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Multi-State Study of Pre-Kindergarten & Study of State-Wide Early Education Programs (SWEEP). Richard M. Clifford National Center for Early Development and Learning www.ncedl.org. Funded by the: U.S. Department of Education,
Multi-State Study of Pre-Kindergarten & Study of State-Wide Early Education Programs (SWEEP) Richard M. Clifford National Center for Early Development and Learning www.ncedl.org Funded by the: U.S. Department of Education, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) & The Foundation for Child Development
Key Staff Florence Chang Gisele Crawford Grace Funk Marcia Kraft-Sayre Terry McCandies Sharon Ritchie Wanda Weaver Billie Weiser Pam Winton Principal Investigators and Key Staff PIs • Oscar Barbarin • Steve Barnett • Donna Bryant • Margaret Burchinal • Richard Clifford • Diane Early • Carollee Howes • Robert Pianta
What are the characteristics of children and families being served by public pre-k? Who teaches in public pre-k and what do the programs look like? What teaching practices take place in pre-k classrooms and are they related to overall quality? How are teacher characteristics and quality of pre-k related? What is the relationship between teaching practices and child outcomes? Research Questions
6 States in the Multi-State Study selected based on diversity in: teacher credentials locations of programs (in vs. out of schools) state funding per child intensity (length of day/year) 5 SWEEP States selected to: compliment original six states include wide array of funding & service Selecting the States
States in the Study Multi-State Study of Pre-K California, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Georgia, & New York SWEEP Massachusetts, New Jersey, Texas, Washington, & Wisconsin
Multi-State: 40 school/centers selected randomly, per state stratified by: teacher credentials (BA vs. no BA), in school vs. non-school, and full/part day SWEEP: aimed for 100 school/centers selected randomly, per state No stratification Both studies: 1 classroom selected randomly Both Studies: 4 children per class selected randomly half girls; half boys 4 year-olds Sampling Strategy
Classroom observations ECERS-R (Harms, Clifford, & Cryer) Snapshot (Ritchie, Howes, Kraft-Sayre, & Weiser) CLASS (La Paro, Pianta, Hamre, & Stuhlman) Teacher questionnaires Ratings of children by teachers Administrator questionnaires Parent demographic questionnaires Measures
Child Assessment PPVT-III (or TVIP) Oral &Written Language Scale (OWLS): Oral Expression Woodcock-Johnson: Applied Problems (English & Spanish) Woodcock-Johnson: Letter-Word Identification (English & Spanish) Letter, number, and color naming; counting; name writing (English & Spanish) Measures (continued)
Total Number 705 Female 99% Mean age 41 Years teaching Before kindergarten 8.56 Kindergarten 1.96 Older than K 3.28 Pre-K Teacher Characteristics
White 64% Latina 15% African American 13% Asian/Pacific Isl. 2% Native American <1% Mixed/Other 7% Pre-K Teacher Race/Ethnicity
High school 2% Some college, no degree 13% Associate’s degree 12% Bachelor’s 49% Master’s or higher 24% Pre-K Teacher Education: Highest Degree
ECE/Child Dev. 40% Elementary Ed. 25% Special Ed. 7% Other Ed. 8% Child Devel. 4% ESL 1% Other 15% State Certification 57% Pre-K Teacher Major (BA and higher)
Pre-K Public School 53% Other Community Ctr. 47% Kindergarten (Multi-State only) Regular Public School 91% Public Magnet 2% Public Charter 1% Private, Religious 2% Child Care 2% Location
Enrollment: 17.4 Children present/staff: 7.6 Hours/week class meets: 24.5 % with co-teacher or assistant: 87% Co-teacher/assistant’s hours per week: 28 LEP children: 21% Children with an IEP: 6% Pre-K Class Characteristics
Pre-K Curriculum - Teacher Report Creative 20% High Scope 20% Locally Developed 8% None or self-created 7% Scholastic: 6% State Developed 5% DLM Early Childhood 4% Letter People 3% Doors to Discovery 2% CCC- -Step by Step 2% Montessori 2%
Teacher Report of Kindergarten Literacy Curricula Houghton-Mifflin 19% Open Court 13% Letter People 12% Phonemic Aware. in Young Children 9% Zoophonics 4% Kinder Roots 3% Distar 3% High Scope 1% Creative 1% State Developed 15% Locally Developed 7% Other 58% None 3%
Classroom Quality and Practices: How do children spend their time?
Mean Overall ECERS-R Ratings Excellent Good Minimal Inadequate
Pre-K ECERS-R Distribution Excellent Inadequate Good Minimal
Factor 1, labeled Teaching and Interactions, is a composite of several indicators including: staff-child interactions, discipline, supervision, encouraging children to communicate, and using language to develop reasoning skills. Factor 2, termed Provisions for Learning, is a composite of indicators such as: furnishings, room arrangement, gross motor equipment, art, blocks, dramatic play, and nature/science. ECERS: Factor Scores
Pre-K & K ECERS-R Factor Scores Excellent Good Minimal Inadequate
Pre-K ECERS-R Teaching and Interactions Excellent Inadequate Good Minimal
Pre-K ECERS-R Provisions for Learning Excellent Inadequate Good Minimal
Time sampled measure 27 items coded as present or not-present Each child is watched for 20 seconds, followed by a 40 second coding period Then coder moves on to the next child Four children per room in pre-k In K, generally 1 child per room, sometimes as many as 4 Snapshot
Two days of observations in spring From beginning of class until end of class (part-day) or nap (full-day) On average, each child was observed 65.5 times (sd = 23.3) Multi-State Study Pre-K Snapshot
One day of observations in spring From beginning of class until end of class (part-day) or nap (full-day) On average, each child was observed 40.5 times (sd = 16.6) SWEEP Study Pre-K Snapshot
Three days of observations throughout the year From beginning of class until end of class, regardless of class length Did not code lunch, recess right after lunch, or nap Some codes (especially meals, routine) not comparable to pre-k On average, each child was observed 382.9 times (sd = 144.0) Multi-State Study Kindergarten Snapshot
Pre-K Child Engagement Children were not engaged in any of these activities 42% of the time.
Considered the 369 possible combinations of activity setting, teacher-child interaction, and child engagement Modal pattern (15%) was routine, no teacher-child interaction, no child engagement Next most common (10%) was meals/snack, no teacher-child interaction, no child engagement Multi-State Pre-K Patterns
Considered 14 patterns especially likely to promote learning Found they occurred rarely (all < 1.5% of time) mean % % of of timechildren letter-sound, elaborated, small group: 0.1% 4% oral language, elaborated, whole group: 1.3% 45% read to, elaborated, whole group: 0.3% 13% math, elaborated, small group: 0.1% 5% math, no teacher, free choice: 1.2% 36% Multi-State Pre-KSelected Patterns of Interest
9 dimensions of quality Each rated on a 7 point scale from “uncharacteristic” to “highly characteristic” Rating occurred roughly every 30 minutes, throughout on the same days as Snapshots Each classroom’s score is the average of its scores across all observation days CLASS: Classroom Assessment Scoring System
Positive climate Negative climate Teacher sensitivity Over-control Effective behavior management Concept development Quality of feedback Learning formats/engagement Productivity CLASS: Classroom Assessment Scoring System Emotional Climate Instructional Climate
High Medium Low CLASS Factor Scores
How are children performing when they enter pre-kindergarten? Do children make gains from the fall to spring of their pre-k year? How do they fare in kindergarten? (Multi-State Study only) Performance “related to what” questions will be addressed this afternoon. Key “Over Time” Questions