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1970-1990. Imperial Presidency. Authors of Founding Fathers tied to balance power in govt Since 1930s, Presidential power increased greatly Unlike Congress, President can act quickly and decisively Radio and TV allowed presidents to more easily appeal to the people
Imperial Presidency • Authors of Founding Fathers tied to balance power in govt • Since 1930s, Presidential power increased greatly • Unlike Congress, President can act quickly and decisively • Radio and TV allowed presidents to more easily appeal to the people • Started to listen to personal advisors more than Cabinet members Congress had to approve • Growth of Presidential power sometimes called Imperial Presidency • Expansion of Presidential power reached peak under Richard Nixon
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Imperial Presidency • Nixon did not consult Congress on bombing of Cambodia and Laos or the mining of N. Vietnam’s harbor • Used public funds to remodel private homes • Used CIA and FBI to collect information on political enemies • Congress voted for programs he didn’t like, Nixon refused to spend the funds
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • A Republican, Nixon wanted a more conservative direction • Believed federal social programs inefficient and better dealt w/ at local level • Eliminated several Great Society programs and gave funds to state and local govts to decide how to use
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • Sough an end to the draft • Create series of strong anti-crime laws • Advanced a broad environmental program • Promised to appoint Conservative Supreme Court Justices
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • First Amendment Rights • Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) • Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) • SC struck down law that required Amish children to go to school past 8th grade • Violated freedom of religion • Inflation • Rising prices, new trade deficit, rising unemployment • Nixon cut spending on social programs, imposed first peacetime wage and price controls • All proved unsuccessful
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • EPA set air and water pollution standards for cities, engages in monitoring and enforcement activities • Construction projects must pass through detailed environmental impact reviews • Private citizens can file lawsuits against polluters under EPA
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Endangered Species Act (1973) • Required Fish and Wildlife Service to list species of plants and animals that are threatened w/ extinction and take further steps to protect them
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • Equal Rights Amendment • 1923 – Alice Paul (founder of National Woman’s Party) proposed “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the US or any state on account of sex” • 50 years introduced to Congress but failed to pass
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • Equal Rights Amendment • 1972 – amendment finally approved by Congress • 7 year ratification deadline by the States • Deadline extended to 1982 but still 3 states shot • Reintroduced to Congress every session since
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Domestic Policy • Equal Rights Amendment • Critic of Women’s Liberation Movement Phyllis Schlafly • Book attacked liberal Republicans and was used by Goldwater supporters in 1964 election • Campaigned against ERA • Believed it would reduce rights of wives an harm family life • Claimed it would deprive women the “right” to be “supported and protected” by men
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Foreign Policy • Believed President’s most important role was directing foreign policy • Assisted by foreign policy expert Henry Kissinger
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Foreign Policy • Reopening relations with China, 1972 • Since 1949, US refused to establish diplomatic relations with Communist govt • US had vetoed Communist China entering UN • Nixon strong anti-Communist, but restored diplomatic relations with Communist China • 1972 – first President to visit mainland China • Nixon’s greatest foreign policy achievement
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Foreign Policy • Détente with Soviet Union, 1972 • Pursued detent – relaxing of tensions • Nixon introduced to relation with USSR • Wanted to stop buildup of nuclear weapons • Nixon became first President to visit Moscow • Signed SALT with Soviet leaders, limited development of defensive missile systems • Agreed to sell American grain to USSR to help with food shortages • 1973 – US and USSR pressured Israel and Arab states to conclude in cease-fire
Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 • Foreign Policy • Vice President Ford takes office • In re-election, Nixon promised a return to “law and order” • Soon, learned Nixon’s govt was corrupt • 1973 – Nixon’s VP Spiro Agnew resigned when discovered he took bribes as Governor of Maryland • Under 25th amendment, Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as new VP
Watergate Crisis • 1972 – group of former CIA agents working for Nixon re-election • Caught in Democratic Party headquarters at Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. • President Nixon tried to cover up investigation saying it involved national security • 2 investigative reporters first to report possible links between White House and break-in • Senate created committee to investigate • Attorney General appointed Special Prosecutor to examine possible wrong doing
