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Adam Gray ABAX for Онара March 10, 2012. Teaching Listening to Low-Level Learners. Some questions:. Can listening be taught? How do we listen? What are some different listening skills? Language problems vs. listening problems What sorts of listening passages?
Adam Gray ABAX for Онара March 10, 2012 Teaching Listening to Low-Level Learners
Some questions: • Can listening be taught? • How do we listen? • What are some different listening skills? • Language problems vs. listening problems • What sorts of listening passages? • What sorts of tasks/ activities?
Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up • I need a decanter. I needed a cantor • A ma na na wo man • Top-Down processing often compensational
Scripted discourse • Interactional discourse • Service encounters
Grading listening passages. What? • Length of listening passages • Language structure and sentence length • Vocabulary • Speed of delivery • Phonology
What features? • We got you what you said you wanted. • I’m an administrative assistant at Apple Engineering. • See if Tama and Paula are ready to open. • I heard Karen started work at a childcare last week. • I asked him to go to the store for me.
What kind of activities? • Before listening? • During listening? • Post listening?
1 of 3 similar conversations • Conversation 1: • Waitress: Good afternoon, sir. • Custormer: Good afternoon. • Waitress: Are you ready to order, sir? • Customer: Uh… yes.. er, a cup of coffee. • Waitress: Cream and sugar? • Customer: Just black please. • Waitress: Anything else? • Customer: Yes, a piece of pie, please. • Waitress: What kind of pie would you like? • Customer: What do you have? • Waitress: We have apple, cherry, coconut cream and lemon meringue. • Customer: Mmm. Lemon meringue please. • Waitress: ‘Kay. So that’s a cup of coffee and a piece of pie. • Customer: Yes, thanks. • Waitress: Coming right up.
Work in groups of two or three. Discuss the following: • How might you prepare students for this listening? • What sort of tasks might you do during the listening? • What sort of post-listening tasks might you do? • What features would you focus on from the listening?
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