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2 ND YEAR DESIGN PROJECT LAUNCH MEETING-FRIDAY 8 th NOVEMBER 2013. 1)Introduction 2)Overview of Design Process Procedures 3)Outline Project Brief/Additional support lectures 4)Team Working and Roles within Teams Professor Neville Brewis Email- N.Brewis@lboro.ac.uk.

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  1. 2ND YEAR DESIGN PROJECT LAUNCH MEETING-FRIDAY 8th NOVEMBER 2013 1)Introduction 2)Overview of Design Process Procedures 3)Outline Project Brief/Additional support lectures 4)Team Working and Roles within Teams Professor Neville Brewis Email- N.Brewis@lboro.ac.uk

  2. INTRODUCTION TO PROFESSOR NEVILLE BREWIS CURRENT • Loughborough University Chemical Engineering Dept. • Visiting Professor –Loughborough Chem. Eng. Dept. (2005 –date) • University Teacher – Chem. Eng. Dept. (2009-date) • Imperial College Chemical Engineering Dept. • Design Project Team Facilitator –Jan 2010-2012 • Visiting Professor Chem. Eng. Dept. –Feb 2010-2012 • I. CHEM. E. COUNCIL MEMBER 2010-2012 • I.CHEM. E. University Chem. Eng. Course Accreditor 2011-date • Member of Newcastle University Chem. Eng. Industrial Advisory Board ( 2005-2013) PREVIOUS • Did Chemical Engineering at Manchester University (1968-75). • Long career as a Process Engineer/Technical Manager within Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry with ICI / ZENECA / ASTRAZENECA ICI 1975-1993 Huddersfield Site. ZENECA -1993-99 Avlon (Bristol) site ASTRAZENECA -1999-2008 Avlon (Bristol) and Charnwood (Loughborough) Sites • Gained significant experience in capital projects, process and equipment design, new plant commissioning and operation, Project Management, Management and Development of Process Engineers.

  3. Design Project Procedures/Documentation • Project Management- Key steps • Project Planning • Block Diagrams • Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) • Process & Instrumentation Diagrams(P&IDs) • Process Specification Data Sheets • Additional support lectures/case study.

  4. 2013-14 DESIGN PROJECT-OUTLINE BRIEF You, as a group of chemical engineers in the Process Technology Department working within LUCHEM CO. are charged with the task of designing a new plant for the manufacture of 150,000* tonnes /annum of Mono NITROBENZENE (MNB). MNB has a long industrial history –it is one of the most important building block intermediates in the chemical industry and has numerous applications. Main use is in the production of rigid and semi–rigid polyurethane foams. *Note that the precise capacity of the plant designed will be varied for different individual groups and will be communicated to your group via the Project Design Specification document in February 2014.

  5. 2013-14 DESIGN PROJECT-OUTLINE BRIEF You will need to make your recommendations to the Board of the company and you should carefully consider the following points;- * Process chosen should be efficient in both raw materials and energy usage. *The plant should meet all current and foreseeable safety and environmental legislation. *The economics of the chosen process. *Your final report should briefly explain what the choices were and how you came to your decision as well as being a detailed design of the process

  6. OUTLINE REQUIREMENTS and TIMELINES A 2 stage report is to be prepared covering the following items (as a minimum) :- Stage 1 –submit duringWeek 7 of Semester 2 *Flow sheet development and route selection *Process description *Initial economic evaluation (outline) *Preliminary design of major plant items *Identification of key areas for further work Supporting flow sheets, mass and energy balances and calculations to be submitted as Appendices Stage 2 –submit at end of week 11 of Semester 2 *P&ID for the optimum chosen process *Detailed design of major plant items *Assessment of health, environmental and safety issues *Order of Capital Cost estimate *Plant Layout *Operational considerations and control philosophy Supporting diagrams e.g. line diagrams, mechanical drawings and process data sheets should be submitted as appendices Full details of these requirements will be issued in Semester 2

  7. More detailed Project Timelines and Target Dates • Week 3 –Process route confirmed, Block Diagrams, Overall project Gantt chart • Week 5 – Draft PFD, approx sizing of major plant items ,initial economic evaluation. • Week 7 –Stage 1 report hand in • Week 9 – Drafts of P&ID, HSE considerations, plant layout and capital costs available. Major plant item design ongoing (PDSs + Mech Drawings) • Week11 –Stage 2 report hand in NOTE –Lots to do in short time – so divide up Team Resources early!

  8. Schedule for Progress Meetings with Professor Brewis • Timetabled Sessions: Tuesday mornings starting in Week 2 of semester 2 • Alternate sessions:- • i) 15 minute timed consultations with each group to monitor progress made, deal with specific questions , forward plans etc. Minutes to be taken. • ii) 90 minute (Max.) Q&A session with whole year covering general questions arising from the design project. • *FULL DETAILS will be given in February 2014

  9. Additional Support Lectures for 2nd Year Design Project 2013-14 * Dr.Iain Cumming will give 2 lectures in Semester 2 covering:- i).Process Design Issues (Process choice/Sequencing of units/Costing) ii).Equipment Consideration issues (Selection of Equipment/ Pressure Relief/pipework,pumps and heat exchanger choices) *Paul Devitt (ex Lboro’ CE Graduate) will present a simple Design Case Study exercise to illustrate most of the major aspects of Process Design.

  10. Teams & Team Working You have been randomly assigned to Design Groups in preparation for a design exercise which will commence in Semester 2. You are required to fill out a Belbin Questionnaire in order to enable you to determine the composition of your group. Prof. Brewis & Dr Shama will be on hand to help you interpret your findings. You are next required to prepare a 7 minute Powerpoint presentation for Friday 6th December setting out the advantages of team working. Further details will be posted on Learn.

  11. Groups

  12. TEAM WORKING AND ROLES WITHIN TEAMS • Successful Project Design Teams depend on the efforts of everyone in the team to achieve results. • All members of the team contribute towards a common goal or objective • Differences between individuals in teams are acceptable so long as they do not interfere with the task being achieved. • Most successful teams have a wide diversity of talents skills and knowledge- football team analogy? • Team members work in a climate of trust and are encouraged to express their ideas openly. Questions are welcomed. • Team members should practice open, honest and effective communication- usually some form of formal procedure is needed. • Effective decision making and monitoring of progress procedures are vital to the success of projects i.e. good planning and producing outcomes are key to success.

  13. BELBIN* TEAM ROLE TYPES(see handout for definitions) • Chair person • Shaper • Plant • Monitor Evaluator • Company Worker • Resource Investigator • Team Worker • Completer Finisher *Ref. Meridith Belbin in 1981 looked at what makes a successful team and came up with the concept that most successful teams have a range of talents/experience. So that way individuals bring their strengths and can support others weaknesses.

  14. The Belbin Assessment-Self Perception Inventory For each of the 7 sections you have 10 points to allocate. Read each sentence carefully and think which best describes your behaviour and then distribute your 10 points between several sentences, all of them, or just one . PLEASE TRY TO BE HONEST Remember there are no right or wrong answers here SCORING Enter the points you allocate to each statement into the correct section in the Table on page 6 of the handout . e.g. for Section A if you have allocated 8 points to Sentence 4 ,go along the line till you find 4 and fill in 8 in that box. Carry on until you have done all of the Sections . Then add up the scores in each column. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE OUTCOME ?

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