Watergate Crisis • Watergate Tapes • At Senate hearings, Presidential aide stated Nixon participated in the cover-up • Revealed Nixon had secretly recorded all of own Whitehouse conversations • Senate Committed asked to listen, Nixon refused citing executive privilege • Congress had no authority to question members of the executive branch about communications advising the President without Presidential approval
Watergate Crisis • Watergate Tapes • United States v. Nixon (1974) – Nixon further contended if obeyed the district court to turn over tapes, it would lead to judicial control of the Presidency • SC ruled Nixon must turn over tapes • No one is above the law
Watergate Crisis • When tapes made public, revealed Nixon had lied about not being in the cover-up. • House of Representatives moved to impeach Nixon • Fearing removal from office, Nixon became first President to resign
Ford Presidency 1974-1977 • Gerald Ford became President • Not elected, been appointed by Nixon • First act of Ford’s was the pardon Nixon of all crimes • Not very popular…
Ford Presidency 1974-1977 • Ford’s main woes were economic • Economics believed inflation accompanied economic growth and full employment, not recession • Americans suffered from stagflation – high unemployment with inflation
Ford Presidency 1974-1977 • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) formed in 1960 • OPEC mostly Arab countries • 1973 countries used oil as political weapon by imposing oil embargo on US and W. Europe for siding with Israel in 1973 war • Overnight, oil prices shot up • Even with war over, OPEC push oil prices higher to enrich own economies • Higher cost impacted US economy – everything from heating to food to electricity to gasoline
Ford Presidency 1974-1977 • Helsinki Accords • Ford continued détente with USSR • 1975 – US, Canada, USSR, and most of Europe signed international agreement recognizing post WWII borders and promising respect for human rights
Carter Presidency 1977-1981 • Many people blamed Republicans for Watergate • Jimmy Carter, former Governor of Georgia, was nominated for Democrats • He was elected as an “outsider” who promised to “clean up” Washington
Carter Presidency 1977-1981 • Carter’s main problem was economy • Inflation more than 10%, interest rates rose 20%, and unemployment high
Carter Domestic Policy • To deal with economy: • Energy crisis • Created Department of Energy • Increased oil in nation’s “Strategic Petroleum Reserve” • Wanted special tax on large cars and power to ration gas, but Congress said no
Carter Domestic Policy • Stagflation • Cut federal spending but inflation stayed high until 2 years later • Environment • Provided funds to clean up toxic dump sites • Following accident at Three Mile Island nuclear reactor in 1979, created Nuclear Regulatory Commission to develop stricter standards for peaceful use of nuclear energy
Carter Domestic Policy • Diversity • Appointed women and minority to govt posts • Sponsored bill requiring public schools to provide instructions to students in their native language while trying to learn English
Carter Domestic Policy • Carter pushed Community Reinvestment Act (1977) • Required banks to stop “redlining” • Banks have to make credit available to poor communities
Carter Foreign Policy • Wanted US to set a moral example to other nations • Condemned apartheid in S. Africa, pressured USSR to allow Jews to emigrate, and cut dictatorships that violated human rights
Carter Foreign Policy • Panama Canal Treaty, 1977 • Gave control of Canal Zone, except for canal itself, to Panama. • Agreed to turn over canal by the end of the century
Carter Foreign Policy • Camp David Accords, 1977 • Egypt and Israel had fought each other in series of wars since 1948 • 1977 – Carter invites Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, and Menachem Begin, Prime Minster of Israel, to Camp David retreat in Maryland • Israel agreed to return Sinai Peninsula to Egypt • Egypt offered peace treaty and establishment of normal diplomatic relations w/ Israel • Sadat and Begin awarded Nobel Peace Prize • Many Arab leaders denounced agreement • Sadat assassinated by Muslim Fundamentalists
Carter Foreign Policy • US-Soviet Relations • Initially continued détente w/ USSR • USSR invaded Afghanistan 1979 • Brought temporary end to détente • Halted grain sales to Soviets, boycotted 1980 Olympics in Moscow, proposed ratification of new arms agreement SALT II
Carter Foreign Policy • Iranian Revolution and Hostage Crisis • Shah of Iran an ally of US but also dictator • 1978 – widespread demonstrations broke out • Shah fled and Ayatollah Khomeini and other religious leaders took over • Fundamentalist Shiite Muslims hostile to western influence
Carter Foreign Policy • Iranian Revolution and Hostage Crisis • Oct 1979, Shah entered US for medical treatment • 2 weeks later angry Iranian students seized staff of US embassy in Tehran, Iran • Hostages blindfolded, tied up, accused of working for CIA • Embassy staff held hostage for more than a year
Carter Foreign Policy • Iranian Revolution and Hostage Crisis • US imposed economic sanctions on Iran • Other countries supported US • US’s image suffered because of inability to free hostages • Any attempt to free them failed • Negotiations finally led to release on the day Carter left office
New Conservatism • 1980s saw resurgence of conservatism • Reagan and Bush decided to cut down the size of the federal govt, reducing taxes and federal regulations on business while increasing private competition • Favored strong military establishments
