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Regarding The Transference of Power in America. To: State of Washington House, Senate, AG, Governor & Staff, Supreme Court, State of Montana bcc: Property Rights Groups, Friends & Neighbors “The Truth is more important than the facts.” - Frank Lloyd Wright
Regarding The Transference of Power in America To: State of Washington House, Senate, AG, Governor & Staff, Supreme Court, State of Montana bcc: Property Rights Groups, Friends & Neighbors “The Truth is more important than the facts.” - Frank Lloyd Wright “Life is a maze in which we take the wrong turn before we have learned to walk” - Cyril Connolly “To escape from enslavement, you must expand your consciousness beyond the prison walls” – J. Venrick Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America This presentation addresses three current issues in Washington & Montana & How They Intertwine with the history of taking property 1. I concur with the Tim Eyman & Team warning to Olympia WA Inc. re. the passing of I-1053 • This initiative restricts escalating abuse & tyranny in Olympia, WA by requiring a 2/3 vote in the House and Senate before a tax raise, it has been passed by a 64% Yes vote . • State of Washington I-1053 link here http://www.voterswantmorechoices.com/ & see last page of presentation • I concur with the proposed amendment to opt out of state of Washington Growth Management HB 1094 Amendment. • However, the so called Growth Management Act as well as the Shoreline Management Act, Critical Area Ordinances, Sensitive Area Ordinances are illegitimate, fraudulent, arbitrary and capricious over reaching acts which destroy allodial property ownership. This social engineering eugenic power has not been given to any government agency. The original fundamental and founding laws of the land prevents such political exploitation. • This is a massive taking and further addressed in this presentation. • I concur with Montana S.B. 114 • declaring the state’s local county sheriffs are the pre-eminent law enforcement authority in their jurisdictions, and federal agents such as those working for the Internal Revenue Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and others, would be required to get permission from them before they could take any action. • http://polymontana.com/2011/01/23/why-anyone-who-understands-the-us-constitution-must-vote-for-montana-sb-114/ • This is a massive understatement and is also addressed on a high level in this presentation • Since all takings of our property are illegitimately intertwined into false flag legislative and legal fiction - • Please allow me to review the following unbelievable findings re. the corruption of our highest laws of the land taken by imperial ambitions. Though this may be repetitive to some, more people have been added, as well as the State of Montana House and Senate as I am a land owner there also as of 2010. Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America To better believe what you are about to read, at least scan the two sources below . This is only the tip of the iceberg. The more pieces of the puzzle of taking you connect, the clearer the big picture. The level of taking is unimaginable and the picture on the cover of the puzzle box will stagger a strong person . • "Lost Rights - the Destruction of American Liberty" by James Bovard. The publisher has allowed me to quote 400 words. The author has 55 pages of references covering nearly every sentence. Must read for all government employees. • You may review the Table of Contents & first chapter here –http://www.jimbovard.com/Lost%20Rights%20TOC%20Intro%20Chapter.htm • You may order used copies of this book here for as little as a few cents + S&H - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=lost+rights+bovard&x=15&y=20 • Also this is a must read and order Common Sense Revisited. • http://www.commonsenserevisited.com/ • Download a FREE PDF and check it out first • Link here for the best material to educate yourself to what has happen. • The challenge will not be in the credibility or lack of independent sources but in believing this level of taking could happen - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/MustReadMustSubscribeMustSupportMustSee.dwt.asp Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America • "American’s today must obey 30 times as many laws as their great grandfathers had to obey at the turn of the century. Federal agencies publish an average of over 200 pages of new rulings, regulations and proposals in the Federal Register each business day. The growth of the federal statute book is one of the clearest measures of the increase of the government control of citizenry. But the effort to improve society by the endless multiplication of penalties, prohibitions and prison sentences is a dismal failure.“ Lost Rights • This quote is also applicable to all state legislation as well as all county and city regulations and codes upon the natural born and naturalized state Citizens. • No high founding our fundamental laws of the land transferred any power from the American natural born state Citizens to any level of government. Can you wrap your mind around this? Even if we had individually and unanimously contracted and conveyed such power to others, the act would go against these same higher laws of the land which condemn this transference. So called “constitutions” are NOT included in the higher fundamental or founding laws, do you get the picture yet? • Natural born state Citizens and the naturalized CANNOT be regulated, coded , or licensed for use or ownership or exercising any of their God given birth rights. “Constitutions “ limit public bodies NOT private bodies. Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America 6 Years of research confirms the following: 1. The following FUNDAMENTAL legitimate laws of the land protect & secure all natural born and naturalized persons and their property • The Natural Law and Natural Rights - • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/NaturalLawAndNaturalRights.asp • The Unalienable Rights or God given Birth Rights of American natural born - • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/NaturalLawAndNaturalRights.asp • The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God prevent you from touching, taxing, regulating or confiscating American natural state Citizen property for any reason . 