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Discover the reasons behind the Church's losses in battles over the years and learn how to overcome them. Explore topics like abortion, the Lord's Day, family and education, LGBTQI, and cultural Marxism. Find the cure for sin through confession and correction. Develop new battle plans and renew your commitment to God to experience victory. Rejoice in God's provision and remember to give thanks. Embrace God's blessings as you overcome everyday battles.
I AM. It is not only personal battles
The Church has lost too many battles in the last century. Think with me: • Abortion • Sunday as the Lord’s Day • Family and Education • LGBTQI • Cultural Marxism
THE CAUSE OF SIN • OVERCONFIDENCE (Joshua 7:2-3) • DISOBEDIENCE "Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions.” (Joshua 7:11)
THE CURE OF SIN • CONFESSION (Joshua 7:19-20) • CORRECTION (Joshua 7:25) "Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions.”
OUR BATTLES As we saw with Achan, sometimes the absence of victory over sin, or of growth spiritually, is the result of hidden sin somewhere else. • Some Battles are Tougher than Others • Some Battles Need Special Strategies • All Battles Need NEW Battle Plans
We need to be reminded constantly, in times of spiritual warfare and in times of victory, that our real strength and our real source is God. Commitment to Him in worship and in His Word restores ground previously lost because of sin.
FOLLOW GOD’S PLAN “Then the Lord said to Joshua, 'Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you, and go up and attack Ai. For I have delivered into your hands the King of Ai, his people, his city and his land” (Joshua 8:1) NO FEAR AND NO DISCOURAGEMENT
GOD’S BLESSINGS God commands Joshua and the Israelites to enjoy the spoils of the city for themselves. Jericho had been a first fruits sacrifice to God, where the first of the fruit of the land was set before the LORD as an act of worship.