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The EMODnet Chemistry Portal allows users to access and visualize marine chemical data and metadata. Users can search for specific datasets, view integrated maps and time series plots, and access metadata catalogs. The portal is part of the SeaDataNet infrastructure and complies with INSPIRE standards.
EMODnet Chemistry 2 Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S…………… By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Trieste – Italy, 3 – 5 June 2013, Kick Off Meeting
Requirements for the portal • gather all measurements of a particular chemical species with their appropriate metadata within a given space and time window • include the physical conditions under which the measurements were made (from EMODnet physical parameters portal or the GMES marine core service) • visualise the measurement density in a given time and space window • visualise a time evolution of a selected group of measurements • show concentration plots for a given time and space window and also along the coast • show inflows from rivers of nutrients. The user should be able to select a section of coast, a country or a region (NUTS3) and obtain time series of inflows of parameters expressed as mass or moles per unit time per river (or section of coast) • calculate spatially distributed data products specifically relevant for selected Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptors
Present portal • the present EMODNet Chemistry portal sits on top of the SeaDataNet infrastructure and makes use of its services that have been adapted for specific EMODNet Chemistry needs. • This is continued and expanded for the new project with mutual benefits for EMODnet and SeaDataNet: • easy expansion of the geographical coverage of the EMODnet chemical data sets to full European coverage via SeaDataNet nodes and potential new data centres; • merging with other types of marine data sets, because SeaDataNet already handles a large volume of multi-disciplinary data sets, also through other initiatives; • Perspective of long term sustainability of the infrastructure, because the infrastructure and network are based upon the NODC’s and via crossfertilisation; • high quality and long expertise with handling marine data; • INSPIRE compliance; • optimal use of existing infrastructure and ongoing SeaDataNet II developments, such as machine-to-machine services and visualisation services • efficiency and cost effectiveness by combining efforts and developments, not only technically, but also organisation-wise; • Other data providers will be more willing to contribute data sets because of SeaDataNet status and perspective
Present EMODNet Chemistry portal • It provides various services and functionalities to users for browsing and viewing the chemistry data products and for identifying and requesting access to the gathered chemistry data sets for the European waters. • The primary services are: • CDI Data Discovery and Access Service giving facilities for searching and retrieving chemistry data sets; • OceanBrowserViewing Service giving facilities for viewing, browsing and downloading Chemistry data products; • Sextant Products metadata catalogue giving facilities for searching Chemistry data products and linking to the viewing service.
CDI Data Discovery and Access Service • ISO19115 content standard and XML Schema migrating soon to INSPIRE compliant ISO19139 • Dedicated tools and facilities for generating CDI entries, format associated data sets and populating the CDI service • Shopping basket mechanism for discovery, access request, and downloading of data sets from distributed data centres (at present 85 data centres from 31 countries connected) • Downloading in harmonised SeaDataNet formats: SDN ODV ASCII, and SDN NetCDF (CF) underway • Adopted in many projects and ongoing improvements • Operational governance scheme
CDI Chemistry Data Discovery and Access Service • At present 3 search interfaces for human users: • Quick Search with dynamic drilling down of search results; • Extended Search with more flexibility for combining search options, including free search; • Variables Vs Marine Regions with an interactive Matrix of variables in specific marine regions.
OceanBrowserViewing Service • This gives access to integrated maps of selected parameters. Developed and operated by GHER group of University of Liège (ULg). For EMODNet Chemistry a dedicated implementation. • The viewer provides access to the two kind of available products: • DIVA interpolated maps. Output images available as horizontal sections and vertical sections. The latter can be selected by drawing an appropriate transect; (via OpenDAP, NetCDF, ncWMS) • Time series plots.
Sextant Products metadata catalogue • used to describe the Chemistry data products. This facilitates searching for specific data products and the exchange and use of the Chemistry data products in other services, such as the Chemistry OceanBrowser, and other portals with OGC WMS support. • Metadata format: ISO19115 - ISO19139 with SDN Controlled Vocabs; CSW service based upon GeoNetWork
Portal features and planned extensions • Already many features for providing a gateway to data, metadata and data products • Users can retrieve, view and download Chemistry data products as digital maps and transects. • Users can query and identify the availability of Chemistry data sets and view maps to understand the density of measurements and the data gaps. Users can request copies of data sets from its data providers. • Planned additional functionalities: • signing in: only forrequesting data usingCDI service; uses CAS; work ongoing for supporting also OpenID and Shibboleth • Search: many options already provided. Plans to extend the CDI search facility with sea regions and possibly user drawn geographical polygon and larger shopping basket (10.000) + to integrate the Sextant catalogue in the OceanBrowser menu
Planned additional functionalities • Viewing: • CDI provides location viewing + WMS support: plans to enable user created WMS layers; • OceanBrowser provides viewing of layers in the water column and transsects: plans for OGC WFS services on top of the map WMS service for selected stations. • it is planned to include visualisation of data by OpenEarth techniques.
