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This session introduces the concept of transformational change as defined by ICAT and its application in assessing policies and actions for enhanced NDC ambition. Participants will learn how transformational impacts can influence climate finance decisions, policy design, and international transparency, empowering them to conduct their own impact assessments. The ICAT initiative aims to equip policymakers with the necessary tools to evaluate climate policies, enhance ambition, and mobilize investments, fostering a zero-carbon society in line with global sustainability goals. The methodology includes steps to assess policy impacts, define transformation phases, and monitor progress. Pilot case studies will be shared for practical insights, followed by interactive discussions on transformational change examples and the requirements for conducting impact assessments.
How transformational change promotes ambitious NDCs Assessing the potential and impacts of policies and actions
Outline • Introductions • Transformational Change - the ICAT definition • Methodological steps • Sharing of pilot experiences
Introductions To the session and to ICAT
Objectives and expected outcomes of the session Objectives: • To understand the concept of 'Transformational change' as defined in the ICAT Transformational Change Methodology and; • To know how it applies to assessment of policies and actions for enhanced ambition of NDC implementation. Expected outcomes; • Participants will know of examples on how information on transformational impact can support climate finance decisions, policy design and international transparency; • Participants are better prepared to undertake their own assessments of transformational impact of policies and actions for enhanced ambition of NDC implementation
ICAT'sobjectives Provide policymakers around the world with tools and support to assess the impacts of their climate policies and actions, to develop effective and ambitious climate action and mobilize investment. Towards this overall goal ICAT: • Provides methodologies, tools, and metrics to assess policy effectiveness • Supports counties to develop their capacity in building and using transparency for their policy processes
Transformational Change The ICAT definition
The ICAT definition Transformational change is defined in this methodology as: • A fundamental, sustained change of a system that disrupts established high-carbon practices and contributes to a zero-carbon society in line with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 - 2 °C temperature goal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Examples of transformationalchange Source: GIZ (forthcoming).
Methodologydevelopmentprocess • Secretariat • Drafting team • Technical Working Group • Review Group • Pilot testing
Methodology Steps to assess the transformational impact of policies and actions
Describe the policy and define the assessmentboundary and period (Ch. 5) • Recommended information to describe the policy - template provided • Define the assessment boundary • Impacts covered, geographical and sectoral coverage • Define the assessment period
Technology Agents Transformationalimpactassessment (Ch. 8-9) - Tonga case Incentives Norms
Monitoring & Reporting (Ch 10-11) • Develop a monitoring plan • Monitor indicators over time • Communicate to your audience the recommended information, including: • Information about the policy and vision of transformational change • Assessment results & how will these be used to inform policy design or implementation • Underlying assumptions, data sources, etc.
More information • Contacts: • Karen Olsen, UNEP DTU Partnership • kaol@dtu.org • Neelam Singh, World Resources Institute • nsingh@wri.org • www.climateactiontransparency.org
Pilot case studies Sharing of experiences
Questions for RT discussions • What examples of transformational change do you know? • How can information on transformational impact of policies and actions be useful in climate finance decisions, policy design and transparency? • What are the expected time, skills and resource requirements to do your own assessment of transformational impact in support of enhanced ambition of NDC implementation?