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PRISM OVERVIEW. Law Enforcement Training June 2010. What is PRISM?. Cooperative Federal/State Program to link safety fitness to state vehicle registration Feasibility Study mandated by Section 4003 of the ISTEA of 1991 Five state pilot concluded in 1997 Report submitted to Congress in 1998

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  1. PRISMOVERVIEW Law Enforcement Training June 2010

  2. What is PRISM? • Cooperative Federal/State Program to link safety fitness to state vehicle registration • Feasibility Study mandated by Section 4003 of the ISTEA of 1991 • Five state pilot concluded in 1997 • Report submitted to Congress in 1998 • PRISM is cost-effective and improves safety

  3. Benefits of PRISM • Improves Safety • Improved performance required to exit program • Performance Based System • Carriers identified based on safety data • Identification of High Risk Carriers • SafeStat identifies carriers with future crash risk

  4. Benefits of PRISM • Improved Efficiency of Federal and State Resources • CRs on highest risk carriers • Warning letters • Improved Data Accuracy • Automatic Census updates with registration renewals • Barcodes reduce inspection data entry errors • Ability to correct non-match inspection and accident records through registration records

  5. Benefits of PRISM • Customer Service • Promotes “one-stop shop” for USDOT Number and Plates • Accountability for Safety • Interstate Trucks must have USDOT Number to identify Carrier Responsible for Safety • Cannot register if prohibited from Interstate Operations

  6. PRISM…Two Main Processes • Commercial Vehicle Registration Process • Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Process (MCSIP)


  8. Commercial Vehicle Registration • The Commercial Vehicle Registration process provides the framework for PRISM • Establishes link between the Motor Carrier Responsible for Safety and every vehicle registered commercially • Plate number (or VIN) can always be traced back to the responsible carrier • Brings safety down to the vehicle level

  9. Definitions (Who’s Who) • Registrant- Entity issued vehicle registration and plate • Motor Carrier- Entity responsible for safe operation of the vehicle (Note: If there is no actual motor carrier, then Registrant serves as Default Motor Carrier) • Default Motor Carrier- Entity responsible for safety when actual motor carrier cannot be identified

  10. How Does PRISM Affect Safety? • Safe operating is a requirement for obtaining and keeping a registration plate • Check the Carrier’s Safety Status • Does the USDOT Number belong to a sanctioned carrier? • Was the vehicle assigned to a sanctioned motor carrier previously?

  11. PRISM Target Vehicle File 1. Daily file of MCSIP Carriers created by PRISM Central Site and distributed to States 2. States identify vehicles assigned to carriers in MCSIP and upload those vehicle records to PRISM 3. Target File created 6:00 AM daily with vehicles from all PRISM states 4. States use Target File for Safety Checks at registration offices and roadside

  12. PRISM State Barcoding • Barcode the cab card with vehicle and registrant information • Barcode and print carrier responsible for safety • USDOT Number • Carrier Name • Mailing Address (Note: Only if the lease is expected to remain in effect for the entire registration year)

  13. PRISM State Barcode Map – April 2010 States Barcoding Cab Cards: AK, AL, AR, CA, CT, DE, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MN, MO, NE, NH, NM, OH, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, WA, WV

  14. Registrant & MCRS are the Same • When there is no lease and the MCRS is not expected to change during the registration year, the following info is printed on the Cab Card: • - USDOT Number • - Carrier Name • - Mailing Address • This information isin the bar code. Same Company Scannable Barcode

  15. Registrant & MCRS are Different - MCRS not expected to change When there is a lease but the MCRS is not expected to change during the registration year, the following info is printed on the Cab Card: - USDOT Number - Carrier Name - Mailing Address This information is in the bar code. Different Company

  16. Registrant & MCRS are Different - MCRS is expected to change In some states, when there is a lease and the MCRS is expected to change during the registration year, the MCRS is left blank.

  17. Registrant & MCRS are Different - MCRS is expected to change In some states, when there is a lease situation and the MCRS is expected to change during the registration year, the MCRS block has this message: *As of January 2010, a PRISM Requirement is to add this message.

  18. ASPEN – Scanning Cab Card

  19. TraCS – Scanning Cab Card Carrier Data from Cab Card scanned into TraCS Vehicle Data from Cab Card scanned into TraCS

  20. TraCS – Report TraCS - CIRF Form Auto-populated with scanned Cab Card vehicle data

  21. How Does PRISM Affect Safety? Impose Sanctions • Deny/Suspend vehicle registrations and retrieve plates when a Federal OOS order has been issued • This concurrent state registration suspension is the ultimate sanction when a Federal order to cease interstate operations has been issued


  23. Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Process What is MCSIP? • Process to improve the safety of high-risk motor carriers through: • Identification • Treatment • Assessment

  24. Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Process • Uses SafeStat to identify and monitor motor carriers • Applies progressively harsher treatments to carriers that do not improve • Ultimate sanction: Federal Out-of-Service Order and concurrent State Suspension/Revocation of vehicle registration privileges

