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Photon Dosimetry concepts and Calculations. Chapter 21 W/L. Dose Calculation. The treatment planning team has to quantify the overall prescribed dose of radiation and determine how much dose will be delivered over the time frame outlined. There are many parameters of photon beam calculation.
Photon Dosimetry concepts and Calculations Chapter 21 W/L
Dose Calculation • The treatment planning team has to quantify the overall prescribed dose of radiation and determine how much dose will be delivered over the time frame outlined. • There are many parameters of photon beam calculation.
Monitor Units • Monitor Units (MU): a measure of output for linear accelerators. • The dose rate varies slightly from one moment to the next • Normally the dose rate for the linear accelerator is 1.0 cGy/MU for a 10 x 10 field size defined at the isocenter.
Radiation Therapy Prescription • Radiation Therapy Prescription: • Legal document defines the treatment volume • Intended tumor dose (TD) • Number of treatments • Dose per treatment • Frequency of treatment • States the type and energy of radiation • Beam-shaping devices such as wedges and compensators • Any other appropriate factors. • Clear, precise and complete
Isodose Plan • Isodose Plan: part of the prescription • May show field sizes • Machine angels • Doses • Beam weighting • Wedges compensators or blocks
Treatment Time • Treatment time: length of time a unit is physically left on to deliver a measured dose. • Factors considered: • Beam energy • Distance from the source of radiation • Field size
Dose • Dose (absorbed dose): measured at a specific point in a medium and refers to the energy deposited at that point. • Measured in gray (Gy), which is defined so that 1 Gy equals 1J/kg.
Depth • Depth: distance beneath the skin surface where the prescribed dose is to be delivered. • Opposed fields: patient’s midplane is used • Multiple field arrangements: isocenter used • Depth affects measurements of dose attenuation.
Separation • Separation: a measurement of the patients thickness from the point of beam entry to the point of beam exit. • Normally measured along the beams central axis. • Calipers • ODI readings
Source Distance • Source to Skin Distance (SSD): the distance from the source or target of the treatment machine to the surface of the patient. • Source-axis Distance: the distance from the source of photons to the isocenter.
Setup • SSD: Isocenter established at the patients skin surface • When the gantry rotates around the patient, the SSD will continually change. • Dose calculations often at DMAX. (Given dose) • SAD: Isocenter established within the patient • The SAD and the isocenter are at a fixed distance and therefore do not change.
Isocenter • Isocenter: the intersection of the axis of rotation of the gantry and the axis of rotation of the collimator for the treatment unit. • Cobalt 60: SAD of 80 cm • Linear Accelerators: SAD of 100 cm
Field Size • Field Size: the physical size set on the collimator of the therapy unit that determines the size of the treatment field at a reference distance (defined at the machine’s isocenter) • SAD: the field size set inside the patient (size measured on patients skin will be smaller) • SSD: field size set on the collimator will be the same measured at the patients skin
Scatter • Backscatter: radiation that is deflected back toward the patient • Most of the absorbed dose received by the patient results from the collisions of the scattered electrons produced when the primary photon interacts with the collimator.
DMAX • DMAX: the depth at which electronic equilibrium occurs for photon beams; the point where dose reaches its maximum value. • Mainly depends on the energy of the beam • The depth of maximum ionization increases as the energy of the beam increases. • Factors such as field size and distance may also influence the depth
DMAX • DMAX dose occurs at the same depth for a given energy regardless of field size or distance from the source. • The actual reading differs for different field sizes.
Output • Output: the dose rate of the machine, the amount of radiation exposure produced by a treatment machine or source as specified at a reference field size and at a specified reference distance. • Changing the field size, distance, or attenuating medium will change the dose rate. • Increases with field size: primary component the same, increased scatter adds to the output • If the distance increases, dose rate decreases due to ISL
Cobalt-60 Output • Dose rate for Co-60 machine in cGy/min • Dose rate due to the radioactive decay of the isotope Co-60 • Can be assumed constant over short periods of time • The Time that a machine is left On is adjusted by 1% increase every month TO2 = TO1 x 1.01
Linac Output • Dose rate for Linac in cGy/MU • Dose rate varies from one moment to the next • Ionization chamber shuts down machine after predetermined dose has been given
Output Factor • Output Factor: the ratio of the dose rate of a given field size to the dose rate of the reference field size • Allows for the change in scatter as the collimator setting changes • Relates the dose rate of a given collimator setting to the dose rate of the reference field size
Dose Rate • Commonly measured at the isocenter of the treatment machine. • The dose rate of the beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance • Dose rate(Given f.s.) = Dose rate(Reference f.s.) x Output factor(Given f.s.) • Dose Rate: • Output (of machine) • Output factor (C.S. field size) • Scatter Ratio BSF or PSF (EFS/CS) • PDD(EFS)/100 • Tray factor • Inverse square correction
Equivalent Squares • Equivalent Squares: rectangular field size that demonstrate the same measurable scattering and attenuation characteristics of a square field size. • Used to find the output, output factor, and tissue absorption factors. • 4 (A/P)
Effective Field Size • Effective Field Size (EFS): the equivalent rectangular field dimension of the open or treated area within the collimator field dimensions when blocks are used to customize the shape of the treatment area. • The EFS equivalent square is normally used to determine the tissue absorption factors.
