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Tools of the trade!. Measuring Tools . Tape Measure- a retractable, flexible metal rule housed in a plastic or metal case; used for measuring in general stage work
Measuring Tools • Tape Measure- a retractable, flexible metal rule housed in a plastic or metal case; used for measuring in general stage work • Tri Square- a small, rigid, hand square with a steel blade and steel, composition, or wooden handle; used as a guide for marking 90-degree angles across narrow (under 6 inches) materials • Combination Square- a 12-inch steel rule with a movable handle angled at 45 and 90 degrees; used for marking those two angles, and the rule can be used for measuring.
More Measuring Tools • Bevel Protractor- measuring device similar to the combination square except that the angle of the blade is adjustable; used for marking angles between 0 and 90 degrees. • Framing Square- a large steel L, typically 16 inches on the bottom leg and 24 on the vertical leg; used for checking the accuracy of 90-degree corner joints. • Bevel Set- a measuring device similar to a tri square except that the angle between the blade and handle is adjustable; used for transferring angles from one piece of work to another. • Carpenter’s Level- a 2-to 3-foot piece of wooden, steel, or aluminum I beam with glass-tube spirit levels at either end and the middle; used to determine true horizontal and vertical.
Marking Tools • Pencils are the preferred marking medium. Wax pencilsare used on lighting color media. • Chalk Line- a metal or plastic housing holding a long piece of twine and filled with dry scenic pigment; used for marking straight lines.
Hammers • Claw Hammer- a hammer with two sharply curved claws projecting from the back of its head that facilitates nail removal; used for driving nails • Rip Hammer- a hammer with two relatively straight claws projecting from the back of its head that can be used for prying or ripping apart previously nailed planks; used for driving nails. • Mallet- a hammer with a wooden, plastic, or rubber head; wooden and plastic mallets are used for driving chisels; all three can be used for shaping metal.
Saws • Crosscut Saw- a handsaw with an approx. 26-inch blade whose angle-sharpened teeth bend outward so that the kerf is wider than the blade. • Kerf- The width of the cut made by a saw • Hacksaw- an adjustable frame handsaw with an extremely fine-toothed (twenty to twenty-five teeth per inch) replaceable blade; used for cutting metal.
Other Cutting Tools • Utility Knife- a metal handle with a usually retractable replaceable blade; used for a variety of jobs including cutting cardboard and trimming fabric from the edges of flats; also called a matte knife. • Tin Snips- scissorlike tools used for cutting thin metal. • Plane- a knife-edged tool used to smooth or round the edges or corners of wood.
Pliers • Slip-joint pliers- common pliers with an adjustable pivot that provides two ranges of jaw openings; used for clamping, gripping, bending, and cutting light wire. • Long-nose pliers- pliers with long tapering jaws; used for holding small items and bending very light wire; also called needle-nose pliers. • Locking pliers- used for gripping and holding, the size of the jaw opening and amount of pressure applied by the jaws are adjustable by the screw at the base of the handle; also called a vise grip.
Wrenches • Open-end wrench- a wrench with non-adjustable U-shaped jaws on both ends; used to tighten bolts. • Box-end wrench- a wrench with a closed, toothed head that must be fit over the head of a bolt; used to tighten bolts. • Adjustable-end wrench- has smooth jaws that adjust to fit almost all sized bolts.
Screwdrivers • Standard screwdriver- has a narrow blade for driving standard screws. • Phillips-head screw driver- has a four-flanged tip that matches the crossed slots of the Phillips-head screws
Wrecking Bars • Crowbar- a round metal bar with flattened metal claws similar to those on a claw or rip hammer on one end and a tapered wedge on the other. • Ripbar- tool similar to a crowbar but the nail-removing claws have more curl for better leverage