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Explore the significance of wisdom and discernment in the spiritual journey, drawing insights from the teachings of Pope Shenouda III. Delve into the importance of positive inner work, faithfulness, and a life of victory guided by wisdom. Learn to distinguish between the wisdom of God and the world, seeking wisdom from divine sources and experienced individuals. Unearth the obstacles hindering wisdom and the virtues of intelligence and discernment in making sound decisions. Embrace the power of wisdom in navigating life's complexities and fostering spiritual growth.
The spiritual lifeBy: Pope shenouda III14-Nov-1971 to 17-Mar-2012 Part II of II6. Wisdom and Discernment7. Positive work & Inner work8. Faithfulness9. Seriousness and Meticulousness10. Life of victory
6. Wisdom & Discernment • Importance • Abba Anthony was asked what is the greatest virtue? He replied that “discernment is undoubtedly the greatest since it allows one to distinguish right from wrong and good from evil.” The Holy Bible states that the “wise man’s eyes are in his head but the fool walks in darkness”(Ecc.2.14). The Lord says: “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matt.10:16). Wisdom was a necessary condition in electing ministers to the order of deacons. • Wisdom is One of the Names of Christ He is the “the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1Cor.1:24) “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). “Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars” (Prov. 9:1), which refers to the Seven Sacraments of the Church.
Wisdom & Discernment • Wisdom and the Holy Spirit If the Holy Spirit dwells in a person, wisdom also dwells in that person. (1Cor. 12:8). • The Wisdom of God and the Wisdom of the World We discriminate between the wisdom of God and the cunning of the world as it is said that God “catches the wise in their own craftiness” (1Cor. 3:19). The wisdom of the world, which will be destroyed (1 COR. 1:19) is distinct from the wisdom of God. It is full of craftiness and cunning. Its means are lies and deception and it has many opening from which Satan enters. Examples… • The serpent deceived our mother Eve. • Jezebel the wife of the evil King Ahab contrived an unlawful scheme for her husband to possess the vineyard of Naboth the Jezereelite (1Kin.21:5-15). • Rebekah behaved with worldly wisdom to obtain for her son Jacob the blessing of his father. • Abraham took multiple wives that were not accepted by God. • The counsel of Ahithopel. • The counsel, which Balaam presented to Balak (Rev. 2:14). The main conclusion is that we have to keep away from all these matters and reject their outcome even if they seem to be favorable for us.
Wisdom & Discernment • Sources of Wisdom 1st source of wisdom: GOD. “If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God, which gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting” (Jas. 1:5,6). 2nd source of wisdom: comes from mouths of people through which God speaks. 3rd source of wisdom: the wise and the experienced. St. Anthony sought wisdom from multiple sources, like the bee, which sucks nectar from every flower. • The Most Important Domain Where Wisdom is Necessary Deeds are divided into four categories: • Deeds that are good • Deeds that are evil • Deeds that require reasoning to determine if they are good or bad. Need advice from spiritual fathers. • Deeds where the conscience does not know which of the two is better. Both outcomes are good but unclear which is better for the spiritual person. Wisdom and discernment are also required for acquiring and advancing a virtue. Discernment is also necessary in sensitive matters connected with a person’s destiny.
Wisdom & Discernment • Intelligence and Wisdom • True wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. This is completely different from what people claim is wisdom but in actuality is diplomacy or shrewdness. • Wisdom has a wider meaning than intelligence. Intelligence may be a part of wisdom. *A person may be very intelligent but does not behave wisely. There may be obstacles, which hinder his thinking and intelligence in his practical life. He may submit to lusts or his nerves and not use his intelligence in dealing with difficult situations. Furthermore, he may be intelligent but lacking in knowledge or experience. * • The source of wisdom is reason. Wisdom does not depend on the mind alone. It benefits from counseling, experience, and the direction of the Holy Spirit. It is manifested in good behavior following sound reasoning. • The wise person says what he means and means what he says.
Wisdom & Discernment • Hindrances to Wisdom One of the obstacles to wisdom is hastiness in conduct. It is superficial. • Rashness hinders intelligence or pushes it towards a certain direction. • The wise person is not rash; but withholds his own opinion until he attains a deeper and wider perception. • There is a difference between speediness and rashness. The right solution is not the fast solution but the perfect solution. • Another hindrance to wisdom is misunderstanding or lack of knowledge. For instance a husband may treat his wife like he treats other men. However, the wise person would study the woman’s psychology. • We should study the psychology of a child. Similarly, when dealing with anyone we should study their psychology.