Tissue Absorption Factors • Tissue absorption factors: different methods for measuring the attenuation of the beam as it travels through matter. • Percent Depth Dose (PDD): • works best with SSD setups • Tissue Air Ratio (TAR) • Tissue Phantom Ratio (TPR) • Tissue Maximum Ratio (TMR)
Percent Depth Dose (PDD) • Percent Depth Dose (PDD): the ratio expressed as a percentage, of the absorbed dose at a given depth to the absorbed dose at a fixed reference depth usually DMAX. • Calculated from two measurements at two different points in space. • Requires SSD be constant. • Written as PDD(d,s,SSD)= • Dependant on: • ↑ Energy- more penetrating- ↑ PDD • ↑ Depth- ↓ PDD due to attenuation through matter • ↑ Field size- more scatter- ↑ PDD • ↑ SSD- ↑ PDD- ISL
Percent Depth Dose (PDD) PDD = Dose @ d . Dose @ Dmax
Tissue Air Ratio (TAR) • Tissue Air Ratio (TAR): the ratio of the absorbed dose at a given depth in tissue to the absorbed dose at the same point in air. • Dependant of: • ↑Energy- ↑TAR • ↑Field size- ↑ TAR • ↑Depth- ↓ TAR • Independent of SSD
Tissue Air Ratio (TAR) • Calculated using two measurements at the same point in space • When the depth in tissue corresponds to the level of DMAX, the TAR is known as the backscatter factor. • Build-up cap: device made of acrylic or other phantom material that is placed over an ionization chamber to produce conditions of electronic equilibrium.
Tissue Air Ratio (TAR) TAR = Dose in tissue Dose in Air *Normally used to perform calcs for SAD treatments of low energy machines. *There is no patient backscatter in the “in Air” measurements.
Backscatter Factor (BSF) • When blocks are used. • Backscatter Factor (BSF): the ratio of the dose rate with a scattering medium to the dose rate at the same point without a scattering medium at the level of maximum equilibrium. (TAR at the level of DMAX) • PSF for megavoltage units.
Backscatter Factor (BSF) The % change in dose due to a change in field size. Readings are made at Dmax and compared to the dose in air. ↑FS ↑Backscatter ↑BSF
Dose to a Point • The dose to any point in a medium is made up of two parts: • Primary radiation: the photons that originate in, and fan out from the source. • Scatter radiation: other parts in the medium interact with the primary photons.
Scatter Air Ratio (SAR) • Scatter Air Ratio (SAR): the difference between the TAR for a field of definite area and that for a zero area. • The primary part of the total absorbed dose is represented by the zero area TAR. • A measure of the contribution from scattered radiation.
Tissue Phantom Ratio (TPR) • Tissue Phantom Ratio (TPR): the absorbed dose at a given depth in phantom to the absorbed dose at the same point at a reference depth in phantom. • The deeper the reference depth the greater the TPR.
Tissue Maximum Ratio (TMR) *Tissue Maximum Ratio (TMR): TPR at DMAX *TAR = TMR x BSF
Transmission Factors • Transmission Factors: the ratio of the radiation dose with the device to the radiation dose without the device and accounts for the material in the beams path. • Tray transmission factor • Wedge factor • Compensator factor
Other Factors • Tray transmission factor: defines how much of the radiation is transmitted through a block tray. • Tray factors vary with beam energy- as energy increases, the effect of the material in the beams path is lessened because of the greater penetrating power of the higher energy. • Wedge: attenuates the radiation beam progressively across a field
Given Dose • Given dose: the dose at DMAX • AKA: applied dose, entrance dose, peak absorbed dose, or DMAX dose • Point where PDD is 100% Given dose = TD/ PDD x 100 TD: tumor dose, dose at depth • Direct relationship: DoseA/PDDA = DoseB/PDDB
Exit Dose • Exit dose: the dose absorbed by a point that is located at the depth of DMAX at the exit of the beam.
Calculations • Field size variations, energy changes, and modifiers in the beam’s path can alter the amount of radiation received by the patient. Time setting = Dose at a point/Dose rate at that point • Dose at a point: the prescribed dose as determined by the doctor • Dose rate at that point: represents the dose rate of the treatment unit at the point of calculation
Calculations • When calculating dose to a given depth, all other points in the radiation field will be exposed to radiation for the same amount of time. • The dose to these points is dependant on their depth.
SSD Calculations • Output or dose rate of the machine should be expressed at the depth of DMAX • Field size: defined at the skin surface • Dose rate: measured in tissue at the depth of DMAX • Find equivalent square of the collimator setting (used for output factor) • Find equivalent square of the EFS (used for PDD) • Determine the PDD • Determine prescribed dose • Determine the treatment unit setting
Extended Distance • Extended Distance: patient is set up at a distance beyond the isocenter or reference distance. • PDD is used because its nonisocentric • When MUs are calculated for setup at distances greater than the standard, ISL is used to account for the decrease in dose rates beyond the isocenter.
Inverse Square Law • Inverse Square Law: describes the change in beam intensity caused by the divergence of the beam. I1 / I2 = D22 / D12 I1 =original dose rate I2 = new dose rate D22 = original distance D12 = new distance
Mayneord’s Factor • Mayneord’s Factor: a special application of the inverse square law. • Does not account for changes in scatter because of a change in beam divergence. New PDD = PDD x (SSD1 + d / SSD1 + DMAX)2 x (SSD2 + DMAX / SSD1 + d)2 • Inverse Square Factor: = (Reference source calibration distance Treatment SSD + DMAX)2 • SSD: reference point typically at DMAX • SAD: reference point at isocenter
TMR/TPR SAD • COF(C.S.) (collimator output factor): used to determine scatter, measured in air, from the collimators • The increase in the collimator opening, the more collimator surface area the photons will have to interact with. • PSF(EFS) (phantom scatter factor): used to determine scatter from the patient.