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Efficiencies & IT Panel 24 March 2006. Stuart Campbell Head of Information Systems. SAP User Survey - Support. Results of the survey. Overview Of Responses. 225 users (10% of SAP community) 59% service users, 15% team leaders/supervisors, 21% managers and 5% senior managers
Efficiencies & IT Panel 24 March 2006 Stuart Campbell Head of Information Systems
SAP User Survey - Support Results of the survey
Overview Of Responses • 225 users (10% of SAP community) • 59% service users, 15% team leaders/supervisors, 21% managers and 5% senior managers • All departments represented
General response – SAP support • Overall response was positive • Some key areas for improvement
Communications / Use of Connect • 74% satisfied or very satisfiedIssues • Finding documents / searching • Improve clarity of content – particularly in certain areas
Top Areas For Connect Improvement • Develop SAP A-Z • Improve search facilities / navigation • Simplify the language of SHARP documentation
Preferred Communication Method • Targeted e-mails – 46% • Connect updates – 31% • Generic e-mails – 23%
Request For “How To Guides” • 23% of respondents asked for such additional guides e.g. • Online Buying – “idiots guide” • Reporting guide • Simpler guide for infrequent users
General Findings • Help Desk helpful and valued • Improvement to input forms • Reduce jargon • Set-up interactive bulletin board to share best practice and issues
What we are doing to address concerns • Revising SHARP connect pages to reflect feedback . • Planning to build up FAQ sections & simple "how to guides" (which may include some short e-learning sessions) to help users be more self sufficient, and promote “one-way” of doing things. • Developing support call analysis to link that to prioritisation of development of connect information. Thereby addressing areas which currently generate general advice/"how do we do this" calls to the help desk.
SAP Support Survey Questions?
Schools Reporting Business Case
School Reporting – Business Case • HCC is moving from paper reporting to schools to circulation of electronic file • Members were concerned that this simply transfers printing costs to schools • Asked for presentation on wider business case for such a move
Three Types Of Benefit(Benefits are wider than just cost savings) • Service improvements • Employee benefits • Efficiencies
Schools Reporting – Service Benefits • Schools get there reports / information earlier • Schools can upload to spreadsheets and run checks against their budgets easier – for example recovery of payroll costs and direct debits • Schools will be able to get more information in the electronic file as it does not have the limitations of the paper report • All the above benefits do not require additional input from schools! • Employee benefit - Provides schools with information in a timely manner to enable them to ensure their employees get paid correctly – first time.
Schools Reporting - Efficiencies • There will be savings on printing costs where schools choose not to print. • Logistics costs savings • Enables Pre-payroll report which should help schools prevent errors happening in first place. Leads to a better quality payroll with fewer overpayments. Savings would be realised in schools budgets. Schools forum is supportive. • Potential for HCC to further benefit as Serco would have less errors to clear up.
Schools Reporting Questions?
PC Purchasing PC Purchasing v Leasing
Cost V Savings - reminder 3 year replacement model:- • £810,900 cost yr 1 • £300,400 cost year 2 • £210k saving subsequent years • 9 year payback period
Recommendations - reminder • Make necessary 2 year investment to move to purchasing • Move to fully purchased model within 3 years • Continue to manage replacement with same mechanisms to ensure consistency etc
PC Purchase - Progress • Capital program agreed and in place for 2006/7 and 2007/8 • Corporate ICT and HBS implementing necessary changes. • Continues to be managed corporately to ensure consistency of approach • Purchasing starts April 2006 • Currently through CBC – reviewing emerging initiatives
PC Purchasing Questions?
Hermis - background • Members of this panel made recommendations for the improvement of reporting highway faults online • Concerns around usability of the system • Request that mechanism for user feedback be implemented
Improvements to the system making it easier to use. • When you report a street lighting fault, and can identify the unit, you are no longer required to enter a description of the location. • There is now an option to “Report another fault of this type” when you have already entered a fault. This means you no longer have to go back through the process of selecting a problem type. • If the fault is for a streetlight, the summary pages on the website and the confirmation email now show the actual light identification.
Hermis – User Feedback • Users are now invited to give feedback about highway fault reporting via a link and in the email confirmation they receive. • These are picked up by the Customer Service Centre and forwarded to the appropriate unit. • So if you would like to report a pothole, pavement problem, broken streetlight, or any other highway fault online, go to www.hertsdirect.org/highwayfaults
Hermis Questions?
Sharing Back Office Services In Local Government An executive guide on vital workforce issues for elected members and senior managers From 4ps
Political Issues Checklist • Which council/agency will employ the staff of the new service and where will they be located? • Does the strategy include any other objectives which may reduce the need for (or offset) likely job losses such as opportunities to bid for external work? • Have strategies for communicating and consulting with staff and trade unions been developed?
Staffing and Cost Saving Issues • Do the partner councils have HR and change management capacity required for the project? • If there are planned redundancies etc how much will they cost and how will partners share this cost? • If the project requires staff to move, will they be transferred or seconded to their new employer? • Is there scope for redeployment of staff to other functions within partner councils? • How will staff be selected for the new service? • Can a flexible approach to when and how work is done enable you to retain skilled staff?
Designing the new service - checklist • Does the business process review include a staffing audit and has it considered the workforce implications of changed working practices? • Is there scope for more flexible working hours and/or remote working options in the new service which may reduce disruption for staff? • Have training and development needs, now and in the future, been considered?
Sharing Back Office Services In Local Government Further information available at:-www.4ps.gov.uk