Wisdom & Discernment • Wisdom in Whether or not to Keep Silence • The wise person knows that not every silence is a virtue and every speech a sin. Thus he speaks cautiously, reflectively, wisely and beneficially and does not regret any word he says and does not long for the silence that protects him from the errors of the tongue. • Wisdom in Dejection and Cheerfulness • The person who walks in contrition and tears should walk in wisdom. Similarly, those who walk in cheerfulness should walk in contrition. • The wise person does not take one verse from the Holy Bible and apply it to his life literally. He knows when to use the verse in its good season and when to add to it other verses to clarify its meaning. • Discernment in the Spiritual Practices • The spiritual life is not just constraints, laws and statutes, but it is the spirit’s abiding in God with love and freedom. Spiritual practices are not restraints or chains. Everything under the heavens has its own time, a time for weeping, a time for laughter, a time for keeping silent, and a time for speaking (Ecc. 3:1-8).
Wisdom & Discernment • Discernment in Reading and Applying Some read “ The Lives of the Desert Fathers” and attempt to apply what is read literally. However, the book is not for beginners and is not specific to each person. It is very dangerous to apply what you read without discernment, wisdom and guidance • The Example of Kindness and Strictness The Lord Jesus Christ exemplified both meekness and strictness. Sometimes lack of strictness is considered a sin as in the case of Eli the Priest. The Lord took away the priesthood from all his children because he wasn't strict in raising them. • Discerning Between Fear and Love “ The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). Fear is a stage that develops into love and reverence. Wisdom outlines the limits of reprimanding.
7. The Positive Work and the Inner Work • The Importance of Resisting Sin The crucial question we have to ask is why is it difficult to resist sin? Why did God call it a narrow gate and the difficult path (Matt. 7:13,14) And why did many of the Fathers say that the spiritual life is self-coercion and vanquishing of the self? **Mainly because the love for God has not yet entered the heart and has not been established there? So the next logical question is how does the love for God enter the heart? It enters through positive work** • The Importance of the Love for God • Why do people toil in spiritual combats? Why does he often fluctuate between failure and success? Because the love of God is not in his heart. If the love for God enters your heart, sin will flee from it completely; sin, which causes you to suffer in your struggle against it and makes you inconsistently fall and rise so often. • You strive positively for the sake of knowing God and growing in His love. It is completely different from the passive striving in which you struggle against sin and the devil. Man falls into sin because he lacks love within his heart for God.
The Positive Work and the Inner Work • Attaining the Love for God How does one attain a love for God? …through spiritual work, which leads him to love God. His love for God causes him not to make mistakes or fall since love never fails (1Cor. 13:8). • Always be mindful of God and remember Him since his love makes you think of Him more. Remembering God is the first positive work in the spiritual life. Your remembering God leads you to purity of spirit because there is no communion whatsoever between light and darkness (2Cor.6:14). • Acts that are beneficial for uniting person with God: reading, spiritual gatherings, spiritual friendships. Most important act is partaking of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Jesus said that he who partakes of the Holy Communion that he “abides in Me and I in him” (Jn. 6:56).
The Positive Work and the Inner Work • Benefits of the Positive Work One needs weapons in fighting sin just like you need protection and weapons against an enemy attack. Sin comes when we are weak or unprepared. This is why you need a Bible or psalm, prayer and contemplation, fasts, and prostrations, and Holy Communion and confessions as weapons. The Lord stated “And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath” (Matt. 24:20). (In winter means in the time of spiritual coolness and on the Sabbath means during the time when you are not working). *Both matters remind us of the positive spiritual work. Always be alert in your heart.* • The Importance of the Inner Work Virtues start in the heart. Therefore, you need to just perform outward practices but also focus on inner deeds and works. Jesus said to the Jews: “this people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” (Mk. 7:6). An example is that a person should abandon anger inside as well as outside. Examples in the bible include turning the other cheek, David’s behavior when he was insulted by Simei the son of Gera who wanted to kill him. David said “So let him curse, because the Lord has said to him, “Curse David” It may be that the Lord will look on my affliction (2Sam. 16:5-13). Also, St. Abba Anthony the Great stated that “If someone reproaches you from without, reprove yourself from within.”
The Positive Work and the Inner Work • The Inner Work in Repentance It is essential to repent inwardly and outwardly. The true metonia means you prostrate yourself to dust inwardly and outwardly. • The Inner Work in Upbringing and in the Ministry • Some priests focus on telling young people about how to dress modestly, However, once the person has inner work, they will abandon improper dress, etc on their own. Therefore, instruct the inward parts of children and not their outward parts. The aim of the inner work is first to prevail over the self and then to attain purity of soul. • In instructing people do not use the rod but use understanding and compassion.
