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Explore the importance of a healthy inner life and how to cultivate and sustain it, addressing the implications on missions work. Discover the enemies, challenges, and risks that threaten the inner life of a Christian worker in an age of busyness and distractions.
1. OBJECTIVES We will seek to appreciate: • the value of a healthy inner life, • how to cultivate and sustain a healthy inner life, • implications of a healthy inner life as we fulfill our call to the work of missions.
2. INTRODUCTION • We are living in an age of exponential growth and discoveries and according to one author, Jan Johnson ( solitude silence bible study guide), ‘ the rushing pace of life makes it difficult to find a moment to ourselves.’ • We are on the run trying to catch up/ acquire and remain /appear relevant. We are busy doing/serving than becoming. • We have no time for moments of quietness, we are impatient and don’t want to wait and we are uneasy with stillness- key ingredients in nurturing and helping grow our inner Christian life- Admonished to grow in grace, and knowledge- 1pet 3.18
INTRODUCTIONcont’d In the process, we face the danger of ignoring and eventually disconnecting and losing : • ‘ the me’- , and the things that matter most. • Our personal relationship with God and • Our relationship with our ‘neighbours’
Introduction - cont’d • Christian landscape is replete with examples of Christian workers, leaders, ministers, etc who have suffered dramatic and spectacular moral failures with serious consequences on their lives, ministry and standing. • Others have experienced no less moral failures but in secret – known only to them and God and maybe a few others. • Such moral failures don’t happen suddenly (although they deceptively appear so to an outside observer). The journey downhill on the slippery path to spiritual failure begins in the INNER LIFE of the person. ( its a slow fade when you give your self away , ---when black and white are turned to grey----- people never crumble in a day- ‘Casting Crown’
elements of the inner life cont’d. • THE INNER LIFE –. • My personal or private world and life away from what is public or official. • The’ me’ that is housed in my body. My motives, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs/root system -my heart, mind, my soul. Seen through my character and that influences my ( secret) choices. • Who I really am when in a small group I consider ‘safe’. ( the un-masked me) . • Proverbs 27.19- ‘ as water reflects the face , so ones life reflects the heart’ . Your inner life reflects your character- character manifestation of your inner life,
Why a healthy inner life cont’d • A healthy inner life can be described as a state of inner peace, quietness, rest, assurance and enduring hope. A genuine connection with God, with self and others around us. ( opposite – anxiety, fear, restless, weary, burdened, guilt, fake ) • A steady character • Matt 11.28-30 ‘ come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
Why a healthy inner life cont’d There are enemies, challenges and risks facing the inner life of a Christian - worker: Enemies: • 1 John 2.16 ‘ For everything in the world- the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does not have – comes not from the Father but from the world. • 1 pet. 5:8 ‘ your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.’
Why a healthy inner life cont’d Illustrative list of challenges and risks: • Too busy for self, significant others eventually God ! (Fatigue and temporary suspension of ‘life’/ burn out) • Pride of position or achievement • Lack of accountability to others • Wrong priorities often driven by selfish ambitions and human pride. • Loneliness and poor spiritual and social support • Strain from financial and material constraints.
cultivating & sustaining a healthy inner life 1) SELF KNOWLEDGE/ SELF EXAMINATION: Lamentations 3.40- ‘let us examine our ways and test them----’
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d • To see whether you are in the faith 1 Cor 13. 5 ‘ Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you – unless, of course, you fail the test. ‘ When is the last time you took your self examination/test? What were the results/score? ( the bible is the excellent mirror and self examination tool- James 1.22-25, ) • Because of our human limitations and shortcomings, our self examination is not enough. We need God to approve our results. • Ps 26.2 ‘ test me, o lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; • Rev 2.23- God searches hearts and minds.
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d 2) GUARDING YOUR HEART: Guard your heart- Proverbs 4. 23 – above all else guard your heart for it the well spring of life ( the core of your being). – MAKE IT YOUR PRIMARY AGENDA- why? • it is desperately wicked- • It connects us with God – Romans 10.9– ‘ for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved’---- • It connects us with other people- love thy self as you love your neighbour--- • Out of its abundance flows - thoughts, words, and actions
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d • It is under attack from the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephes. 6.11- 18- • So PUT ON THE FULL ARMOUR OF GOD- so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes--- • BE ALERT !- the devil is prowling around - to pray
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d 3) RENEWING YOUR MIND: The mind is the faculty of consciousness and thought. Its our intellect, reasoning and judgement. Gods law is in our mind. and written on our hearts. Jer.31.33 It is corruptible and easily conforms. • Admonished to Renew our mind:- Romans 12.2 • To be made new in our attitudes: ‘Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires ; TO BE MADE NEW IN THE ATTITUDE OF your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness’ eph.4. 23-24. • How is the attitude of your mind/ mindset? – your value system?- • Is it conforming to the patterns of this world- or- • Is it being transformed to the likeness of Christ.