2. The following FOUNDING legitimate laws of the land also protect and secure at all cost, ALL American natural born & naturalized persons & their property including labor, equipment, vehicles, animals, weapons & family businesses. • The Declaration of Independence • The intent and success of the first American Revolution (a 20 year war 1763 -1783) • The above legitimate two founding laws and actions of the land also prevent private property from being touched, taxed, regulated or confiscated for any reason. • Property includes labor, equipment, vehicles, animals, weapons, personal belongings & family businesses . Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America 3. The united States of America Constitution is NOT legitimate. • It was never approved by the colonists nor their Republics or Commonwealths. • The Articles of Confederation required a unanimous approval . • Please refer to supporting material linked here - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/ConstitutionThatNeverWasNew.asp • Especially note all material written by: • Lysander Spooner who wrote at length about this fraud and filed his observations in court in the mid 1800’s • Many freedom followers including Spooner , warnings by Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine and those against the centralization of power via the writing of an illegitimate constitution warned the people their natural divine power would be covertly transferred to a handful of elites without their approval. 4. The State of Washington "Constitution" is also NOT legitimate by my research including other independent sources. • Papers have been filed in court by others to document this also. • “Constitutions” are more like bylaws for municipal corporations NOT true and honest republics. • All constitutions of the 50 states are political charters for municipal corporations NOT republics. • These charters were written by agenda outcome based leading politicians and lawyers who boiler plated prior state charters from one state to the next across the territories as they came into the union. The overwhelming majority of people in the territories did not have a clue what was being done to them nor did they even get in to vote. What Citizen would transfer their power to enslave themselves ? • Please link to supporting material here - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromTheStateofWashingtonCONstitutionThatNeverWas.asp Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America 5. All private property is allodial by the above fundamental and founding laws of the land • Allodial ownership of private property is absolute, inviolable, immutable, unrestricted and unqualified • Allodial property cannot be touched, taxed, regulated or confiscated for ANY reason including “eminent domain “ • Please link here for supporting material • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomToOwnLandWithAllodialRights.dwt.asp • The theory of “divine rights” of the Kings (illegitimately self imposed) as they staked their claims in America were ultimately transferred to the new kings and queens of this land (legitimately bestowed by God via the miraculous success of the first American Revolution) upon the sons and daughters of America, the natural born and naturalized. • You can read some of this history and its results here - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromTheStateofWashingtonCONstitutionThatNeverWas.asp 6. Pages 1 through 7 are the foundational corner stones laid down through history to secure our freedoms, liberties and birth rights. • We have lost the keys to our kingdom. Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America In the following pages we will over view how our divine rights were abducted 8. For a quick overview of the chronology of the transfer of power from the Natural Born state Citizen to the politicians, lawyers and bankers and other benefiting groups link here - • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromUnFederalUnReserveNew.dwt.asp • Then please link to the top two links on that page to see how and when this happened • As a result of this illegitimate transfer of power from the rightful kings and queens of the land into the hands of the politicians, lawyers and bankers, our traditional life force has been systematically snuffed out. • Municipal corporations are the tool of transferring power from the rightful natural born kings and queens to the new age monarchy mayors, councils, commissioners. The web of adhesion spun by these and other complicit groups is debased in long outdated feudal and barbaric European “divine rights of kings” ideology. The so called mayors and councils cannot be controlled by so called “elections” and report to no one. • The municipal corporation of King County Washington is a classic case of abuse and tyranny - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromKingCountyTheGreatImposter.asp 10. Manipulation of population growth using junk agenda outcome based environmental lies has created an escalation of land seizure and choking by legislative, environmental and legal false flag fiction. • Link below for numerous examples of false flags created to justify Rural cleansing, aka sustainable development, Growth Management Act, UN Agenda 21 - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromRuralCleansingNew.dwt.asp • Link here to see the “Man caused global warming lies - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromManCausedGlobalWarmingMyths.dwt.asp • Link here to see the lies created to justify takings via “Alternative Energy” which cannot replace cheap abundant fossil fuel and nuclear energy sources - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromAlternativeEnergyMyths.dwt.asp • Link here to see how environmental extremism “divines” lies to further inflame false flag legislation - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromEnvironmentalExtremism.html Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America • Manipulation of population growth using junk agenda outcome based environmental lies has created the following takings: (Continued) • Link here to see how more lies are propagated accusing man endangers species significantly while the facts show overwhelmingly, extinction is natural and its rate varies extremely AND naturally over epochs of geologic time - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromEndangeredSpeciesMythomania.asp • Link here to see how more junk legislation creates pandering green extreme lies by designating some