The Positive Work and the Inner Work • The Inner Work with Respect to the Means of Grace • The Inner Work in Prayer Prayer is more than speaking with God. It is also listening to the God within the soul. • The Inner Work in Fasting Fasting is more than giving up food. It is preventing the soul from any wrong desire. • The Inner Work in Reading Although reading is an inner work, one also needs to contemplate on what one reads, and in carrying out what one reads.
The Positive Work and the Inner Work • The Inner Work in Keeping Silence The inner work of silence is that the person delves deep into his inner self to gain spiritual benefits. The Holy Bible states “the kingdom of God is inside you” (Lk. 17:21). The inner work has two sides, the work with God and the work with the soul. The monk’s inner work compels him to silence. • Benefits of the Inner Work The foremost benefit of the inner work is the perpetual abiding in God. However, the devil constantly sends us distractions to keep us away from God.
8. Faithfulness • The Importance and Extent of Faithfulness • Faithfulness in one’s relationship with God, with others, and with himself is what we will discuss for all behavior in the spiritual life. Ex) the faithful steward “whom his master will make ruler over his household to give them their portion of food in due season” (Lk. 12”42). • Faithfulness is the criterion of Judgment and the basis of entry into the Kingdom. “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord” (Matt. 25:21, 23). • One must be faithful “until death.” This means one must sacrifice one’s self to be faithful. • One must be faithful in spiritual and worldly matters. • One must not cheat one’s job in overtime performance for example or in claiming sickness to avoid work.
Faithfulness • Your Faithfulness to God • Your faithfulness towards God means that you do not betray Him at all. An analogy is a wife who is faithful to her husband regardless of the extent of freedom. The soul, which is the bride of Christ should also be faithful. • Sin is separation from God and a rebellion against Him. Those who, in truth, knew God, never abandoned Him. Ex) the Saints of Repentance. Once they repented they did not go back their old ways. • A minister should be faithful in teaching and not present his own opinions as dogmas. “Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully” (Jer. 48:10). • He who is faithful in his relationship with God is also faithful in his promises and vows. The Holy Bible states “ It is better not to vow than to vow and not pay” (Ecc. 5:5). • One must also be faithful in paying tithes and first fruits. They are not yours but God’s portion. “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say “In what way have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings” (Mal. 3:8).
Faithfulness • Your Faithfulness to Yourself • One of the most important parts of faithfulness to oneself is faithfulness over eternity. All his desires are focused on eternity. Those who are faithful over their eternity care for their spiritual nourishment. Those who are faithful over their eternity give attention to the health of their spirit. • Those who are faithful over their spirit always give attention to their spiritual growth. They are not satisfied with their progress and remember the words of the Holy Bible “ Therefore you shall be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). Those who live in spirituality live in continual growth. • One must be on guard not to leave any of the doors of the soul open to sin. Be faithful in controlling your senses and your intellect. Such a faithful soul is like a ship without any holes. • He who is faithful in his spirituality does not justify himself if he falls. Examples include Joseph, Daniel the prophet, and the three saintly youths who did not make up excuses for falling into sin. Another example include the martyrs who were tortured yet remained steadfast. • If there is faithfulness of heart there will be faithfulness of will. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (Jas 4:7). The devil looks for small openings to combat you. If you are lax in controlling the senses, he will attack you in the intellect. If you are lax in the intellect, he will fight you with lust. And if you are lax in lust he will fight you to accomplish the deed.
Faithfulness • Your Faithfulness to Others The faithful person is faithful over the kingdom of God within others. The following questions are important to determine whether one is faithful to others: • If you enter a house, does the word of God enter with you? • Do you become in your faithfulness, salt for the earth and light of the world? • Are you a Theophorus bearing God to everyone so that they see Him in your life? • Faithfulness in the Few Things • Be faithful in the few things and God will entrust you with much. • Be faithful in the first step then God will entrust you with the rest. • Walk in the path of the Lord blamelessly and leave the rest to Him.