Roots of New Conservatism • Similar ideas as Margaret Thatcher of England • Combat unions • Reduce taxes • Cut govt spending • Reduce govt regulations • Reagan received support from number of leading American conservative groups; • NRA (National Rifle Association) • Became political after Gun Control Act of 1968 • NRA endorsed Ronald Reagan, first time in US history • Other conservative groups: • Moral Majority • Mainly Fundamentalist Christians • Jerry Falwell and others were socially conservative and anti-Communist • Opposed Equal Rights Amendment • Helped get Reagan elected • Dissolved in 1989, “our mission is accomplished” • Heritage Foundation • “think-tank” in Washington, DC • Seeks to promote principles of free-enterprise, limited govt, individual freedoms, values, and strong national defense • Non-profit lobbying group that attempts to influence legislation
Reagan Presidency 1981-1989 • Popular Hollywood actor after WWII, Reagan president of actors’ union before politics • Originally a Democrat, grew more conservative because fed govt too powerful and intrusive • Governor of California, took tough stand against student protests of 1960s • Lost race Republican nomination in 1968 and 1976 but won in 1980 • Texas Congressman George H.W. Bush running mate • Swept into office over Jimmy Carter
Domestic Policy • Confident, optimistic outlook • Felt individuals and businesses better able to solve economic problems than govt • Reversed trend of increased federal control started in Progressive Era
Domestic Policy • Reaganomics • Stagflation still problem • Solve problem with “supply-side economics” • Reduce taxes on businesses and regulations, easier to produce more goods • Larger supply of goods would drive down prices and stop inflation • More employment • 1983 – economy starting to come out of recession • Encouraged greater business activity • New oil supplies from Alaska and North Sea stabilized oil prices
Reaganomics • Tax cuts and domestic spending • Cut taxes on businesses and wealthy • Groups would invest into productivity and employment, resulting in benefits “trickling down” to other groups • Reduced spending in welfare to finance • Increased military spending • Financed through borrowing • Increased spending stimulated entire economy, creating demand for many goods and services • Deregulation • Eliminated many fed regulations making easier for new companies to compete • Ordered many regulatory agencies to cut back rule making to allow businesses greater freedom • Relaxed enforcement of anti-trust laws and allowed more business mergers • Other factors • World oil prices stabilized • New employment in compute programming and health care • Took steps against unions to allow more flexible work practices • Fired air traffic controllers on strike
Domestic Policy • Federal deficit and national debt • Federal deficit – amount of money fed govt spends beyond what it collects in taxes • Reagan promised govt spending limited to taxes raised • Military spending caused deficit to increase and national debt more than doubled
Domestic Policy • Trade Imbalance • Americans bought more goods and services abroad than sold • Imbalance led to loss of millions of jobs, closing of steel mills and auto plants, and drop in disposable income of many Americans • Immigration Policy • Deal with problem of illegal immigrants, Mazzoli-Simpson Act (1986) • Legalized illegal aliens who lived continuously in US since 1981
Domestic Policy • Sandra Day O’Connor • 1981 – Regan nominated her as first women on US Supreme Court • Born in El, Paso, Texas, studied in California before moving to Arizona • Conservative who preferred “judicial restraint” • Emerged in 1990s as swing vote between conservative and liberal votes on Court
Reagan Foreign Policy • Wanted to rebuild American confidence after Vietnam, Watergate, and Iran Hostage Crisis • US world’s principle defender of freedom and democracy
Foreign Policy • Reagan Doctrine • 1983 – Reagan sent US Marines to Caribbean island of Grenada after Communists took over to protect Americans on island and prevent Cuba from exporting Communism • Showed Reagan willing to use force against Communism • 1985 – introduced Reagan Doctrine • US not simply contain Communism • Attempt to “roll-back” Communism by aiding “freedom fighters” in Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, and Cambodia
Foreign Policy • Peace Through Strength • Best way to prevent war was to think US had means and will to stop aggression • Sharply increased military spending • Proposed research into anti-ballistic defense system, the Strategic Defense Initiative (also called Star Wars) • Disturbed Soviet leaders who feared own expense of developing a similar weapon system
Foreign Policy • Threat of Terrorism • 1982 – Israeli force invaded Lebanon setting off civil war between Christians and Palestinian refugees • Lebanon requests multinational force of US Marines and French paratroopers to restore order • 1983 – suicide bomber attacked American and French barracks in Beirut, capital of Lebanon • 241 US Marines and 58 French paratroopers killed • President Reagan withdrew American forces from Lebanon
Foreign Policy • Threat of Terrorism • Reagan would not negotiate with terrorists • Bombed two cities in Libya when though leader Muammar Gaddafi supported terrorist activities that caused explosion in Berlin • Libya admitted was responsible for blowing up Pan Am flight over Scotland in 1988