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Discover the comforting promise of heaven in John 14:1-6. This passage explores the presence of love and the importance of true promises when dealing with death. Jesus assures his disciples of the reality of heaven, preparing a beautiful place for believers. Find hope in the promise of being reunited with loved ones when Jesus returns. Jesus is the only way to God the Father, offering the truth and life that transcends all circumstances. Join us at Grace Bible Church as we glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Promise of HeavenJohn 14:1-6 The presence of someone that loves you is a comfort The promise of heaven is a comfort when dealing with death A promise must be actually true or the comfort received will be shattered by reality
The Promise of HeavenJohn 14:1-6 There is no greater tragedy than having a false hope of heaven
Context Jesus and His disciples are in an upper room celebrating Passover Jesus has rebuked them for their pride and washed their feet as an example of humble service Jesus predicted one of them would betray Him, but they still did not suspect Judas even when he left
Context After Judas leaves, Jesus begins the Upper Room Discourse and establishes Communion - a memorial Jesus begins the Upper Room Discourse with a new commandment to love as He had loved them
Jesus’ Comfort John 14:1-4 The hearts of the disciples were troubled - and there were many reasons for them to be disturbed The basis for them to obey the command to stop being troubled was their belief in Jesus and His promises
Belief in JesusJohn 14:1 The disciples recognized Jesus’ identity as God in human flesh and so trusted Him as they did God
Preparing a PlaceJohn 14:2 The emphasis is that Jesus is preparing a place for them in the Father’s house The Father’s house has many rooms / apartments The New Jerusalem will be a beautiful place - ornate and large - Revelation 21
Coming AgainJohn 14:3 The emphasis is that they would be with Him in Heaven - a comforting promise to all who believe in Jesus A beautiful place has little value if it is filled with the ungodly (See Proverbs 21:19; Psalm 55; etc.).
Coming AgainJohn 14:3 A comfort in grief is the promise of being with the loved ones again when Jesus returns
A Confused DiscipleJohn 14:5 Thomas’ question is similar to Peter’s in 13:36. Where are you going? What is the way to get there? Though somewhat veiled, Jesus had talked to them about this before - John 8:19; 10:7-18; 12:26,36,44-50
A Clear StatementJohn 14:6 The articles distinguish Jesus’ identity as they only means to come to the Father I am THE truth, THE way, THE life, no one comes to the Father but through Me
Jesus is The Way (oJdovV / odos) Jesus is the means to a destination He was: A teacher (Mark 12:14) A guide (Luke 1:79) An example (John 13:15)
Jesus is The Way More than a teacher, guide or example, Jesus is THE WAY to God, for only He can cleanse you from sin
Jesus is The Truth Truth (aJlhvqeia / alētheia) is what conforms to actual reality Jesus is the final reality - Colossians 1:14-17; Hebrews 1:3; 6:18; Psalm 31:5 Post-modern society is so full of lies it that it cannot discern truth and denies that truth can be known
Jesus is The Truth Truth sanctifies, guides and sets you free (John 8:32; 17:17) – Those seeking truth will find Jesus Christ
Jesus is The Life .zwhv /zōā - the principle of continuing life, not biology (biovV /bios) or breath (pneu:ma / pneuma)
Jesus is The Life Life is in Jesus (John 1:4; 5:26), He is the source of life (John 3:16; 10:28: 11:25), He is the light of life (John 8:12), He is the word of life (John 6:28), He gives life abundantly (John 10:10) Life grants communion with God (John 17:3)
Jesus is The Life This life does not give promises of protection from all trouble or provide for selfish desires This life is in contrast to being dead in sin (Romans 6). Its purpose is to make you like Christ in righteousness (Romans 8:29)
Jesus is The Life This life becomes more mature through troubles and trials, expects to be persecuted, & is chastened by God This life is one of godliness and joy that transcends all circumstances finding comfort in the promises of Jesus
Jesus is the Only Way to God the Father It is an absolute truth that NO ONE comes to God the Father except through Jesus Christ The world hates Biblical Christianity because of the exclusiveness of Jesus’ claim
Jesus is the Only Way to God the Father Sin, selfishness and pride block people from knowing the truth, finding the way and receiving life in Christ
We proclaim salvation in Christ seeking to rescue people from their sinking ships - regardless of cost to us What will your final destination be? Safe on Heaven’s shores? Or lost forever?
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