Faithfulness • Ministry and Dedication Start with the little you are capable of, by giving your spare tome to the Lord. • Be faithful in every service commended to you then God will entrust you with dedication. • Be faithful in your own house then the Holy Spirit will entrust you with the House of God. • Be faithful in your own soul then God will entrust you with the souls of others. This is especially true for the minister. *Saint Abba Ruis was faithful with no rank. * • Be faithful with small jobs and God will entrust you with larger ones. Examples include David was entrusted with sheep and when he performed well, he was entrusted with an army. • The Will and the Intellect • Be faithful in what is within your will’s capability and God will entrust you with what is beyond your will. • Restrain your conscious life and God will protect you in your subconscious life at night. This is the means of restraining impure dreams.
Faithfulness • Love • If you are faithful in keeping the virtue of the fear of God then God will entrust you with the virtue of love. • If you are faithful in self-coercion you will inevitably reach the love of goodness because love for God and for goodness may not be the starting point but is an outcome of a long spiritual endeavor. • The Body and the Spirit He who is faithful in restraining the body to abstain from food, God will entrust him with controlling the spirit to abstain from sin. • Through stillness of body we acquire stillness of soul. • Through solemnity of body we attain solemnity of soul. And through faithfulness in humility of the body we acquire humility of the soul. Thus we benefit from taking off our shoes when we enter or worship before the Sanctuary. And if we are faithful in the material body the Lord will entrust us with the illuminated spiritual body in the Day of Resurrection (1 Cor. 15:44).
Faithfulness • Prayer Start with a little prayer and God will entrust you with more. Be faithful in praying ardently and with understanding then God will entrust you with the prayer with tears. Examples of Faithfulness • Be faithful in what is in your hand then God will entrust you with what is in His hand. • If you are faithful to God in your childhood and adolescence, God will grant you faithfulness in youth warfare. • If you are faithful in this limited and short life God will entrust you with the eternal life. One should be faithful in everything your hand touches. • Be faithful in the fruit of the Spirit then God will entrust you with the gifts of the spirit. • St. Abba Abraam the Bishop of Fayoum gave away all his money to the needy. When God saw this he endowed him with the gift of healing the sick.
9. Seriousness and Meticulousness Seriousness • The Importance of Seriousness • Seriousness is one of the most important characteristics in the spiritual path. The Spiritual fathers walked in the spiritual path due to seriousness. They progressed. • Seriousness in life is an indication of manliness and strong personality. He is like a great ship sailing vigorously in the sea of life in its goal. In other words, he is unshakable.
Seriousness and Meticulousness • Qualities of the Serious Person He who is not serious fluctuates up and down and his walk is unstable. The Holy Bible states “ Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully” (Jer. 48:10). • Ex) Our spiritual father Abraham who walked in the commandment in utter seriousness and was willing to offer his son as an offering. • Ex) Daniel the Prophet who was serious in the worship of the Lord even though he was thrown in the lion’s den. • Ex) John the Baptist was serious in keeping the Lord’s commandment when he said to King Herod “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife” (Mk. 6:18). He who is serious does not give excuses for himself nor does he present justifications for his sins. The spiritual person is also serious in his repentance. • Ex) the prodigal son who went to his father, repenting with a contrite heart. • Ex) Mary of Egypt, Pelagia and Moses the Black repented without returning to sin. Seriousness yields continual growth and spiritual ardor. Those who are trained in seriousness labor for the sake of the Lord. He who is serious surmounts the hardships he encounters. He who is serious is not satisfied by the outward appearance of a spiritual endeavor. He is concerned with the depth of the endeavor.
Seriousness and Meticulousness • Temptations of Satan Satan fights seriousness with every possible means. He might call it literalism or he might claim that these actions are against freedom. However, we have to be mindful that freedom is not freedom if it conflicts with God’s commandements.
Seriousness and Meticulousness The Importance of Meticulousness • Meticulousness The spiritual person is meticulous in everything; in his relationship with God, with people, and with himself. He is meticulous when he is among people but more so when he is in private. Meticulousness is a spontaneous part of his life not just an attempt or practice. Meticulousness is circumspection on the least error and is a step towards perfection. • Meticulousness and Scruple Meticulousness is not scruple, which is the conscience that sees errors when there are none, or enlarges the assessment of an error. Scruple is a type of pharisaism and literalism. One who is meticulous should be like a chemist who is mindful of the amount of each component in a reaction.
