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Explore differentiation strategies for district administrators, site administrators, teachers, and students. Learn how to provide effective instruction for all learners through a system-wide approach. Topics include educational psychology, brain research, motivation, best teaching practices, and more.
Differentiation: A Systems Discussion Sheri Barker Jean Castruita Sharon Colli Mary Contreras Myrtice Tyler
Reflect on the following quotes… “Ensuring achievement for all students means having an overarching strategy that encompasses the majority of learners--and then having specific strategies aimed at those who need extra support.” Failure Is Not An Option p. 110
“The challenge is getting all staff members to believe in the school’s ability to intervene positively in a student’s life and to act on this information in a sustained, concerted, systematic manner.” Failure Is Not An Option p. 99
Objective To provide a system wide dialogue that creates a common understanding of differentiation and explores how it encompasses district administrators, site administrators, teachers, and students.
Differentiation is a synthesis of what research has taught us about how students learn best, and how best to teach them. Curriculum & Instruction Educational Psychology Brain Research Motivation Best Teaching Practices from Special Ed., Reading, ELL, Gifted Ed., Reading, Cultural Studies… DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION
Response to Intervention / Instruction The purpose of implementing an RtI structure is to systematically improve instruction for ALL students. If we build this system, differentiated instruction will be a natural outcome…
RtI Core PrinciplesNational Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE), 2006 • We can effectively teach all children • Intervene early • Use a multi-tiered model of service delivery • Use researched-based, scientifically validated instruction and intervention • Monitor student progress to inform instruction • Use data to make decisions • Use assessments for three different purposes: (1) screening; (2) diagnostics; and (3) progress monitoring
Blankstein’s view on Rigor “It is imperative that a school’s entire staff hold high expectations for students.” “It is essential that the mission really means that all students-not some students-will learn.” Failure Is Not An Option p. 100
Common Characteristics of Rigor, Differentiation, and RtI • Student led work • Develop a systems approach • Culturally relevant and respectful tasks • Provocative Activities • Explicit Instruction • Analyze and synthesize information/HOTS • Schema Building • Creating accessible content through scaffolding • Empowerment/Shared Leadership • High Expectations for all • Cognitively challenging and engaging work/Depth and Breadth
Common Characteristics of Rigor, Differentiation, and RtI • Dynamic Inquiry • Progress monitoring against benchmarks • Effective, scientifically-based instruction • Identify problems and provide intervention and support • Focus on continuous improvement • Allocate resources to match student needs • Accessible data • Flexible structures for learning • Defined Processes and Routines • Concrete modeling
Consider the following quote… “ Good leaders, therefore, are called on to make organizational meaning out of apparent chaos.” Allan M. Blankstein Failure Is Not An Option p. 107