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Twitter Basics: A Guide to Getting Started and Building Your Audience

Learn the basics of Twitter, including terminology and how businesses can use it to build brand awareness, provide customer service, and promote their products. Discover tools for monitoring and measuring your Twitter presence, and find out how to increase your following and engage with your audience effectively.

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Twitter Basics: A Guide to Getting Started and Building Your Audience

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  1. Twitter Defined • “a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of a quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?”

  2. Twitter Statistics • An average of 1200 tweets per second. • 182% increase in the number of mobile users over the past year. • Beyonce announced her pregnancy at the VMA’s - 8,868 tweets per second • Tim Tebow’s 80-yard, game winning touchdown pass- 9,420 tweets per second.

  3. Twitter Terminology • Tweet • @ replies (also known as mentions) • Retweeting (RT) • Hashtags (#) • Direct Message (DM) • Followers • Feed • Lists

  4. Twitter Basics(For personal or business) • Fill in your profile so people know about you. • Indexed by Google • Use your own picture, or logo, as your avatar. • Use @ before someone’s know to show reference to that person. (@SpiderDigital) • Use hashtags (#) to give context to updates. • Also used to index tweets.

  5. Twitter Basics • Say what you are thinking/doing? • Who we are and what we are talking about. • Listen to what your Twitter friends are saying. • Largest FREE focus group • Respond to Twitter friends when you can add value to the conversation. • Update at least once a day.

  6. Twitter Search Tools • Search.twitter.com • Helps find people and discussion topics • Social Mention • Real time collective posts about a topic • Helps find topics to join in the conversation and helps find people • Twellow • A Twitter directory to find who to talk to • Search world wide or by city • StumbleUpon, Bottlenose, and Trendsmap • tools to find information • Hootsuite • You can assign tasks and use as team management • Add in key words to watch. • Helps build conversation and audience. • Schedule posts • Analytics • Tweetdeck • Not cloud based • Doesn’t have as many features as Hootsuite

  7. Monitoring Tools • Tweetgrader • How influential are you on Twitter? • Klout • Over all social media influence

  8. Twitter Monitoring and Measuring • URL shorteners (free) • Bit.ly or tinyURL • Google Analytics(free) • Statcounter (free) • Boxcar (free) • App that combines all alerts/messages to one spot. • Twilert (free) • App that enables your to receive email updates of tweets containing your brand, service, product or any key word of choice. • GetClicky (paid) • Real time analytics • Radian 6 and Argyle Social (level pricing) • Measure reach, social influence, and ROI

  9. How Business Use Twitter

  10. How Businesses Use Twitter • Building Brand Awareness • Customer Service • Building Loyalty and retention • Promotion • Instant Updates • Job Recruitment • Watch your competition • Search visibility- All content is indexable

  11. Twitter Marketing • Chose your target audience • Who does your product appeal to (their influencers as well) • Who do you care about • Decide whether to have 1 or multiple accounts • What is our unique selling point on Twitter and does it differ from our normal marketing USP • Think about how to incentivize your customers on Twitter differently than other platforms • What do your customers value at the end of the day?

  12. Twitter Marketing • Implementing your plan • Deciding on what content to produce • Make a top 10 list of topics • Look into what’s trending • Crafting your message • Language choice is crucial. Use keywords. • How much do you tweet? (Once a day? 5 times a day?) • How often do you tweet? (Every day? Once a week?) • Percentages of tweets of sales vs offers vs promotions • Look at competitors and what are they doing?

  13. Increase Your Following • Search for people or topics that may be relevant to you or your business • Search examples: keywords, competitors, or hashtags regarding events that you attend. (#mediatraining) • Find your customers and their influencers and find what “lists” they are apart of in Twitter and cheer pick who you want to follow. • Lists group common Tweeters together. You make your personalized list. (Rapportive is a Gmail add-in that shows what social networks your contacts are apart of.)

  14. Increase Your Following • Tweet interesting stuff • People want the internet curated for them • Tweet interesting links • Use a lot of pictures • Keep the elements of secrecy or surprise in your tweets • Start a contest • Find passion in your tweets • Ask and answer questions • Stick to a consistent tweet schedule

  15. Increase You Following • Twitter is a place to build relationships • The more involved you are the more followers you will have. • Typically a good start is 4 or 5 tweets a day • Have a mixed strategy: sales, engagement, industry, company events. • Think about the value you provide to your users • WIIFM is how consumers think • Do you have any promotions or coupons? • What events will you be at? Trade Shows? • What makes your customers job easier? • Tell customers where to find your latest content.

  16. Advertising on Twitter

  17. Advertising Options • Promoted Account • Use Promoted Accounts to quickly scale a follower-base of advocates and influencers for your brand. • Promoted Tweet • Use Promoted Tweets to amplify your message with targeting options that allow you to reach the right person, in the right place, at the right time. • Promoted Trends • Use Promoted Trends to drive conversations and interest around your brand or product by capturing a user’s attention on Twitter.

  18. Promoted Account • Build a critical mass of loyal followers. Promoted Accounts are ideal for: • Turbo-charging user discovery • Building up to a big event or your next product release • Capitalizing on a particular event or period of the year when the account will be most relevant.

  19. Promoted Tweet • Engage beyond your core followership. Promoted Tweets are ideal for: • Sharing content and seeding interest • Building awareness among relevant audiences • Building a brand voice • Offering deals

  20. Promoted Trends • Join some of the world's biggest conversations. Promoted Trends are ideal for: • Building mass awareness • Product launches and events • Brand building by association

  21. Enhanced Profiles • Increase your brand's Twitter presence. Enhanced profile pages are ideal for: • Creating a richer experience for your audience on Twitter with visual branding • Prominently featuring your most relevant content • Driving traffic to your latest ad campaign, news, product launch or promotion

  22. Enhanced Not Enhanced

  23. Analytics • Impressions, Retweets, clicks, replies and follows, and unfollows. • Timeline activity breaks information down per tweet. • Followers dashboard is where you can gain valuable insights about your followers. • See how you gained your followers over time and their composition by interest, geography, gender, and engagement.

  24. Getting Started

  25. Pricing • CPC basis • Same cost effectiveness as Facebook

  26. @SpiderDigital @mediaplacement

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