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Charles the Great [Charlemagne]

Charles the Great [Charlemagne]. Timeline Charlemagne. 2000 B.C. 1500 B.C. 1000 B.C. 500 B.C. B.C. A.D. 500 A.D. 1000 A.D. 1500 A.D. 2000 A.D. Charles the Great [Charlemagne]. Quick facts about Charlemagne He was born in 742. He was about 6’ 4” tall.

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Charles the Great [Charlemagne]

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  1. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] TimelineCharlemagne 2000 B.C. 1500 B.C. 1000 B.C. 500 B.C. B.C. A.D. 500 A.D. 1000 A.D. 1500 A.D. 2000 A.D.

  2. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] Quick facts about Charlemagne He was born in 742. He was about 6’ 4” tall. His ancestors were Germanic. He became King at age 29 upon the death of his father. In 773 Pope Hadrian called for Charlemagne to defend the Vatican. This gave him the chance to set himself up as defender of Christianity.

  3. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] Quick facts about Charlemagne Through a series of battles across Europe he became the first king since the fall of Rome to establish a united Europe. Through his administration of Court he allowed input into his decision making from lords. This was unusual for a king.

  4. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] Quick facts about Charlemagne He gathered learned men and judges of every sort in a kind of educational and arts training institute at his court in Aachen. He despised the fact that so few people could read - it was pretty much limited to the clergy.

  5. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] Quick facts about Charlemagne He brought in scholars from as far away as Ireland to teach reading and languages. This was the root of the university system in Europe. He had no reservations about telling the bishops and priests how to run the Church and telling them change practices he saw as corrupt.

  6. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] Quick facts about Charlemagne He brought in ideas such as poetry and tithed - or taxed 1/10 of the noble’s property to support the Church. Because of his great support for the Church at Rome he was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day, 800 by Pope Leo. The congregation at the Church hailed him as Charles Augustus.

  7. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] The idea that the Roman Empire had returned was popular but wrong. Most of the old Roman Empire was now in Byzantium under the growing control of Muslim leaders but Charlemagne managed the idea that the glory of Rome had returned in Europe. His empire included most lands from the Baltic to the Mediterranean and east to what is now Austria.

  8. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] Probably the greatest contributions of Charlemagne to the development of the humanities were his dedication to some levels of human rights among his subjects (his enemies had none), his expanded system of learning, and preserving the power of the Church at Rome at a time when it may have been destroyed otherwise.

  9. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] After he was crowned Emperor, Charlemagne was able to negotiate peace with Byzantium. It took some work and concessions but he was able to avoid what would have been a huge and costly war. Because he wove the Church and his government together, Charlemagne also served to develop the idea of the Divine Right of Kings still guides European monarchies today.

  10. Charles the Great[Charlemagne] He had a deep love for learning of every kind and his example served to create interest in the entire Holy Roman Empire. Interesting fact: His palace at Aachen survived until World War II - 1100 years.

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