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Tracking. Drew Alton University of Michigan. e vs h. e vs f. e vs p T. e vs Q. e vs tick. e vs Ntrk. P14 Tracking. Promised better tracking Bump hunting Efficiency Resolutions We still need some improvements # hits/Track c 2 for tracks

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  1. Tracking Drew Alton University of Michigan

  2. e vs h e vs f e vs pT e vs Q e vs tick e vs Ntrk P14 Tracking • Promised better tracking • Bump hunting • Efficiency • Resolutions • We still need some improvements • # hits/Track • c2 for tracks • Mass locations…tuning material/magnetic field • Must run faster and more reliably • A look at reco-cloggers

  3. DØ Run II Preliminary p+ L0 p   = 114 pb-1 p multiple tracks with ~cm impact parameters Highlights of the many bumps we have

  4. Zmm Peak • Nice Z peak. • Note that the resolution improvement is dramatic

  5. Impact Parameter • The IP resolution is within 10% of expectations.

  6. Tracking Efficiency • Track Match Efficiency in Zee • Spatial • CC 0.895+-0.009 • EC 0.779+-0.029 • Spatial +E/p • CC 0.808+-0.013 • EC Same…no E/p • Can Forward tracking be improved using FPS MIP layer?

  7. Image of HDI from γ-conversions 6-chip SMT HDI X, cm HV cap Y, cm CFT SMT

  8. Timing

  9. It’s not perfect • Z->ee track comparison between data/MC • As you can see the number of hits doesn’t agree between data and Monte Carlo. • The c2 distribution in data is wider and has a long tail.

  10. mass from EM clusters mass from tracks Mass • The mass of the J/ is about 1/3 of a sigma low • Most peaks have similar issues • Currently there is work in the tracking group to understand how to separate effects from material and magnetic field.

  11. Reco-Cloggers • These events were identified on the farms by Mike Diesburg and named by Tom Diehl. • They run forever…eventually Mike kills them

  12. Crossing Dependence • The distribution of RC events seems to depend on crossing number. • The CFT has a crossing dependence to it’s pedestal mean (random channel)

  13. Improvements • Tracking in p14.05 is supposed to mitigate • Removes “crumbling” clusters • On a file from run 179934 (46e30) (3k events) on CAB

  14. Historic Reminders • About two years ago we had SMT+ • A year ago we had tracking efficiencies 45-65 %. • now we’re in the 90’s for high pt and isolated. • Where will we be next year? • Mike and Flera have a list of projects…see http://www-d0.fnal.gov/global_tracking/projects/active.html

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