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2009 CMA and STS Q&A Webcast. November 18, 2008 8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Presenters: Mark Hansen, Michael McDaniel, ETS Staff of the CDE . Objectives. District STAR coordinators will understand: Test eligibility criteria for California Modified Assessment Standards-based Tests in Spanish.
2009 CMA and STSQ&A Webcast November 18, 2008 8:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Presenters: Mark Hansen, Michael McDaniel, ETS Staff of the CDE 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 1
Objectives District STAR coordinators will understand: Test eligibility criteria for California Modified Assessment Standards-based Tests in Spanish 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 2
Agenda Eligibility for tests CMA STS 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 3
California Modified AssessmentWho Takes the CMA? Available at grades 3–8 for ELA, grades 3–7 for mathematics, and grades 5 and 8 for science Student must have an IEP that indicates CMA to be administered 2. Student shall have taken the California Standards Test (CST) in a previous year, shall have scored below basic or far below basic in the subject area being assessed by the CMA, and may have taken the CST with modifications. 3. Student may test one or more content areas with CMA, e.g., CMA for Mathematics, CST for English–Language Arts (ELA) 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 4
CMA Special Version Reminders Audio CDs Grades 3–5 only; not available for CMA for Grades 6–8 or CMA Writing Tests CD packaged with a single version 1 test booklet Additional version 1 test booklets allowed only when ordering an audio CD Warning issued if quantity is greater than ten times the quantity of audio CDs Large print and braille Large print available for CMA grades 3–8 and Writing Braille available for CMA grades 3–5 Packaged with a single version 1 booklet 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 5
CMA Read-Aloud Reminders for 2009 Audio CD reminders for the CMA Make sure that each student listening to questions read aloud by audio CD has a version 1 test booklet. Contact the district STAR coordinator if there are not enough version 1 test booklets for students whose IEPs require that they hear a specific subject of the test read aloud. If the test examiner personally reads the questions aloud, any version of the test booklet may be used for individual students. If the test examiner reads questions aloud to groups of students in the same testing session, be aware that each student may have a different version. This is because all other CMA test materials will be delivered with multiple versions of the exam by grade level. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 6
CMA Q&A • Question: • If a student is eligible to take the CMA by scoring below basic or far below basic in a previous year, must the student always take the CMA? • Answer: • The IEP team makes the decision annually, by evaluating the student’s progress on multiple measures. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 7
CMA Q&A • Question: • What are the criteria for taking the CMA for Grade 8 Science? • Answer: • A student may fill the first participation criterion if the student: • has taken the CSTs in a previous year, and • scored below basic or far below basic in ELA or mathematics and may have taken the CST with accommodations and/or modifications. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 8
CMA Q&A • Question: • What CMA mathematics assessment should a student in grade 8 take? • Answer: • Currently, the CMA for Mathematics covers grades 3–7. CMA-eligible students in grade 8 should take the CST for Mathematics for which the student is eligible (General Mathematics,Algebra I, etc.) with the appropriate modifications. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 9
CMA Q&A • Question: • What about a CMA for Grade 8 History–Social Science? • Answer: • Currently, there is no CMA for Grade 8 History–Social Science. CMA-eligible students in grade 8 should take the CST for Grade 8 History–Social Science with the appropriate accommodations and/or modifications. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 10
CMA Q&A • Question: • Does a Section 504 Plan qualify a student to take the CMA? • Answer: • No. The student must have an IEP. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 11
CMA Q&A • Question: • What is the deadline for IEPs in order to determine who takes the CMA? • Answer: • There is no stated deadline. The district should identify eligible students before the deadline for ordering materials. Materials for newly identified CMA test takers can be ordered through the supplemental order process. The IEP must be in place before testing begins. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 12
CMA Q&A • Question: • Will CMA proficiency levels be reported for grades 6–8 in 2009? • Answer: • No. Proficiency levels for grades 3–5 will be available in 2009. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 13
CMA Q&A • Question: • Will the ELA passages be read aloud on the audio CD? • Answer: • No. The ELA passages will not be read aloud on the CMA audio CD because this is a modification. Modifications are not allowed on the CMA. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 14
CMA Q&A • Question: • If a student took the CMA in a previous year, is he or she qualified to take the CMA again? When would the student no longer qualify for the CMA and be required to take the CST? • Answer: • The IEP team annually decides whether the student will take the CMA. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 15
CMA Q&A • Question: • Will the Matrix of Test Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications on the CDE’s Web site be updated to include the CMA? • Answer: • No. The Matrix of Test Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications includes the CSTs. There is a separate matrix of variations and accommodations for the CMA. Both will be included in an appendix to the STAR District and Test Site Coordinator Manual, as was done for the 2008 administration. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 16
CMA Q&A • Question: • Are modifications permitted on the CMA? • Answer: • No. The CMA is already a modified assessment; only variations and accommodations are permitted. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 17
Standards-based Tests in SpanishWho takes the STS? Available for grades 2–11 Spanish-speaking English learners (EL) Required to take STS if they: Will have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. less than 12 cumulative months on the first day of testing OR Are receiving instruction in Spanish regardless of the length of time they have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. At the option of the school district: Any other Spanish-speaking English learners Students DO NOT take STS if: They are non-ELs (e.g., English-only, I-FEP, R-FEP) They are English learners whose primary language is not Spanish Districts will not be able to purchase the STS 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 18
Who Takes the STS for Mathematics? STS-eligible students in grades 2–6 Grade-level mathematics contained in test booklet STS-eligible students in grade 7 Grade-level mathematics if the students are not enrolled in Algebra I STS-eligible students in grades 8–11 No STS for General Mathematics; qualifying students in grade 8 or 9 will take the CST for General Mathematics in English Some students may take no STS for Mathematics if they are: Not enrolled in a mathematics course Enrolled in General Mathematics or Business Mathematics 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 19
Which Students Take the STSfor Algebra I? STS-eligible students in grades 7–11 who are completing an Algebra I courseor completed one in the summer of 2008 STS-eligible students in grade 7 who are not completing Algebra I take the STS for Grade 7 Mathematics 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 20
Which Students Take the STS forGeometry? STS-eligible students in grades 8–11 who are completing a Geometry course or completed one in the summer of 2008 General Mathematics not available in the STS STS-eligible students in grade 8 who are not completing Geometry or Algebra I take only the CST for General Mathematics. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 21
STS Q&A • Question: • Do English-only students in dual immersion programs take the STS? • Answer: • No. The STS is only for Spanish-speaking English learners. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 22
STS Q&A • Question: • May a school district purchase the STS? • Answer: • No. Unlike the Aprenda 3, the STS is not available for purchase. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 23
STS Q&A • Question: • If students are tested with the STS in grades 9–11, do they also take the CSTs? • Answer: • Yes. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 24
STS Q&A • Question: • Because there is no STS for General Mathematics, which STS mathematics test do students in grade 8 who do not qualify for Algebra I or Geometry take? • Answer: • There is no STS mathematics test for those grade 8 students to take; however, they still take the CST for General Mathematics. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 25
STS Q&A • Question: • Is the STS testing window the same as the Aprenda 3 testing window? • Answer: • No. All STAR tests are now given in the same 21-day window. 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 26
In Conclusion CMA resources http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/cmastar.asp Coming soon! District and Test Site Coordinator Manual Appendix A (CMA Participation Criteria) Coming soon! CMA Test Variations and Accommodations Matrix for the 2009 Administration STS resources http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/resources.asp 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 27
Next Webcast 2009 Pre-ID Webcast: December 17, 2008 2009 CMA and STS Q&A || Slide 28