Seriousness and Meticulousness • The Scope of Meticulousness One who is meticulous is meticulous over his time and the time of others. He is meticulous over the Day of the Lord, and his prayers. He makes prostrations when enters the Church and responds when the priest says : “Lift up your hearts”, he responds truthfully saying: “They are with the Lord.” He is meticulous in his thoughts and in speech. The Apostle says. “ Therefore my beloved, brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jas. 1:19). One should be meticulous in his speech, ensuring that he does not deride others. Examine yourself with utter meticulousness while for others try to give excuses. The Lord Jesus gave us an example about this by saying about your sin, “the plank in your eye” and about the sin of others, “ the speck in your brother’s eye” (Matt. 7:3). The meticulous person is meticulous in resisting sin, ensuring not to fall into it. The meticulous person is meticulous in his voice and his walk. • The Devils’ Combats The devil fights meticulousness and calls it rigidity or lack of flexibility. However, flexibility should not include detachment from values.
10. Life of Victory The spiritual person is victorious in all spiritual endeavors, over his self, over material matters, and over devils. As a result of the victory he receives crowns in heaven on that Day. Some divide the Church into the Militant Church and the other in heaven called the Militant Church. • The Importance and Blessing of Victory In the Book of Revelation we learn the Blessings of those who prevail. • You are Not on Your Own in the Combats God watches over our flights and our victories, and so do the angels and all the souls of the saints. God and His angels do not stand silently whilst watching our spiritual warfare, but they provide us with support. Although permitted the existence of the devil, He did not give him authority over us. God gave us authority over the devils. In Him we can trample on every power of the adversary. St. Luke mentions: “Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers of the enemy” (Lk. 10:19).
Life of Victory • Do not Despair Even if You Fall Many Times Satan wants you to despair. However the Holy Bible says….”a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again” (Prov. 24:16). And the prophet said: “Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy: when I fall I will arise!” (Michah 7:8). • Falling is not being defeated. Rather, it is a merely a stage through which you have to emerge. It is also can lead to greater understanding and enrichment. Just like soldiers who fall in battle and receive medals. • Be not afraid since the Lord is with you. As David the Prophet stated:…”though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with me” (Ps. 23:4).
Life of Victory • Causes of Victory Give yourself to God so he can give you strength and victory. However, you also must have complete circumspection. To attain this you have to do the following: • Keep away from the cause of sin and escape from it as best you can. • Be meticulous in your life and be on your guard even from the things that seem small. • In order to prevail, strive with all your might and do not surrender in warfare. • In order to prevail you have to strengthen the love of God in your heart by being regular in the means of grace. • Let your spiritual principles be sound and let your aim be God and His kingdom. • If you want to prevail, preserve continually the humility of your heart. • Always feel that you are a beginner because this feeling prompts you to advance and grow. Those whose growth ceased, their ardor ceased, and they became listless and weak and were liable to fall.
Life of Victory • Dividing the Light from the Darkness A person cannot be in communion with the love of God and the love of the world. This principle of separating oneself from the evil in the world occurred with Noah and his children, Abraham, and Lot in the land of Sodom. • Divine Commandments and Church Rules • God laid down rules for His people. Among these rules is the forbidding of marriage of foreign women in the Old Testament. Solomon fell into this error. • St. Paul stated: “Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits” (1Cor. 15:33). This is part of the reason in the early Church, people were excommunicated in order to distance believers from sinner. Examples include the incident of Ananias and Sapphira as well as the sinner of Corinth (1Cor. 5:1-5). However, the oldest example of excommunication was the dismissal of Adam and Eve from Paradise. From baptism on, the spiritual person begins his first separation from Satan and from sin.
Life of Victory • A More Serious Separation in Eternity • Just as there is separation on earth between light and darkness, there will be a more profound separation in the life to come. • On the Day of Judgment there will be a separation between those on the right and those on the left. The righteous will live in the land of the living and the wicked will be thrown into outer darkness. Being deprived of communion with angels and saints will constitute the eternal suffering of the wicked. • Thus, Live a spiritual life acceptable so that you can live together in eternity.
Life of Victory • What Then Should You Do? If you cannot separate yourself practically from sinners (meaning you have to interact with them) , then at least separate yourself from their ways. St. Paul the Apostle stated: “ And do not be conformed to this world” (Rom. 12:2). Children of God have transcended the level of the world. Elijah stated: “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him: but if Baal then follow him” (1Kin.18:21). Do you not only separate yourself from the darkness but even exterminate it? • You can never be light unless you love light. You can never disperse darkness unless you hate it from the depth of your heart. • You have to trust that sin is darkness. • So long as God is light, then sin, which is darkness separates you from life with God. The Apostle stated: “What communion has light with darkness?” (1 Cor. 6:14). • The souls of the righteous are illuminated and souls of the sinners are dim. The souls of sinners can never be illuminated since they are separated from God, who is the True Light.