school or LEA follow this recommendation? 2. Why, reason ? 3. Who decides ? Coordinator? Counselor? CTE Director? Principal? 4. What was your suggestion at your requested meeting? 5. Have you ever requested a meeting with the CT Supervisor, Principal, . counselor, Special Ed director for discussion of WBL in your system? 6. What prerequisites does your system require?

  3. Age/Grade Requirements • State COS states:Is at least 16 years of age, Is classified as an 11th or 12th grader, Is on track for graduation. 1. Does your system allow Juniors to enroll in WBL? Reasons for or against. 2. Why not encourage the student to: a. enroll in CTE class within their pathway as a junior. b. obtain concentrator or completer status. c. complete the credentialing exam.

  4. Enrollment Procedures • State COS:Each step in the WBL process has documentation that must be completed. This documentation must be kept on file a minimum of three (3) yearsor as directed by LEA policy. Hyperlink: Required Documentation.docx • How are students enrolled in yourWBL class? 1. application? 2. placement by schedule request? 3. assigned by administrator/councilor

  5. The “Essential Life Skills Pathway”“Work Component” Do you have a copy of the manual? Why Not? • What are the 4 requirements/Components for students on the ELSP? Hyperlink: (Page 35) NEWEST 2-2017-UPDATED 1-24-17 CA Preparing For Life Transition Guide 2017 Revised pg 37.pdf(Prerequisites, ”Career Preparedness”:What if they fail part B of Career Preparedness as a senior?) • Do ELSP students have to apply to be enrolled in WBL? YES Hyperlink: (WBL manual Required Documentation Page 14) W-B-L MANUAL (1-14-15) revised 12-1-2015-no accademys-mr copy highlighted.docx • Can Students on the ELSP be turned down for enrollment in WBL? ”All Students” must meet CTE requirements and documentations as stated (on page 14) of Required Documentation for ALL students. • Can Students on the ELSP complete the work component of their Pathway if they are not accepted into WBL? YES. (page 37 Transition Guide) Course # 700043 Essentials/Career Preparation (This not a CTE class and does not have CTE requirements.

  6. WAGE & HOUR • State COS: Validation of the student’s work hours for work-based experiences/apprenticeships or internships, including punctuality and regularity of attendance. • How do you document the students wages and hours completed? Intern hours? • 1. Weekly Sign-In? “not Seminar” 2. Paper- use COS manual W&H document 3. Electronic 4. Pay stub 5. Wages paid by CASH

  7. WBL Class Credit • State COS:The student must have a“minimum” of 140 hoursof apprenticeship experience or 140 hours of internship experience. The student will be awarded one credit per period for which the student is registered(the student may not receive two credits in the same class period),for successful completion (end of the term)of the career experience. • What are the three (3) requirements for a passing grade/completion of the WBL class? • 1. complete a minimum of 140 hours of work experience or internship • 2. Complete the school term. (no credit for resigning prior to the end of term) • 3. receive a passing grade from the employer’s grade report Questions: Do Students, Counselors, Parents understand this?

  8. Recruitment by Coordinator • State COS: Support is needed from teachers, counselors, Principals, CTE administrators, parents, and students. Activities should be planned well in advance to articulate with overall school calendars and to have adequate time to visit feeder schools. Publicity should include purposes, career opportunities, and enrollment procedures. Designate a specific time frame for recruitment activities. This is the origin of the “Coordinator’s Yearly Calendar”, Preparation. • What is your plan? Start date? Projected completion date? • What is your contract length? How will YOU complete the above in the allowed time frame? • Suggestions: for first year Coordinators? Comments?

  9. Is “Early Release” of Students Permitted? • The latest memo to LEAs is May 6, 2013. No later memo has been sent. Hyperlink: FY13-1008-letter from Dr. Bice.doc • May 6, 2013, To City and County Superintendents of Education: … only early release options during the prescribed school day must be for students who are released to a planned and supervised educational or work experience, i.e., Cooperative Education, Apprenticeship Programs, Dual Enrollment, Early College Enrollment, or other programs approved by the Alabama State Department of Education. • May 6, 2013, To City and County Superintendents of Education: A local education agency that releases a student without a planned program of study or work retains liability during the time period referenced above. There could also be questions as to the per-pupil expenditure since these students would not constitute a full-time equivalent for future funding purposes.

  10. “Essential Functions” of the desired work-based experience. • State COS: (Essential functions are responsibilities that must be performed by the position as identified by business and industry professionals. This list should be discussed with all students and/or at all IEP meetings). • Where do you obtain the list or a specific list for any student placement? 1. Internet ? 2. Employer’s job description ? 3. Observation ?-(task analysis & detailing) 4. Other methods ? • Why are the essential functions important for the student to know and understand prior to placement? (Development of skills, abilities, aptitudes. NOT JUST INTEREST.

  11. Student Safety • State COS:When making the monthly coordination communication, contact, or visit,(CCV) the Coordinator’s records may include: Safety conditions of the training station. • What documentation do you record, relative to safety conditions of the training station? 1. Specific check list, by occupation ? 2. General-visual observation? (Building Trades & Manufacturing always?) 3. Request a copy of the latest employer inspection ? 4. Request a copy of a/the state inspection or insurance inspectors report? • Do you “document safety” during each CCV ? WHY ? WHY NOT ?

  12. Do you use “Senior Career Pathway Project”, Course Codes? • State Director approval, Nov. 2014: After using all 6 WBL course codes, you may show additional credits using the SCPP course codes if needed.(Students are not required to make an accompanying presentation before a selected audience.) • What are the course codes for WBL ? (There are six (6) WBL Codes) • How Do I use the course codes? Hyperlink: ..\..\Documents\Kala K-course codes-2015.docx • What is “Senior Career Pathway Project course code”,Hyperlink: ..\..\Documents\Senior Career Pathway Project-dowmload.docx • 2018-2019 “Course Code”-460032Senior Career Pathway Project-Education & Training A one-credit course designed for students who have completed a minimum of two career and technical education courses to select an area of interest; engage in in-depth exploration of the area; employ problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills; and present a culminating pathway project before a selected audience.Low grade-11High grade-12

  13. Does Our Career CoachProvide Job Placement? • The Career Coach 1.What do they do? Hyperlink: FY18-4006-Career Coach Job Description.pdf • Collaborative Effort- “WBL & Career Coach”:1. Sharing information, 2. Potential placements 3. Partnerships 4. Contacts 5. Student application for WBL, listed on R-1 “Not just Senior Career Pathway Project ” Must be ENROLLED in WBL for HO exemption. Hyperlink: 2-20-18- Exemptions from Certain HOs for Apprentices and Student.docx

  14. What are the New WFD/BIC Regions? • The seven (7) Regions:Hyperlink: 2018-WFD REGIONs MAP - COUNTIES LISTED.docx • Are BICs scheduled for this school year?1. NO 2. There is a review/assistance for those not in compliance 3. If you need assistance, Please call to schedule a visit. This year my schedule will allow more time for visits to assist coordinators with local concerns. You may still call or email at any time.

  15. Any Questions ?“Drive safely”“Go Dawgs”No ReserveNo RetreatNo Regrets

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