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Test Facilities for HEP and Photon Science at SLAC FACET ● NLCTA ● ASTA ● ESA ● ESB

Test Facilities for HEP and Photon Science at SLAC FACET ● NLCTA ● ASTA ● ESA ● ESB. Carsten Hast Test Facilities Department. ARD, December 2010. ASTA. FACET. ESB & NLCTA. ESA. Test Facilities Cast of Characters. ARD Test Facilities. Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department.

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Test Facilities for HEP and Photon Science at SLAC FACET ● NLCTA ● ASTA ● ESA ● ESB

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  1. Test Facilities for HEP and Photon Science at SLAC FACET ● NLCTA ● ASTA ●ESA ●ESB Carsten Hast Test Facilities Department ARD, December 2010 Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  2. ASTA FACET ESB & NLCTA ESA Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  3. Test Facilities Cast of Characters ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 3

  4. High Energy Physics Support Research for Linear Collider High and Ultra High Gradients Plasma Acceleration Direct Laser Acceleration Machine Detector Interface Studies Detector Development LC Detectors B-Factories others Photon Science Gun Development New Materials New Designs Different Frequencies Novel Seeding Techniques for FELs and other FEL Fundamentals Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation Emittance exchange THz Radiation Coherent Optical Transition Radiation etc. ARD Test Facilities’ Goals Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  5. Accelerator Structure Test Area (ASTA) Stephen will talk about that in a little while ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 5

  6. End Station Test Beam (ESTB) at ESA • World’s only high-energy primary electron beam for Test Beams • Kick 13.6 GeV LCLS beam to ESA 2 - 6 x 109 e-/pulse @ 5 Hz Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  7. Kicker Magnets and other Hardware • 4 new kicker magnets for BSY including power supplies and modulators and vacuum chambers are designed and components are being ordered • Build new PPS system and install new beam dump ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 7

  8. Beam ESA Experimental Area Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  9. ESA Infrastructure Available InstrumentationTrigger counters Halo veto counters High resolution beam hodoscope Particle ID (Cerenkov, TOF, shower counter) Small, high field solenoid sturdy support table with remote movers Cranes 15 and 50-ton cranes available Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  10. Wakefield box Wire Scanners “IP BPMs” T-488 RF BPMs Ceramic gap for EMI studies 18 feet T-487: long. bunch profile Dipoles + Wiggler BPM energy spectrometer (T-474/491) Synch Stripe energy spectrometer (T-475) Collimator design, wakefields (T-480) Bunch length diagnostics (T-487) Smith-Purcell Radiation IP BPMs—background studies (T-488) LCLS beam to ESA (T490) Linac BPM prototypes EMI (electro-magnetic interference) Irradiation Experiments ESA Primary Beam Equipment Layout Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  11. ESTB Detector Test Area Beam spot: s < 1mm Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  12. Enlisted Help! • Mauro joined the ESTB team and will lead the effort to make ESA “usable” again • Need to reinstall BPMs which are on loan to Berkley • Complete the beam line • Install a dump • Improve the experimental infrastructure • Clean Up!!!!!!!!!!! ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 12

  13. ESTB Status • New BSY kicker magnets, power supply and vacuum chambers • All items are in the design and purchasing stage (based on existing hardware) • Will be installed during the down March/April 2011 • New small beam dump for ESA • Design is clear • Radiation protection calculations are ongoing • Will be installed early 2011 • New Personnel Protection System (PPS) • Design has started and implementation plan is under development • Scheduled to be done by June 2011 • There will be a User Workshop at SLAC Thursday, March 17 2011 in conjunction with 2011 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas (ALCPG11), University of Oregon in Eugene, March 19-23, 2011 First beam summer 2011 Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  14. End Station B Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  15. 2-Pack Laser L-Band TTF Couplers Marx Modulator Plasma Switches E-163 DLA Big Pipe RF Testing Echo-7 XBTA S-Band Gun X-Band NLCTA ESB Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  16. Big Pipe(aka: C^2 pipe dreams) • Remember: Chris A. describing the Klystron Cluster Concept for ILC? Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  17. Big Pipe(on steroids…) B-Target Room ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 17