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d 4. HOW TO - guard our hearts and renew our minds – how do we put off the old and put on the new? Through : Spiritual exercise- discipline, commitment, consistency
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d Shortly after John Stott-( the most respected clergy man of his time)- was appointed Rector /Vicar of All Souls- 1951- the author of his biography- BASIC CHRISTIAN records how John Stott started having nightmares about finding himself halfway up the pulpit steps and suddenly remembering that he hadn't prepared his sermon. John Stott however attended what used to be called the Islington Clerical Conference in which one of the speakers called Revd. Leslie Wilkie shared how every clergy ought to keep a quiet day once a month, in which to look ahead and seek to be drawn up into the mind and perspective of God regarding his ministry ( pg.85). WE TOO NEED TO FIND OUR QUIET MOMENTS TO REFILL/ REFRESH.
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d 1) Maintaining -daily personal spiritual disciplines • Reading, studying and meditating on God’s word. Ps. 119.9-11,15,18,98-105, Jesus called His disciples first to be with Him and then to go out and preach (Mathew 4:19). • Prayer and fasting. Ephesians 6.18., Matt 6.16, • Strengthen your spiritual muscles and shed of the weight that entangles Throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run the race marked out for us. Hebs. 12.1
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d WARNING ! WE CAN BE DISQUALIFIED from the race. • need to train -beat’ the body and make it our slave, so that after we have preached to others, we will not be disqualified for the prize. 1 Cor 9.24- 27. • Daily keep the old nature/flesh in its position of death – Paul said – I die daily ! – with regard to worldly values, sinful thoughts and attitudes.
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’d 2) . Observing God’s design for Rest- Gen.2.2-3 , Exodus 16.23; 31:15 In our busy performance oriented society, we keep going on and on like the energizer. Old testament- Rest came through observing special occasions, weekly rest, feasts, holidays and extended rest- yr of jubilee. New testament- relationship with Jesus- continual and spiritual. Matt 11.28- recognising that we are human and letting God take full charge of our circumstances • Michael Hyatt says’ We are made to shut down for a third of the daily cycle. One of the quickest ways to lose perspective is to cheat ourselves out of this God-given “off switch.”
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’D 3.) Pursuing fellowship with God and man • Fellowship of the Holy Spirit- 2 cor.6.14- The Holy Spirit teaches, guides and comforts us. He helps us to understand the scriptures and to pray. He is the wonderful Counsellor. We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit- WE CAN QUENCH HIM. David prayed earnestly in ps. 51.10-12- ‘take not thy Holy Spirit from me.’ MAKE THIS YOUR HEART’S EARNEST CRY.
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’D • Fellowship one with another -1 John 1.7 Fellowship with one another is the sign that we are walking in the light. If you have no time for fellowship- watch out you are travelling on a slippery and dangerous road! The early church believers devoted themselves to the fellowship. Acts. 2. 42- shared both the word of God and their possessions. • We are to teach and admonish one another- with all wisdom and as we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in our hearts to God. Col. 3.16 • we are admonished not to neglect the meeting together but to encourage one another- Hebs. 10. 25 we need encouragement and we need to encourage others- he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
cultivating & sustaining a ‘hil’ c’D 4.) Developing a biblical attitude and habits with regard to money and material things. • settle the ownership question-.Col. 1.15-20 • All material things and money belong to God. • Whatever we have, we have received freely from Him - no room for boasting or manipulation. • Be a good steward - managers not owners. Gen.1.28 • Productivity and growth • Giving • Beware of the traps of money and material things . 1 Tim.6.6-10 • Materialism and its consequences • Greed and worship of mammon (idolatry)
6. results OF A HEALTHY INNER LIFE 1.) FRUITFULNESS- • compared to a tree that yields its fruit in season, -life and prosperity PS. 1.3 • Is connected to the vine- bears much fruit- John.15.5 • The fruits of the spirit are – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. ( the reverse-sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery/depravity, idolatory, withcraft,hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissenssions, factions, envy, drunkedness, orgies and the like---)
outcome OF A HEALTHY INNER LIFE c’d 2) CONTINOUS INCREASE/GROWTH If we possess the qualities of goodness, knowledge, self control, perseverance , godliness, brotherly kindness and love in addition to our faith INCREASING MEASURE- they will keep us from being ineffective and unproductive in our knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.2 pet 1.5-11 3) Rich welcome into eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 4) others- inner peace, joy, contentment, healthy relationships.
7. Summary 1) Jealously guard and nurture your inner life in the following dimensions regardless of how mature you think you are and how powerful you think God has used you! • Personal relationship with God-sincere self examination and submission to the Lordship of Christ • Relationship with others. • Response to money and the material world 2) The outcomes of a healthy inner life far outweighs the sacrifice and effort required- will be demonstrated by your character/the fruits. 3). God has assured us of a rich reward if we stay the course to the end we will also enjoy our life and find significance and purpose.