private property as more “critical” and “sensitive” than other private property, thereby eroding the absolute allodial nature of all property ownership - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromCriticalAreaOrdinanceMythsNew.asp • Link here to see how mythological junk legislation is created to return fish runs to areas where the land and water are surrounded by a long history of ownership while falsely blaming and extorting land owners for natural and government created problems - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromFishMyths.dwt.asp • Link here to see how force is used in long established local communities to use and pay for European roundabouts made for small vehicles and forcing these same communities to pay for million dollar fish roundabout bunkers - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromRoundabouts.asp • Link here to view accelerating erosion of property ownership by colluding municipal corporations and benefiting groups who force property owners to pay for illegitimate trespass and legal liability of rails to trails going through and abutting their private property - http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromRailsToTrailsTakings.dwt.asp Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America • Link below to believe how government cereal agencies are created which root to foreign power over the sovereign and free natural born local state Citizens, e.g. UN, IRS, DOE, DOT, global central banking groups, federal, state, county and city municipal corporations who are given illegitimate predatory defacto p0wer to harass, extort, fine, license, permit, code, regulate and otherwise snuff out for state revenue, God given birth rights which are free and protected in a true and honest republic. • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/EmbattledPropertyOwnerStoriesNew.asp • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/CurrentPropertyBattles.dwt.asp • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromKingCountyTheGreatImposter.asp • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromTaxesNew.dwt.asp • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomFromUnFederalUnReserveNew.dwt.asp 12. Natural born Americans are forced to return to an offensive and reorganize themselves under the original fundamental and founding higher laws which transferred all power to the American natural born individuals who ARE the militia, the law of the land by jury and who legitimately hold ALL the divine rights and of the prior kings and queens who preceded him. • http://www.freedomforallseasons.org/FreedomToKeepAndBearArms.asp Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America 13. Power cannot be transferred in a true and honest republic with our clear HIGHER fundamental and founding laws nor can they be delegated or represented away to others. The natural born state Citizens, rich and poor, are bestowed with divine and physical power. They are true and honest sovereigns in this land. They are second to no one other than God and even God gives them a choice. • A true and honest republic with very clear and respected higher laws of the land will respect ONE natural born or naturalized state Citizen. One individual can shut down any legislation, act, agency, enforcement, taking, regulation or code. This is the true and honest and rightful power given to the kings and queens in this land. • Wiesel worded takings such as growth management acts, shoreline management acts, critical areas ordinance, “endangered” species act, rails to trails act, and over reaching out of town government agencies takings, all forms of taxing and their dispictable agencies would never be created without the unanimous concurrence of every individual property owner in the local area. • This is the true and honest power of an individual natural born American state Citizen living in a free republic under God. When individuals rise up and take their power there will be no need for 99% of the current form of body we call “government”. • National, state, county and city governments, nor their agencies nor their employees were never given this power, it was taken. History is replete with this truth when you open your mind to look for it. A limited republic subordinates itself to those who have created it without exception. • I hope this better clarifies our current situation. Tyranny cannot continue long once it is exposed. One brave liberty minded individual in one community of one state will completely shift the balance of power in a flash when a true and honest republic is reborn from the ashes of the current feudal municipal monarchy we live in now. “It is only when we realize that life is taking us nowhere that it begins to have meaning. “ P. E. Ouspensky Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org
Regarding The Transference of Power in America I concur with Tim Eyman's Message in his words to the insanity in Olympia WA INC. • I am disgusted that you're trying to weasel out of I-1053 so soon after voters overwhelmingly approved it. With regard to fee increases, especially new tolls and ferry fare increases, the initiative's policies and intent are unambiguous: the people demand you take recorded votes on specific fee increases (they must be specific or else OFM can't do an accurate 10-year cost projection). I-1053 returned authority to impose fees from unelected bureaucrats at unaccountable state agencies to the state Legislature -- for the next two years, you can't violate this law, not without two-thirds legislative approval. The "Seaquist Amendment" in the state house (PSHB 1086) and House Bill 1175 and Senate Bill 5176 ignore voter-approved I-1053 by re-empowering the Transportation Commission -- totally controlled and occupied by Gregoire's hand-picked cronies -- to impose new tolls and ferry fare hikes (the Legislature can certainly consider state agencies' recommendations but the decision must be made by the people's elected representatives with a recorded vote). I-1053 was overwhelmingly approved by the citizens and it is the law. Do not violate it. I want you to strongly oppose and vote against the Seaquist Amendment, HB 1175, SB 5176, and any other bill like them. Remember, you were elected to represent the people, not rule over them. If you're going to take more the people's money, it's not too much to ask that you take a recorded vote on the amount you say you need." Jack Venrick www.freedomforallseasons.org