  18. End Station B Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  19. NLCTA Plans Improve NLCTA Control System, more uniform DAQ Better beam diagnostics Fix Phase jitter (between klystrons and lasers) Install another RegenAmplifier in laser room for more flexibility And many more Ongoing Program Echo Echo 7-15 Narrow-band beatwave THz emission Studies COTR properties and micro-bunching instabilities Continue E-163 Continue X-Band RF tests New Installations Upgrade spectrometer Install transverse cavities for increased slice energy spread Redo EEHG Emittance Exchange with transverse cavities New X-Band Test Area structure testing X-Band gun with100 MeV linac ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 19

  20. X-Band Test Area Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  21. Coherent Optical Transition Radiation Agostino Gerard Diktys ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 21

  22. Coherent Optical Transition Radiation Goal of the experiment: Reconstruct transverse distribution of micro-bunching in amplitude and phase Far Field only Far Field and Near Field simultaneously Phase can be found with a phase retrieval iterative algorithm We have invited Diktys to give a seminar about that next year ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 22

  23. Preliminary Results Decent signal from microbunching instability but few photons survive after bandpass filter Unexpected Interference pattern in the far field zone Pattern appears at two locations along NLCTA Etalon effect in the exit vacuum window? Near future plans: COTR imaging and ECHO experiments are compatible More data will be gathered during ECHO runs with motorized camera lenses ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 23

  24. FACET Update ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 24

  25. FACET User Area ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 25

  26. FACET User Trailer User trailer is in purchasing, had job walk this morning and are waiting for bids ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 26

  27. Sarec was a Vulcan astrophysicist and elder who served as the ambassador to Earth during the 2240s and 2250s. He was married to a Human woman, Amanda Grayson, and was the father of Spock and Sybok. SAREC Review Process SLAC Accelerator Research Experimental program Committee • evaluate the merit of proposed R&D in SLAC’s experimental accelerator research facilities for advancing world-class accelerator science or accelerator technology • evaluate the feasibility of proposed R&D in SLAC’s acc. res. facilities • review the progress of existing R&D in SLAC’s acc. res. facilities 1st Meeting: January 10th to 12th 2011 Members: Uwe Bergmann (SLAC), Gerry Dugan (Cornell), Eric Esarey (LBL), Jie Gao (IHEP), Kathy Harkay (ANL), Carsten Hast (SLAC, Scientific Secretary), Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL), Andrei Seryi (Chair, John Adams Institute) Vitaly Yakimenko (BNL), Kaoru Yokoya (KEK) Frank Zimmermann (CERN) Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

  28. FACET Proposals Review SAREC Agenda: Monday 10th Morning: Tour of FACET and ESB Afternoon: Welcome, ASTA,NLCTA and FACET status Tuesday 11th Presentation of FACET proposals Wednesday 12th (closed) Q/A for each proposal Discussion Briefing of ARD management ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 28

  29. FACET Proposals FACET Proposals: Ultrafast Processes in Magnetic Solids (Durr, SLAC) Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (Hogan, Joshi, Muggli, SOCAL) Opical Diffraction Radiation Beam-size Monitor (Lumpkin, FNAL) Metallic Structures Periodic Structures (Tantawi, SLAC) Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures (Rosenzweig, Travish, Hogan, Muggli, SOCAL) Bunch Time Profile Measurement using Smith-Purcell Radiation (Reichold, OXFORD) Measurements for the CLIC Study (Schulte, CERN) PASER (Schachter, TECHNION) HG Dielectric Wakefield Measurments (Kanareykin, EUCLID TECHLABS) THz Radiation (Frisch, SLAC) ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 29

  30. FACET Schedule Construction finished in May 2011 Linac down ends May 15th LCLS User run starts June 2nd Bring up Sectors 0 to 20 late May Start beam operation of S 0 to 20 and damping ring during June User Assisted Commissioning and Early Science July and August 2010 FACET project will install new chicane in S10 during September to November CD4 review in December 2011 First User Run mid January 2012 to end of March 2012 Preliminary ARD Test Facilities Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department 30

  31. Summary • We do a lot of stuff ASTA ESA ESB FACET User Area NLCTA • Plus a little bit of LCLS and ATF II • Want to help? • NLCTA upgrades and future run plans need a lot of ARD support Let’s talk how YOU can help!!!!!!!! Carsten Hast - ARD Test Facilities Department

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