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Learn about ELLs, their diverse backgrounds, educational services, and language development programs in our school district. Explore our funding, staffing, and resources for effective support.
FNSBSD ELL Program https://www.k12northstar.org/domain/1095
Who are our ELLs? Students who: • Speak a language(s) other than English as their first/primary language(s) • Speak another language in addition to English • Have a language other than English spoken in their home AND • Are academically achieving below grade level
Where Do Our Students Come From - 59 Birth Countries/Territories • USA • Philippines • Puerto Rico • Germany • Japan • China • Mexico • Colombia • American Samoa • Guam Graphic from ELLevation
Civil Rights Act of 1964 1974 Lau versus Nichols: The Supreme Court ruled that public schools have an obligation to provide specialized instruction to students whose limited English proficiency prevents them from full participation in the classroom. Equal Opportunities Act of 1974: Requires “appropriate actions” to help limited-English proficient students to overcome language barriers.
Services Provided Content-based English as a second language (ESL) program (or Push-in ESL): The goal is fluency in English. Students are served in a mainstream classroom, receiving instruction in English with some native language support if needed. The ELL teacher or an instructional paraprofessional provides clarification, translation if needed, and uses ESL strategies. Pull-out English as a Second Language (ESL) or English language development (ELD): The goal is to develop fluency in English. ELL students leave mainstream classroom part of the day to receive ESL instruction, often focused on grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills, not academic content. There typically is no support for students’ home languages.
Additional Services Provided Sheltered English instruction (6-12): • Newcomer English classes (grades 6-12) • High School English classes (grades 9, 10, 11, 12) • Some high schools also offer a study skills class for ELLs Language Interpreting in the classroom (as available for Newcomer students), 4-8 hrs/week Language Line Interpreting service for parents (when in person interpreters are not available)
How do ELs exit ELL services? State of Alaska requiresall ELs to take the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment annually (February-March). Alaska’s new criteria for students to exit ELL services based on ACCESS for ELLs scores: • Overall Proficiency Level 4.5 or higher AND • Listening Proficiency Level 4.0 or higher • Reading Proficiency Level 4.0 or higher • Speaking Proficiency Level 4.0 or higher • Writing Proficiency Level 3.8 or higher
Funding School District Funded ($1,768,452.29) School districts are required by law to have an ELL support plan in place. Our school district currently funds • ELL staff during the school year • ELLevation ELL management software • Materials & supplies (e.g. textbooks in Spanish) • High School fieldtrip • Professional development (ASTE) Title III-A Funded ($35,681.52) Must be supplemental to district funded program: • Professional Development • WIDA professional development • ELLevation and Imagine Learning implementation • Additional tutoring and English Language Development support: • Imagine Learning • Summer Math Camp • Summer Reading Club • Family outreach
Staffing At Schools: • 5 full-time ELL Specialist positions: certified teachers, provide ESL English classes on grade levels 6-12, and ESL strategies support/peer-coaching for all teachers • 20 full-time ELL Tutor positions: provide content tutoring under the supervision of classroom teachers and ELL Specialists • 10-15 Language Interpreters: provide interpretation support in the classroom Administration: • Director • Records Manager
Resources • ELL Program webpage • For Teachers: • ELLevation webpage • For Teachers and students with account: • Imagine Learning webpage • Materials available at schools and through Library Media: dictionaries, textbooks in Spanish, professional development books, other supplementary materials
Interpretation/Translation Services & Language Line All Limited English Proficient parents are entitled to language support: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-factsheet-lep-parents-201501.pdf. Note that the student does not need to be eligible for ELL services for the parent(s) to receive language support. If an interpreter is not available through the ELL Program Office, district staff can utilize Language Line Services to communicate school related information to Limited English Proficient parents. Spanish support is usually available immediately, other languages might require a reservation. If you need school related documents (letters home, flyers, surveys, etc.) translated for LEP parents, please contact the ELL Program Office.
Questions? Contact ELL Program office at (907) 452-2000 ext. 11488 or ELL@k12northstar.org