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Putting Your Company ’ s Whole Brain to Work present by Azhar Gawarir Dr.Thomas li -Ping Tang

Putting Your Company ’ s Whole Brain to Work present by Azhar Gawarir Dr.Thomas li -Ping Tang. Outline . Biography for the author introduction Why then is it only now becoming so necessary for managers to understand those differences? Innovate or Fall Behind How We Act Conclusion.

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Putting Your Company ’ s Whole Brain to Work present by Azhar Gawarir Dr.Thomas li -Ping Tang

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  1. Putting Your Company’s Whole Brain to Work present by AzharGawarir Dr.Thomasli-Ping Tang

  2. Outline • Biography for the author • introduction • Why then is it only now becoming so necessary for managers to understand those differences? • Innovate or Fall Behind • How We Act • Conclusion

  3. Dorothy Leonard • She is Professor of Business Administration. • she was joined the Harvard faculty in 1983 after teaching for three years at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. • She earned her Ph.D. from Stanford University.

  4. Susan Straus • She is a behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation • She is an adjunct associate professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. • she was received her B.A. in psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  5. introduction We know that different people have different ways to tackle the world and when people from these different culture interact in one place or one company ,and the manger want themto be one hand and To make these differences in thinking be in the interest of the company.

  6. Why then is it only now becoming so necessary for managers to understand those differences? • Because today’s complex products demand integrating the expertise of individuals who do not innately understand one another. Today’s pace of change demands that these individuals quickly develop the ability to work together. If abrasion is not managed into creativity, it will constrict the constructive impulses of individuals and organizations alike. Rightly harnessed, the energy released by the intersection of different thought processes will propel innovation

  7. Innovate or Fall Behind • A widely-accepted rule of business states that if a company fails to continuously innovate it will fall behind for that i believe that the innovation is the main reason for any company or corporation to be success . • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC_JHEJXMH4

  8. How managers avoid personal disputes resulting from the creative process: • Comfortable Clone Syndrome: is the desire to surround ourselves with people who think and act like we do to avoid conflict and the discomfort of being around others who are simply, in our eyes, strange and difficult. • Unable to manage employees with a variety of thinking styles

  9. How we act • Understand Yourself • When you identify your style you will gain insight of your preferences in thinking and communication . • Your style can repress the very creativity you seek from you employee

  10. Forget the Golden Rule • Don’t treat people the way you want to be treated • Tailor the communication to the receiver instead of the sender • In a cognitively diverse environment, a message sent is not necessarily a message received • Information must be delivered in the preferred “language” of the recipient if it is to be received at all

  11. How we act • Create Whole-Brained Teams. • The solution rests not in using our brains more but in using them more effectively. • Whole brain thinking allows us to understand, and appreciate

  12. Look for the Ugly Duckling • An ugly duckling is someone who grew up feeling unattractive, with low resultant self esteem, and often a good personality to compensate. that person blossoms into an attractive person, but retains the good personality. This syndrome can occur in the workplace as well; an employee might start slow, with below average productivity and success, but become successful and productive later in his career.

  13. Manage the Creative Process • Successful managers spend time getting members of divers groups acknowledge their differences often through a joint exploration of the results of a diagnostic analysis and devise guidelines for working together before attempting to action the problem at hand • Set common goals • Make operation guide lines explicit • Set up agendas ahead of time

  14. Depersonalize Conflict • People who do not understand cognitive preferences tend to personalize conflict, avoid it • Varying approaches to perceiving and assimilating data, making decisions, solving problems, and relating to other people, these approaches are preferences  Every one has a preferred habit of thought that influences how they make decisions and interact with others

  15. Caveat Emptor  • Diagnostic instrument only measure one aspect of personality: preferences in thinking styles and communication Preferences tend to be stable but life experience can affect them .

  16. Conclusion • In today's organizations multiple view points need to be taken into account and effective understanding of different human personality has not altered through out recorded history. problem solving methodologies can help the innovation process .People have always had distinct preferences in their approaches to problem solving.

  17. references • www.businessweek.com/careers/content/sep2007/ca20070913_359965.htm • www.herrmann-europe.com/uk/pdf/12_short_cases.pdf • http://hbr.org/1997/07/putting-your-companys-whole-brain-to-work/ar/1 • http://drfd.hbs.edu/fit/public/facultyInfo.do?facInfo=bio&facEmId=dleonard • www.goodreads.com/author/show/3419161.Susaan_Straus • www.rand.org/about/people/s/straus_susan_g.html


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