  25. MCSIP IDENTIFICATION How Motor Carriers Are Identified for Inclusion in MCSIP

  26. MCSIP Identification • SafeStat is used to identify motor carriers for inclusion in MCSIP • SafeStat is an automated, data driven analysis system designed to measure the relative safety fitness of interstate motor carriers that uses: • roadside safety • compliance reviews • enforcement data

  27. MCSIP Identification • SafeStatprovides relative rankings of motor carriers based on performance in four Safety Evaluation Areas (SEA): • Accident • Driver • Vehicle • Safety Management

  28. MCSIP Identification • SafeStat Data (refreshed monthly) • Prior 30 month history of: • National Governors Association Accidents • Roadside Inspections • Compliance Reviews • Enforcement Cases • Census Data • Data is time weighted & severity weighted

  29. SafeStat Calculation SEA Values Accident SEA = 95 Driver SEA = 90 Vehicle SEA = 65 SM SEA = 80 SafeStat Calculation Accident x 2 + Driver x 1.5 + Vehicle x 1 + SM x 1 = SafeStat Score (95 x 2) + (90 x 1.5) + (65 x 0*) + (80 x 1) = 405 = SafeStat Category A *Note: When a SEA is under 75, the SEA is dropped from the equation

  30. MCSIP Identification • SEA values approximate carrier’s percentile rank relative to the population with sufficient data • SEA values count towards the overall SafeStat score when 75 or above • Motor Carriers with 2 or more SEA values at or above 75 are included in MCSIP

  31. SafeStat Categories • SafeStat Categories A – C establish the pool of MCSIP carriers

  32. CSA 2010 - Pilot • CSA 2010 is a new major initiative of FMCSA to improve safety • CSA 2010 safety criteria will replace SafeStat scoring system for assigning carriers in MCSIP • Currently tested in the following states: CO, GA, KS, MD, MN, MO, MT, NJ

  33. CSA 2010 - BASICs • BASICS are behavior categories that can lead to crashes • Behavior Analysis & Safety Improvement Categories • Carrier and Driver scores in each BASIC will determine FMCSA actions: • Intervention (*New - including On-Site Investigations) • Safety Compliance Review • Out-of-Service Order

  34. CSA 2010 - BASICs • 7 BASICs will replace 4 SEAs

  35. CSA 2010 - Enforcement • Stricter New Entrant Safety Audits • Any 1 of “15 Deadly Sins” results in failed audit • More focus on Driver qualifications • Canadian and Mexican carriers will be rated in the same way as U.S. carriers

  36. MCSIP TREATMENTS Actions taken to address MCSIP Carriers

  37. MCSIP Treatments Increased Roadside Inspections • All Carriers in MCSIP (SafeStat A-C) must be targeted at the roadside for increased inspection

  38. MCSIP Treatments PRISM Warning Letters • PRISM Warning Letters are recommended for newly identified SafeStat Category C motor carriers that have not had a recent CR • What is the purpose of the Warning Letter? • Encourage safety improvement • Serve as a diagnostic and educational tool • Reach a greater number of carriers than CR resources alone would allow

  39. MCSIP Treatments Compliance Reviews • Compliance Reviews are recommended for SafeStat Category A & B motor carriers • Compliance Reviews: • Are conducted at the carrier place of business • Document compliance violations and performance data • Recommend safety improvements • Serve as a basis for enforcement penalties • Generate a Safety Rating

  40. MCSIP Treatments Registration Sanctions In what situations will FMCSA order a carrier to cease interstate operations?

  41. MCSIP Treatments Registration Sanctions • Imminent Hazard • Extremely rare • Immediate shut-down at time of CR closeout • Final Unsatisfactory Safety Rating • Shut-down if carrier fails to improve a “proposed” unsatisfactory rating within 45/60 days • CR and proposed rating Letter notifies motor carrier of possible state registration sanctions

  42. MCSIP Treatments Registration Sanctions • Failure to pay fines • Shut-down if carrier fails to pay fine or enter into a payment agreement within 90 days of final agency order (FAO) • FAO notifies motor carrier of possible state registration sanctions • Failure of a new entrant safety audit • Must be audited within 18 months of entry • Newest Sanction reason – Failed Audit

  43. Why do all this?

  44. ABC Express Trucking Hey Bob – Here’s a good one for you. Some Clown from the DOT just sent us a letter that says we can’t operate trucks across state lines.

  45. ABC Express Trucking Looks like I’ll have to change our company name toXYZ Express Trucking,get another USDOT Number, and keep on trucking !

  46. State Registration OfficePlate Renewal Time DOT Number Check:“The USDOT Number for XYZ Express Trucking is A – OK” Vehicle Check: “Wait a minute! The SAFER/PRISM database indicates vehicles with these VIN #’s are linked to ABC Express Trucking. We’re gonna have to see a transfer of title, a lease agreement to another carrier, or some kind of evidence that ABC and XYZ are not the same company.”

  47. Summary IRP collects USDOT numbers and validates FMCSA issues OOS to unsafe carriers IRP checks safety and refuses /suspends registration if OOS Carrier stops operating…Right?

  48. Wrong This is why we are here. It is law enforcement’s job to stop these vehicles from operating on the highways.

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