Planned additional functionalities • Coastal data: • CDI service allows users to search by a lat lon box: it is planned to explore an extra spatial query functionality for searching based on the distance along the coastline. Also an external WMS layer with geographical features (e.g. towns, borders, river outlets) will be added. • OceanBrowser service: plannedto allow the visualization along (or near) the coastline of a Chemistry data product. One axis of such visualizations will correspond to the distance along the coastline from a given starting point. Currently vertical sections can be extracted along a user-specified path. Data extraction along the coastline will be simplified for providing a list of predetermined sections following the coastline. The display of the along-coast figures will be optimized to take into account the specificities of these.
Planned additional functionalities • Machine–to–Machine interfacing for CDI – metadata level: • Already supports OGC WMS – WFS for CDI metadata • Already supports CSW to interact with GEOSS and ODP portals • Following GENESI-DEC developments it is planned to add the OpenSearch protocol to facilitate remote queries from another portal; OpenSearch is an interesting protocol supported by major portals such as Google, Yahoo, Twitter. OpenSearch request interface is simple, consisting of a description of a HTTP GET request with a series of optional key-value parameters that can be used to constrain the search: • Free search • Geospatial (area or point + radius) • Temporal (from to)
Planned additional functionalities • Machine – to – Machine interfacing for CDI service – data level: • Rationale: The CDI system provides a strong foundation for the further operation and expansion of the SeaDataNet infrastructure and the EMODnet Chemistry portal with now 85 data centres connected, > 1.3 million data sets, interoperability with other major portals and expanding support for all kinds of data types and disciplines. • However the present system is also limited in functionality and should be extended with functionalities that can provide additional support for users and user communities: • the present CDI system is mostly user driven with user interfaces for discovery, shopping and downloading of data sets • the present system provides limited options for data viewing and visualisation and is mostly focused on downloading of distributed data sets; the viewing is limited to maps and WMS -WFS services of data locations and related CDI metadata.
Planned additional functionalities • Machine – to – Machine interfacing for CDI service – data level: • Therefore SeaDataNet II is making progress with a.o.: • Developing specific aggregate data sets as internal data buffers that are centrally maintained with automatic harvesting using a robot user in the CDI system • Developing advanced access and viewing services on top of these aggregate data buffers for providing sub-setting, advanced options for graphics and analytics • Robot harvester is already operational and has been tested for automatically harvesting ca 800.000 T&S data sets as part of a joint data climatology product development SeaDataNet – MyOcean • Robot harvester can be configured for specific data buffer profiles and in agreement (SLA’s) with data providers AND possibly specific data user communities (such as MyOcean, WG DIKE)
Planned SeaDataNet architecture extension of relevance for EMODnet Chemistry • data centres at the basis managing a large collection and variety of data sets and connected to the CDI system • CDI system at the portal for users to discover and request access to these data sets • CDI system at the portal with machine interoperability to other portals with an increasing service level from metadata exchange to full remote data shopping and delivery • central data buffers (possibly hosted in the cloud) maintained by robot shopping and data harvesting using the CDI system; these buffers will concern aggregate data sets for specific parameters that have been agreed with SeaDataNet data providers beforehand
Planned architecture extension Oceanotron OpenEarth DIVA ODV Advanced access and viewing services CDI User Interfaces CDI Robot harvester Dynamic Maintenance Specific data buffers Agreed Settings
Possible EMODnet Chemistry extension DIVA + OceanBrowser service Oceanotron & OpenEarth services QCd data buffers Regional experts ODV QC + aggregation Specific data buffers CDI Robot Harvester
Planned architecture extension • the access to these buffers of aggregate data sets can be virtual in which case only results and graphics of analyses are made available or as downloadable files / sets of files • the access to these buffers of aggregate data sets can be for public use or only for specific user communities which can be arranged by Service Level Agreements agreed between SeaDataNet data centres and specific user communities such as e.g. MyOcean, WISE-MARINE • specific access and visualisation services on top of these buffers of aggregate data sets for providing advanced query, visualisation and analysis functions • Needs further analysis for loops with QC, duplicates etc – interfacing to ODV, DIVA, OpenEarth, Oceanotron – buffer hosting (cloud?)