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OMICS Journals are welcoming Submissions. For more details please visit our website: http://omicsonline.org/Submitmanuscript.php. About a Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine is a branch of medicine which bases its clinical method for the study of physiological processes .
OMICS Journals are welcoming Submissions For more details please visit our website: http://omicsonline.org/Submitmanuscript.php
About a Functional Medicine • Functional Medicineis a branch of medicine whichbasesitsclinicalmethod for the study of physiologicalprocesses. • It'a discipline thatanalyzes the correlationsbetweenphysiologicalresponse, response and input stressogenodysfunctional.
Itissaid to be more fullyFunctional Medicine Regulatory: • Functionalbecauseitallowsus to understand the dysfunction of organs and systemsbeforethey cause demonstrableharm to specificexaminations(prediseasepathways) • Regulatoryoccursbecauserestoring the normalphysiologicalconditions F.M.R.actas an interfacebetweenconventional medicine and complementary medicine natural to combine and/or integrate into a global perspective, structuredastransmissible science thatallows to integrate medicalknowledge (science) with the herbal, homeopathy and nutrition in a unifiedframework.
Functional medicine embraces the totality of the regulatorycapacitiesof the body: - biophysical • biochemical • enzymatic • endocrine • immunological • bioenergetic trough the neurovegetative (orthosympathetic/parasympathetic) , metabolic (anabolism/catabolism) and cerebralregulation
Extra-cellular Matrix Emergingperspectives of molecularbiology and neuroscience converge well with the basicconcepts of Functional Medicine Regulatoryhomeodynamic on the functioning of the body: eachdistrict, organ, system, functionisinterconnected to others and exchangethem with continuousbiochemicaland biophysical information through Extra-cellularmatrix
Extra-cellular Matrix: functionalunitAn anatomic-functional forum for exchanging and regulatingautonomic, metabolic and immune response.
Anatomy of Extracellular Matrix We can immagine itlike a three-dimensional network formed by big glycoproteicpolymers :
Stucture/Anatomy • Proteoglycans • GAGs + proteins • Proteins • Structural (collagen, elastin) • Adesive (fibronectin, laminin ecc.) • Basal lamina • Intrafibrillar water • Cells • Assons • Capillars • Linfatic Composition of Extracellular Matrix: functionalunit Functional component
«Languages» of Extra-cellular Matrix • Citochine and growthfactors • Nervousimpulses and nervepathways • Electrochemicalsynapses • Electromagneticimpulses
Wong. Circulation 2012; 126: 1206-1216 Matrice extracellulare del miocardio • 793 patients • Magneticresonance with gadolinium to access a volume of extracellularmyocardialmatrix • Increase of volume ECM isassociated with increasedrisk of: death, cardiactransplantation and need of mechanicalcardiacassistance
Multiple Roles of the Extracellular Matrix in Inflammation: • providesspecificmolecular and spatial information thatinfluencescellproliferation, differentiation and apoptosis • directlyinfluenceleukocyterecruitment to the inflammedtissue by providingdifferentialsignalsresulting from itsspatial and molecularcomposition, or indirectly by itspotential to bind and presentcytokines or chemotacticfactors • mediatesinflammation-inducedangiogenesis and the subsequentremodellingsteps • providesspecificmechanicalforces, exposescrypticadhesionsites, and releasesbiologicallyactivefragments (matrikines) and matrix-sequesteredgrowthfactors
Acidosis • Extreme systemicacidosisisincompatible with life. • Functional Medicine focusesat a slightacidic tilt, whatbringsserioushealthconsequences. • Moderate, non-life threateningacidosis, results in sub-optimalfunctioning of uncountedcells, tissues, and organs. To survive, the body must excrete and/or neutralizeexcessacidsregaining a life-supporting acid-base balance.
Acidosis and Extracellular Matrix • Matrix with acid pHlosshiscapacity to compensate • From Sol to Gel • Loss of basicsubstances(Ca, K, Mg, Na)
Consequences of low grade metabolicacidosis 1 • Loss of calcium in the urine with ospetopenia and osteoporosis • Loss of potassium and magnesiumstores from the body , resultingin a tendencytowardshypertensionand inflammation and pain • Increasedlevels of bloodparathyroidhormone (PTH) • Proteincatabolism and depressedproteinmetabolism, resulting in a musclewasting and increasedage-relatedmuscleloss • Suppression of growthhormone, insulin-likegrowthfactor, and otherpituitaryhormones • Acceleratedaging from accumulated acid wasteproducts, • Increasedproduction of free radicals—unstablemoleculesthat cause cellulardamage, resulting in the worsening of pain and inflammation, and the lowering of immune capacity, increasingrisk of degenerative disease and premature aging
Consequences of low grade metabolicacidosis 2 • Tendency for connectivetissue to weaken due to increased free radicals • Excessive acid hasactuallybeenfound to be storedwithin the connectivetissue. • Decreasedefficiency of cellular ATP energy production, causingimpairedcellularfunction and, eventually, impairedorganfunction • Increasedfluidretention, resulting in the excessiveaccumulation of fluidswithin body tissues • Disrupted balance of intestinalbacteria • Encouragement of the growth and spread of yeast and fungi, thesepotentialpathogensthrive in an acid terrain
Consequences of low grade metabolicacidosis3 • Creationof a more fertile breeding ground for manyviruses, includingHIV: virusesthrive in an acidic, low-antioxidantenvironment • Reducedsize of the brain's pool of energyreservesm, weakenedmentalcapacity • Decreasedability to performexerciseat a high level of intensity: aciditycreates a low-oxygenenvironmentthatisworsened by exercise • Increasedacidity of the mouth, leadingto imbalancedoralbacteria and, consequently, increaseddentaldecay and periodontal (gum) disease. • Creation of a mildform of hypothyroidism (lowthyroidfunction) and a chronicoverproduction of the stress hormonecortisol • Development of lowbloodphosphoruslevels
Therapeuticgoals of M.F.R. • Detoxification and drainage of Extra-cellularmatrix • Maintenance of Metabolic balance (acid/basic) • Restoring of IntestinalEubiosis • Prevention of Oxidative Stress • Evaluation of correlationbetweenPsyche/Brain/Organon (PNEI) • Decreasestress (mindfulness, yoga, breathingtechniques ecc.)
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